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Graterras, A World in Peril. [OOC/Sign-Ups]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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It just fit to me lol, also really loving Dark Moor's stuff. THen again I am a big fan of Power Metal and similar stuff, just like me some good GUitar riffs and the strong percussion in this type of music. Also an aside to Flux, the decision is up to you to accept the Death Knight's Challenge or not. However, do know this. He would be a challenge for your entire group, let alone by yourself. Your choice will probably change the flow of events in some way. Why am I putting this choice on you one might ask....But i am doing it because I want to see what kind of person Nero is. I want you to show me (and yourself. more importantly.) what he would do with this choice. It will be interesting no matter what you choose however.

(p.s. it is never good when a Host says the word Interesting.......period.)

Dat pressure tho...

Well, I guess we'll just have to see what Nero will do, won't we...?

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I like to create pressure on certain PCs. Why? Because I want to see what they do. Nero has a personality I especially like to poke at. I like to see just how cold and calculating they really are, if they truly are what they project. And it isn't that I hate it, it is just something that becomes very interesting when they are pressed in such a way. I had set this up back at the bridge over the Mouth of the Abyss. I had already planned to make this little encouter, sine I wanted to see just who Nero was, if he really was such a doom and gloom guy.

I did I similar thing with Sigurd as well, once I saw he really disliked Orpheaus. I pushed at him to see what he would do. I figure every character will have such moments as this goes along, because they help me understand your characters and who they are. It lets me know just how true what they show to the world really is. (like with Dru, I wanted to see how he reacted to another Earth User, back at the abyss. Him and Brass didn't see eye to eye before, but once they figured out what the other was about, they became pretty close. This are the types of interactions I like to see. It helps me and the player themselves to find what their character values are, and what they respect most in life.)

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Ah, I see... that's actually a really good way to go about things. So... in your opinion, what is Nero really like? It'd be interesting to hear your thoughts on him as host.

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I am still figuring out, but I feel like even though he is somewhat of a Cold individual, I think it is partiality a facade. I think he does care about some in the group. (quite possibly only Odin.). But, I can definitely tell he has respect for at least Odin and Steele. That is all I really got right now. (also will be writing up something for the IC soonish.). I Definitely feel like he is discovering who he himself actually is though, I get the feeling that he seems to be lost and how this feelings are erupting from him only now (like in your latest post.), that he is finding out what he was truly put on Graterras to do.

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Oh yea and Super, could you send me that full background again? 1. It is good for me to ahve it on hand and 2. I actually want to run a theme by you for one of the NPCs in the background. Since you sorta helped me create them, I wanted to let you have a little feedback in the theme for the NPC.

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Nero Spellblade, the illusionist, she remembered. Taking down a powerful foe... Now that was a feat she wanted to pull off. Her fist clenched around the riser of her bow, remembering how that bastard monster slew her back in Brinestar. But, this was the spellcaster's battle, and she knew that she was needed back at the wall even more now that Brass had gone on ahead. "Hope you guys left me some Undead to punish," she said to Jupiter.

Just a bit confused by this part. Did you mean that like his last name? If so, it should be Darkwinter, not Spellblade... Otherwise I'm not really sure what you meant. It's not really a big deal, just something I noticed.

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Yea, if you meant Spellblade as his last name that isn't his last name. The Death Knight even if he heard his name doesn't care about it so he would use it for somebody he sees as beneath him. He is referring to Nero as Spellblade because it is basically what he is. He is a Sorcerer who was trained to use a Sword. There for he is a Spellblade. It isn't an official class, but it is what they would be referred to just as a general thing.

so TL;DR The Death Knight will never properly address someone by their name, since he perceives you as lower than him.

((oh, hey look, a TL;DR by Hukuna that is actually shorter than the original post....))

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Dru can, the battle is starting to die down quite a bit. The rocks from the explosion did more damage to the Evil army since they were much bigger. Jupiter can effectively run the walls herself at this point, she is capable enough to do so.

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Just so you guys know, no discussing G:DD here please, it will have it's own OOC.

Now that that is out of the way, we just want to skip up to the Groove? If so, Flux it is basically up to you to start the encounter once I set up the scene. This will be the boss fight for this Chapter, so exercise caution or your character will definitely die. The Death Knight is no joke, and won't have any mercy to spare. There won't be any one shot kills, but if you aren't careful he can definitely take you out pretty quick. So steel thyselves, you are in for a challenge.

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Akuma is a berserker so that answers the reckless part(not the suicidal type i hope). He can't tolerate seeing Nero in pain while Brass is frozen in fear to give out the signal to help him, he has to do something.

So can i get out of these Tendrils? or am i dead?

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You can, just going to be hard. Hold off on posting for a bit though, I kinda want Flux to react to the Death Knight one more time at least before anybody else posts. (since we kinda need to know what happens after he used the harming spell on Nero. Since Nero's sword is still stuck in the Death Knight as well.)

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I would say yes, since it is a bit too much like the Berserker's trance. (kinda), but is more like what is called the Inflamio Cortadum. (In-Flam-io Core-ta-dum) which is especially that, but a high level Cinder Knight technique. ((You will have an opportunity to learn it, but later on, as will Marcus. Every Templar has a power in similar power level to this and I think I outlined them in the OP.))

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Also as an aside, and if it wasn't obvouis, you guys may remember I mentioned Orpheaus defeated a Dragon, the townsfolk say he slew the beast, however he says he defeated it. Why this distinction? Well, you don't need to kill something to "defeat" it. Steele was the Dragon in question. Orpheaus quelled his rage, but that is a story for another time. (Orpheaus may tell it too you after the battle, once he realizes Steele may be dead.)

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