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Graterras, A World in Peril. [OOC/Sign-Ups]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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I wasn't sure if Hunter, being a wolf even as a ranger's companion, would know their names(though I guess I should've OOC noted it orz)so *derp*

When I posted, Hunter supposedly grabbed Akuma, Orphaeus and Odin, then ran off to catch up to the others. But uh, since what's done is done, I can just edit my post to say that he only grabbed Akuma so that it doesn't change too much of what happened lol

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Good point, good point orz ah, I guess I should be a bit more detailed with sizes and what not. For the record though he's big enough to carry at most two people given that they're not clad in full armor, and so I guess just one if he's in full armor. Regarding height, his head comes up to Helze's chest(who's about 5'2)and has a nice biiiiiig and fluffy tail

Urf, sorry for the confusion *apologetic bow* hopefully, these additional details are legit enough. If not I'll try to come up with either reasonable ideas to back them up or better and more realistic measurements.

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A dire wolf could most likely carry 1 full sized Adult with their equipment and go Top Speed. 2 Lightly geared Full Adults at max. anything more it wouldn't be able to run. Wolves aren't exactly built for carrying people, or anything for that matter, like Horses were bred for, so it isn't like they are adept at it in any means. (I say Dire Wolf, because that is what he would have to be from where your character is.)

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Yea, they typically have Fur Marking, but it is totally random, he could just be special in that way. In that he looks like a normal wolf, just much bigger. Might actually lead to the other wolves of his pack not accepting him, and possibly why he ended up with Helze in the first place.

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Yeah, Helze's dad did find him wounded and brought him home for treatment, as well as to teach her about animals. He was Dragoth's companion first, then became Helzebeth's, which is why sometimes in her POV, she describes Hunter to be "all that she has left of her father". So that does all tie pretty well XD

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This would probably be the theme for Graterras. Yea it is a bit high strung but that is what I love about it. Grateras is a high tesion RP, where in any fight you could just be outmatched by the fores of Evil. (and I imagine if thiswas an anime this would be the opening theme for at least Season 1 lol.), it isn't the words of this song so much that I picked, but because of the way it sounds and feels.

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This would probably be the theme for Graterras. Yea it is a bit high strung but that is what I love about it. Grateras is a high tesion RP, where in any fight you could just be outmatched by the fores of Evil. (and I imagine if thiswas an anime this would be the opening theme for at least Season 1 lol.), it isn't the words of this song so much that I picked, but because of the way it sounds and feels.

hukuna-senpai is using my favorite band! uguu~

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It just fit to me lol, also really loving Dark Moor's stuff. THen again I am a big fan of Power Metal and similar stuff, just like me some good GUitar riffs and the strong percussion in this type of music. Also an aside to Flux, the decision is up to you to accept the Death Knight's Challenge or not. However, do know this. He would be a challenge for your entire group, let alone by yourself. Your choice will probably change the flow of events in some way. Why am I putting this choice on you one might ask....But i am doing it because I want to see what kind of person Nero is. I want you to show me (and yourself. more importantly.) what he would do with this choice. It will be interesting no matter what you choose however.

(p.s. it is never good when a Host says the word Interesting.......period.)

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And for anybody who is thinking of joining Graterras, please PM me your character's profiles while chapter 2 is winding down. For Graterras I like to review the PCs so that I can fit them into the storyline in a natural way instead of just having them appear. Basically, there is a window where I am allowing them for right now, since I need to work with you to get them into the story it takes a bit longer than other RPs.

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Character Name: Oarloff
Race: Half-Ogre
Class: Bard
Appearance and Age: Oarloaff is a giant half-ogre, who appears to be around middle-aged for his species. He stands roughly 8'6", has a HUGE belly, and is often dirty and unruly. He never really wears clothes instead wearing tattered rags that just cover the essentials. Despite all of this Oarloff doesn't really look intimidating instead giving off the persona of a huge goofy teddy bear.
Personality Overview: Oarloff is commonly known in his village as the biggest idiot in town. Despite being a giant he is a coward and will often try to avoid a fight at all costs. If he were forced into a fight he'd likely use a giant club, just because a weapon like that would require no skills and allow him to easily smash his enemies. His voice is dumb and goofy, however it is enjoyable to be around and always provides a good laugh. Oarloff is also a klutz and often messes up on even the most simple chores. A simpleton at heart Oarloff loves animals and tries to keep as man pets as he can find, caring for them as if they were his on children. If
Backstory: Oarloff has been a slave for as long as he can remember. He was found as an infant abandoned outside of his village and was picked up by a villager who decided to take him in. His slavery isn't on horrible terms, his master and the rest of the town for that matter love him, despite his inability to perform manual labor. The reason for the love affair is because of Oarloff's natural ability to create beautiful music from the harp. Often Oarloff is found at an inn or tavern after night, playing and singing (usually a comedic tune in a monotone, yet funny voice) happily for the patrons.

((You know the rest of the backstory Hukuna-senseii. If you need me to resend you it though, just ask.))

Edited by Supernovae
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