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Graterras, A World in Peril. [OOC/Sign-Ups]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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Set-up the Macguffins? Check!

Give a preview of the Death Angels? Check!

Getting up a Strawpoll for the next area the heros go to? Not check, need to finish chapter first. ((but yes, you guys get to pick where to go moreso now than you did before.))

Still an Evil Host? Checkrino!!!

Welp, looks like we are a-go for more or less where the story will go from here. And it wouldn't be a fantasy RP without looking for at least one Macguffin.

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The Macguffins actually do things, but I am still planning what a few of them do....mostly since I don't want them to be broken ass OP. They all do have a huge downside though, but that will become much more apparent once you get one of them.

Also, forgot Chim....the Crimson King knows about 5 shards, he said that when he was talking to you in your brain place.

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The Nine Death Angels

The Crimson King, The Immortal that thrums with Dark Magic.

Ishmael, The Armour that shelters a tortured Soul.

Echo, The Graveborn, cursed to wallow in her sorrow forever.

Hatter, The Mad Assassin with Style, and a lot of hats.

Ashnard, The Wolf in Man's Clothing.

Vazhul, the Seer in Yellow.

Hollow, the Demon with a Thousand Faces.

Magdeline, The Fey with a Vendetta.

Hastur, the Impish Right Hand of the Gentleman.

And their leader:

The Gentleman, Leader of the Death Angels

Not sure if I want to do any mini bios on them are not, it would just be so you know what they are, but you won't get a whole lot about them out of me. ((just their races, and less important info, nothing too big.)) Getting to know them will be more or less what the focus of the adventure will be now. They are your foes until the end.

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"Hatter, the Mad Assassin with Style, and a lot of hats."

Change Assassin for Gym Leader and you've got Radomus from Reborn. XD

You probably didn't get to that part yet, so no spoilers. ;)

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Ooh, ok. Just thought the description fitted him well.

Anyways, how will we proceed now? Brainstorm to decide the next place to go and solve those riddles?

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Well a certain Red Faced Demon knows clues to start you guys on your journey, Maybe you should try talking to him. But is completely up to you guys which Shards you go for first. It may be a bit easier to decide when you have heard a little of each. As you know, each shard has a Guardian of some sort, but before that guardian, most are also protected by a dungeon of sorts.

Also, each Shard will have a Death Angel going after it as well. Which is going for which shard is going to remain a mystery until they show up.

I have a feeling Helzebeth as a character though is going to really want to get the one in the Shattered Hills. I am not forcing you guys to go there, but her character tie is calling her there really heavily ((especially after you get the info on it I will be absolutely certain she will really, really want to go.))

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Also, forgot Chim....the Crimson King knows about 5 shards, he said that when he was talking to you in your brain place.

I thought you said he had one in his possession. I probably misread it xD

Oh and Sigurd will be interested in the shard that belonged to Aelia. Unless the Crimson King doesn't know anything about that one, he'll give in to go with Helze without an argument. (as far as he can make a reasonable argument xd)

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^basically Helzebeth atm lol

also she was supposed to ask if Blue has always been an Illithid or something like that. Actually... Have the avatars ever changed form or have they always had the same bodies since they were created?

Edited by ZephyrEnyalios
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The Nine Shards.

You will learn their names quickly, so I don't mind sharing that, everything else must be learned during the quest.

Lumabella, the Talisman of Light

Mortimo, The Hand of Grim Mistakes.

Tectaniteus, The Titan's Skin.

Seeker, Book of Maddening Waves.

Pyron, The Flames of Passion

Aelia, The Warhorn of the Past Ages

Bartimus, Apple of the World

Draven, The heart of Darkness

?????????, ??? ?????????

Now please note one thing, in Graterras there has never ever been an Artifact that is a straight up Weapon ((there are magic weapons, but they are not nearly as special as artifacts.). Aritfacts are always something that it itself cannot be used to kill, it powers might be able to, but the object itself cannot. ((Like the Flames of Passion, are Petrified Flames they aren't burning anybody.)). This is an important piece of Graterras. Beacues in the World of Graterras, it matters not if you can swing a weapon or sling powerful spells. Other things dictate who lives, and who dies. This world is more than just dumbly striking your foes down where they stand, that won't work, unless you are seeking a swift death, you will win that quickly. Godspeed friends, you are going to need it from here on out.

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And it would most assuredly lead to your death, remember, don't play with things you don't know what they do, you don't want to end up like Elder Stonebeak do you?

((I am just yanking your chain, but seriously, all of the Shards have insane powers, but they come with insane drawbacks. The Horn I am still working out the kinks cause right nowit is the weakest one imo.)).

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Oh and I should note, there is a reason I did not reveal the Ninth. It is the last one you can get, so it is basically the only gate-locked area in the RP((I guess the Heart of Darkness is a bit too, but it will be mostly likely pretty quick when that unlocks.)). Basically, you can't go to Pandora until you have the other 8.

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