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Graterras, A World in Peril. [OOC/Sign-Ups]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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Na, aren't any dragons in the area. They tend to stay far away from the Shadowed Isles. The Shadow Dragons in my world are actually much more powerful (but no their breathe weapon is not that stupid life stealing thing.....that is ridiculous.). Why they are, can't tell you quite yet, But most Dragons are of the mind of why bother putting up with them when they can take more normal lands for their own.

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Ahh, okie-dokes then.

Also for the questions.

>I want to live in Graterras. Kinda. XD for me it's like wanting to live in the Harry Potter world or something, I dunno, this huge world-- which, surely, will open up as the story progresses, I'm sure-- is just awesome that way, for me, at least.

>Sensei's writing style is pretty interesting lol, just some grammatical and spelling-related errors but I don't really care too much. One of my professors like to go with the saying "essence over form", which is a pretty decent concept to me('cept when writing things like essays; those require format). You put a lot to provide meat and substance to the character, yet just enough that we don't see everything at once or learn everything about that character. I hope to learn how to do that too, one day.

>They're all really interesting characters, and I can't quite choose one(though, biased towards saying Juniper[does Odin count as an NPC?] and Steele cause dragon that's wae.)

>None here actually, for now. Maybe Hawke, a little? Then again I don't quite know much about him to have a decent enough basis other than being a faux knight in shining armor.

>Improvement? There's always room for improvement, though, I suppose with yeah just grammar stuffs but otherwise--

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Aye thank you Miss Zephyr, oh and Grammer and spelling have never been my strong suits lol. Spelling more so, because I can't help but try and spell Phonetically, trust me, without Spell check here It would be so much worse lol. Grammer I think I just don't care enough to be 100% exact, if you get what I am saying that is all that really matters imo. Also, I am debating sending Hawke with the party actually, he is a very naive man (if that wasn't clear) and has room to grow. I just don't want to add another combat based NPC. After Brass and Orpheaus spilt from you guys I am going to try and limit combat NPCs to Odin and Jupiter. (And Odin is technically an NPC, but he is the closet thing to my PC during this story.)

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Aye thank you Miss Zephyr, oh and Grammer and spelling have never been my strong suits lol. Spelling more so, because I can't help but try and spell Phonetically, trust me, without Spell check here It would be so much worse lol. Grammer I think I just don't care enough to be 100% exact, if you get what I am saying that is all that really matters imo. Also, I am debating sending Hawke with the party actually, he is a very naive man (if that wasn't clear) and has room to grow. I just don't want to add another combat based NPC. After Brass and Orpheaus spilt from you guys I am going to try and limit combat NPCs to Odin and Jupiter. (And Odin is technically an NPC, but he is the closet thing to my PC during this story.)

Ah. So Jupiter will be joining us. I was expecting some sort of tragic death scene in this battle, causing her to be unable to join the group and be Helzebeth's sister of sorts. Oh well. I suppose not everything has to be tragic.

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@Hukuna, I'd like to join this RP. Would it be OK for me to do so once Chapter Two finishes? I want to know before making my Signup Post. If not, then that's OK.

Also, on a completely unrelated note, I think that the final Major Deity is the Deity of Balance. That's just speculation on my part, though. You DID say that there are Nine Major Gods/Goddesses, and you've only listed Eight of them, after all...

However, I was planning on having my Character be either a Templar of Wind or a Priest of one of the minor Deities.

(If it's the Priest, I've got a Name and Occupation for one of the Deities ready if you don't.)

Edited by K_H
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I guess it is obvious the last god is a god of Balance, However, I cannot talk about him at all at this time. Just no there is a reason you can't be a priest of his, that is all I am saying right now.

You can join but I need to see the character and try and work with you to fit it into the world, especially if it is a priest of a Minorish God, since I assume you mean one that doesn't exist yet, rather than the Major Gods Pantheons. (considering 2 of them aren't available for players.), I would have to approve it/tell you if it exists in my world or not.

and just something fun. There used to be 10 Gods in the main pantheon, but something happened. I wonder what it was?

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Actually I did notice lol, in the same way she does relate and feel the same way, because, well, Daddy Wasn't There(points for anyone who gets the reference). For the moment though, she's still fascinated with finding a sister and it hasn't hit her that she has both a sister AND father figure in her life just yet, probably since she's focused with the training.

now all we need is a mommy and a brother

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Hukuna, I'll be gone until Saturday this week, so if someone could move Nero along until then, it would be greatly appreciated. It's unfortunate that I will probably miss most if not all of the battle, depending on how fast things move, but I'll manage. Thanks, and sorry for any inconveniences this might cause.

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Alright Fluxy, I got you covered, I will just skip Odin and co into town. Guys you got a bit of time to do some character stuff. By this Monday (the 23rd), get all that stuff out of the way, then I will gather all the PCs and the battle will begin. I wish you all luck that your characters will be fine lol. (Basically, if you don't be stupidly reckless you will be fine.)

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