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Graterras, A World in Peril. [OOC/Sign-Ups]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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I think it would, The Shattered Hills are parallel in relation to the Shadowed Isles. (basically if you go due West trough the Ocean you would arrive there.). Therefore they are in the same type of Climate Zone. However, as it is a highly mountaouiis area it actually would receive very little rainfall etc, as most of the places they live are in the valleys and most of it would get dumped onto the Mountain tops. Therefore, it is completely reasonable Helze hasn't seen snow, as it would be very rare in teh valley due to the way strom fronts etc....go through The Shattered Hills. (as in they have a WInd that comes in from the South, SO most of the Rainfall that does occur would land on the Southern part and in the Mountains were nothing could live, were as the Forest of Knives is further North where it would be exceedingly rare.)

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Yea, it would still get cold enough for Snow to fall, or sometimes even colder in the valleys.

Also, now that Chapter 3 has started up, I wanted to ask some of the Questions again, and probably will at the end of every chapter, though I may add or remove a few.

Which of the island Nations in Graterras would you most like to visit in-game? *The Shadowed Isles is where you are now. (The ones you haven't been to are Arbouretium, Solarium, The Shattered Hills, Shifting Sands, The Crystal Archipelago, The Land of Death, Aurora, and Pandora.)

Which Nation would you like to most visit yourself if you were in the world of Graterras?

Has you favourite NPC changed, if so who is it now?(still name them and describe why in a little blurb even if it didn't change, because your reason may have changed.)

Has your least favourite NPC changed, if so who is it now?

What do you think the significance is of the name of Chapter 3?

Which PC do you think your PC gets along with best? Why do you think this is?

Which PC does your character get along with the least? Why do you think this is? (keep it civil folks.)

Chapter 3 is going to be more of a Character development sort of Chapter, do you like these pauses in the action?

Who or what do you think Bjorn's friend in Nevermore could be?

Is there anything you think I can improve upon?

And that is all for now, I hope you answer some of them. There are definitely more fun ones in here just to see if I have been dropping vague enough hints etc.....The PC related ones are just to get a bit more insight into your PCs, and as it says PC it can't be answered with Odin or any other NPC, so it maybe a tad hard for some of you guys. (because at the end of the day Odin is an NPC even if he serves as more or less my avatar in the campaign currently.)

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Which of the island Nations in Graterras would you most like to visit in-game? *The Shadowed Isles is where you are now. (The ones you haven't been to are Arbouretium, Solarium, The Shattered Hills, Shifting Sands, The Crystal Archipelago, The Land of Death, Aurora, and Pandora.) From Sigurd’s point of view Aurora would be really interesting. Based on what would happen it might show a whole other side of him. Either that or Shifting Sands / Crystal Archipelago. I feel like those two Nations are furthest from what Sigurd is used to. Shifting Sands more based on climate while Crystal Archipelago is all about knowledge if I recall correctly. So if we go there you’ll probably see an even more blunt side from Sigurd. (And his idiotic nature will show)

Which Nation would you like to most visit yourself if you were in the world of Graterras? Mhm probably Nevermore. I don’t have a specific reason, just curiosity I guess.

Has your favourite NPC changed, if so who is it now?(still name them and describe why in a little blurb even if it didn't change, because your reason may have changed.) My previous favorite was Chauff. I really enjoy his point of view, but since we haven’t seen much of him lately, I vote for the Crimson King. I find him hilarious and really enjoy the interaction he has going with Sigurd, even though that might cause some problems in the group.

Has your least favourite NPC changed, if so who is it now? My least favorite one was Orpheaus, but now he’s gone I don’t really have one. To be honest I’m quite surprised he left so suddenly. I expect we might run into him again.
As to answer your question: I don’t really have a least favorite one right now. I feel like I’m still getting to know some characters like Bjorn and Jupiter. I also think if Sigurd got to know Jupiter, he would respect her.

What do you think the significance is of the name of Chapter 3? Bjorn’s friend might reveal something about the Gentleman, maybe a way to kill him which will be the reason for visiting other regions; or his real identity. But that might be a bit too much positive thinking from my side xD

Which PC do you think your PC gets along with best? Why do you think this is? This is a difficult one. Right now my PC is annoying everyone, but from previous actions he might get along with Marcus. (But we haven’t seen his reaction yet). Akuma is pretty straight forward and Sigurd respects that so that’s also an option, I guess.

Which PC does your character get along with the least? Why do you think this is? (keep it civil folks.) Xavier and Nero because of the way they see things and their personality. Nero is pretty dark with the way he thinks and really cautious. Sigurd obviously is not and has already made him angry once. Xavier is a tough one. His reckless side aside, sometimes I see him as the wise person in the group. And because of certain recent actions, I don’t see them seeing eye to eye soon.

Chapter 3 is going to be more of a Character development sort of Chapter, do you like these pauses in the action? Yes, it’s a nice change. I suspect we’re going to get more than enough action in this RP, so getting to know some characters is a great idea. There are some (NPC’s and PC’s) I don’t know that much about and I like to get to know them better.

Who or what do you think Bjorn's friend in Nevermore could be? If it’s a trap: the Gentleman and he’ll kill us all.
No really, I don’t know. Even if hints were given I try not to think about it as I prefer surprises in RP’s. It might be someone who used to know the Gentleman or has some sort of history with him. I don't think it has anything to do with the Crimson King though.

Is there anything you think I can improve upon? Maybe a small detail: if you change between your characters in the same post, can you put more space between them or mention their names or something? It just reads easier.

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I will probably start headering sections like when the groups where broken up in Chapter 2, that way it is a bit more clear when a convo is changing.

Oh and you may run into Orpheaus again, it just depends on what happens, he is on his own agenda at the moment and it is an arc of the story that takes place at the same time as the "They came from the Shadowed Isles" arc. (a.k.a, the arc you guys are playing.), it is more in depth with the Victonari and the reclaiming of their Homeland on Pandora.

And yea, I imagine Sigurd would stick out like a sore thumb in the Crystal Archipelago as it is the place of highest magic and learning, especially right now in Graterras's timeline as they are in the middle of what they call a Crystal Age, or a Renaissance of sorts. (It is like a Golden age, but more so about a Wealth of knowledge rather than actual wealth and prospering.). Hell, even normal people there no basic non-combat magic, like Maids can bewitch cleaning supplies to clean for them, cooks can use it to help them cook faster by doing more at once etc...basically even the mundune citizens can use a little bit of magic to help assist their daily tasks. Seeker and his Knights don't play much of a role in it though, and it why I kinda want to get you guys to meet a Scholar Knight as they are strange entities. They are very much about collecting knowledge and hording it, more so than sharing it with the world. (they are sorta like the Steel Brotherhood in the Fallout universe in some ways.). Seeker isn't an evil god, but sometimes he is more cruel an unfeeling about the world of Graterras than even they are. He just hungers for knowledge and to learn everything and cares not for the Humans he helped to create or the other races other than the Dreaded Mind Flayers. Mind Flayers, or Illithids are his dark creations and they used to hunger almost as deeply for knowledge as he. However, they have started to break away from just being a knowledge hungry Hive-mind and more towards something that can help society. They are still very feared outside of the Crystal Archipelago though. (They are somewhat like Lovecraftian horrors, most similar to Cthulhu in appearance, having Squid like heads and reptilian bodies of sorts. Some are still just as mad and knowledge hungry, but others have quelled that desire to hunt knowledge above all else.)

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Which of the island Nations in Graterras would you most like to visit in-game?

I'm pretty curious about the Shifting Sands, as it might be interesting to play Marcus in his homeland. Also, I like the mix of tech and magic in fantasy stories, so I think it will be very nice.

Which Nation would you like to most visit yourself if you were in the world of Graterras?

All, I guess XD. I love travelling and all of them look amazing and unique. If I were to choose one, probably Aurora or the Crystal Archipelago, due to their relation with wind and water.

Has you favourite NPC changed, if so who is it now?

Nope, still Odin with Bjorn and Chauff in close second.

Has your least favourite NPC changed, if so who is it now?

For now it's the Gentleman, mostly because we didn't see much of him yet.

What do you think the significance is of the name of Chapter 3?

Humn, maybe you are preparing to reveal us why the bad guys are bad?

Which PC do you think your PC gets along with best? Why do you think this is?

I think Akuma, Xavier and Sigurd are the greatest candidates, because they seem to think more or less alike with Marcus. I'm specially looking forward to more interaction with Sigurd, since I feel a beginning of rivalry between them, and Marcus is one that would love to have a skilled rival.

Which PC does your character get along with the least? Why do you think this is? (keep it civil folks.)

For the time being, I think it's Nero. Marcus's knight ideals don't match much with ilusion and sneak tactics, and that could be a stress point between them

Chapter 3 is going to be more of a Character development sort of Chapter, do you like these pauses in the action?

I think it will be a nice change of pace. Though Marcus is quite an action addict, I feel he needs to talk more with the others.

Who or what do you think Bjorn's friend in Nevermore could be?

No idea, but I hope he's got some explanations to us. XD

Is there anything you think I can improve upon?

Man, just keep it going like it is. The story is great, the pace feels good, and the place and character you've made are impressively detailed. I'm liking it a lot! :lol:

Edit: oops, just noticed it, fixed. though Arboretium does look good too.

Edited by Notus
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Aurora is the Land of Wind, where Sigurd comes from. Arbouretium is where Bartimis, the God of Life, is said to have sprung forth from, and in turn is the Land of Life. (it is a heavily forested Island, and is home to the World Tree, the place it is said Bartimis himself came from. it is said he was born of the Oak there, and managed to free himself from the tree.)

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Oh and when reading the stuff the Crimson King says, think of him as a Thespian, a Shakespearean Actor if you will. He has a bit of a knack for being over-dramatic.

Also another theme for you guys. This is for the Elemental Gods, Pyron, Seeker, Techtanitus and Aelia.

The Elementals Theme.

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And that is all for now, I hope you answer some of them. There are definitely more fun ones in here just to see if I have been dropping vague enough hints etc.....The PC related ones are just to get a bit more insight into your PCs, and as it says PC it can't be answered with Odin or any other NPC, so it maybe a tad hard for some of you guys. (because at the end of the day Odin is an NPC even if he serves as more or less my avatar in the campaign currently.)

So if Helze is my avatar... *le gasp*

*looks up at you expectantly* Sensei daddy? /shot

Moving on lol.

Which of the island Nations in Graterras would you most like to visit in-game? *The Shadowed Isles is where you are now. (The ones you haven't been to are Arbouretium, Solarium, The Shattered Hills, Shifting Sands, The Crystal Archipelago, The Land of Death, Aurora, and Pandora.)

I'm curious about the ones that weren't described on the first post of this OOC thread(there's gotta be a name for those posts btw... Primers? Headers? Starters? O.o), so I guess out of the choices(putting aside my bias for The Shattered Hills because Helze)that'd mean Arbouretium, Solarium, The Land of Death, and Pandora. Of course I'm excited about exploring the whole world of Graterras, so I'm still very much curious about all the island nations, naturally.

Which Nation would you like to most visit yourself if you were in the world of Graterras?

Shadowed Isles cause Edgar Allan Poe and ravens Kinda hard to decide, I wanna visit them all. They all seem to have their own special traits after all, and their names pique my interest and evoke images in my mind cause I try to guess what they're like. XD

Has you favourite NPC changed, if so who is it now?(still name them and describe why in a little blurb even if it didn't change, because your reason may have changed.)

Technically being Helze in-game I'd say Odin and Jupiter, but the reasons would be too evident(and I'm not allowed to answer Odin anyway T-T also for Jupiter it's not just her being Helze's sister, but I like her personality and rebelliousness. She reminds me of a cat. I like cats. so much insight). I'm going with the Crimson King now, this guy is actually pretty funny. A bad guy who claims to not be as bad as he seems? It still sounds like a trap, but his personality is hilarious, so, what the hell lol.

Has your least favourite NPC changed, if so who is it now?

I guess now that I know a bit more about Hawke, I don't hate him as much(well, he still is a chauvinistic pig, but at least his intentions are noble in a way).

Well, now I'm out of people to least like or hate ._. I feel pretty neutral towards most of the NPCs now actually, in terms of like-dislike.

What do you think the significance is of the name of Chapter 3?

Time to put my skills learned from English and Literature classes to use. It's just a guess but we, the players and the readers alike, are about to learn more about the sinister force threatening Graterras. that's so insightful, Zeph. Or we could be learning about the God of Darkness soon... maybe I'll get back to this, my head's hurting all of a sudden. @_@

Which PC do you think your PC gets along with best? Why do you think this is?/Which PC does your character get along with the least? Why do you think this is? (keep it civil folks.)

Er... well Helzebeth hasn't actually interacted too much with the other PCs. Hunter as well, perhaps because he reflects Helze's haughtiness or reluctance to meet people. Or she's just hard to bother, although she will acknowledge a comrade(like in Chapter Two, that one and perhaps only gesture of acknowledgement towards Dru. It might seem odd to others that Helzebeth, given her Elven heritage, doesn't seem to discriminate others much by their race-- well... She doesn't exactly see the point, as she believes most people are equal, for a lack of better wording. Maybe she's not exactly haughty if it's not a question of skill, but rather, doesn't quite care too much for other people in general.)

Chapter 3 is going to be more of a Character development sort of Chapter, do you like these pauses in the action?

Character development? Nice, actually, since we get to learn more about each others PCs, maybe even the NPCs. Well for me anyway I'm glad for the pauses in action, since Helze's not really much of a frontliner in combat-- Hunter is, but I'm afraid of getting my dog killed lol.

Who or what do you think Bjorn's friend in Nevermore could be?

A... diviner? Jsut a hunch as Odin says that this friend lives in the Arcane district. In a tower.

Is there anything you think I can improve upon?

I can't really find anything to complain about(er... not that I'm looking o_o). Keep on doin' what you do best Storyteller-sensei C:

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XD, I am not much of a Father figure, while it true Odin is the most me, it is more due to his unabashed kindness. (A quality I try to extend to every person I meet.). I mean.....at the end of the day I am 19 and don't plan on being a Father anytime soon, so it will be a long time til I truly know what it is like.

((also....keep in mind how weird the NPCs you have met so far are. Orpheaus and Brass are vastly different to me, Orpheaus moreso. They are very much the Warrior types, and I am anything but a fighter [though I do rather enjoy playing that archtype for some reason]. The Crimson King, while he definitely has a note of my humor in him, isn't much like me either, definitely fun to have interact with you guys since he has vastly different views on things.))

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Yeah I know, it's just fun to refer to the father-like feel I get XD I can actually relate to that. I used to play different personality types, even different classes and stuff, but lately I've been enjoying playing personalities that roughly resemble mine irl for some reason...

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Which of the island Nations in Graterras would you most like to visit in-game?

Probably the Land of Death. It seems like a place where Nero could confirm his outlook on the world, and it would be interesting to RP him there. Alternatively, maybe the Crystal Archipelago, since they seem to be at the peak of life. Perhaps it would change his view a bit if he went there.

Which Nation would you like to most visit yourself if you were in the world of Graterras?

I'd have to go with either Arbouretium or Pandora. Arbouretium because I love exploring forests and seeing all he wildlife, and Pandora because the name intrigues me as to what kind of place it is.

Has you favourite NPC changed, if so who is it now?(still name them and describe why in a little blurb even if it didn't change, because your reason may have changed.)

I think I'd also have to go with the Crimson King. As much as I don't trust him, I love his personality and character. Well done on that point.

Has your least favourite NPC changed, if so who is it now?

I'd still have to say Orpheaus. I guess I never really connected with him... The others characters just struck me as more interesting and deep.

What do you think the significance is of the name of Chapter 3?

No idea. Maybe they'll get rid of the sun and moon and stars and we'll live in darkness forever.

Which PC do you think your PC gets along with best? Why do you think this is?

Hmmm... He hasn't interacted much with the othersand when he has, it appeared that they had differing viewpoints. I guess Helzebeth or Dru since they're the only ones he hasn't interacted with. (It's sad when you have to say that, but that's just Nero's character.) I think he'd get along better with Helzebeth than Dru though, since they're both kind of loner types. (Though Helze is coming out of her shell more quickly than Nero it seems.)

Which PC does your character get along with the least? Why do you think this is? (keep it civil folks.)

Either Sigurd or Marcus probably. Marcus especially disagreed on the honor issue, and Nero just had the issue with Sigurd about the Crimson King.

Chapter 3 is going to be more of a Character development sort of Chapter, do you like these pauses in the action?

Yeah. It's a nice break, and character development is always good. I'm interested in learning more about your world.

Who or what do you think Bjorn's friend in Nevermore could be?


Honestly, I have no clue.

Is there anything you think I can improve upon?

Not really. This chapter went very well all around, and I was pretty satisfied.

EDIT: Also, you said earlier that you would probably allow Nero to learn invisibility at this point. Is that still ok? If so, how should I go about that...?

Edited by Flux
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Yep, just make it logical in how it appears. (please no, oh, yea it saved me when nothing else could, type dealios. Hell, you could even have it manifest unexpectedly, like as they are walking up to town and just scare the heck out of everybody lol.)

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Keep in mind, Sorcery is very much a strange natural type of magic, so when receiving a new power it would make sense if it kinda came in on a burst randomly. It could just to decide and manifest now for any number of reasons, but it is relatively safe to say it would not be under their control the first time it was used.

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Yea, he may be allowed in some towns. (like in Aurora they probably won't bat an eye at him. And in Arbouretium while they aren't appreacited, there are a lot of Wood Elves in the Area, so they tend to have "pets".....if you can call a wolf or a similar wild animal a pet.)

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