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Graterras, A World in Peril. [OOC/Sign-Ups]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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Well, she doesn't take too kindly to being defeated... In fact during the Battle of Passtrough she would've gone on the field ala Legolas (maybe even skating down a flight of stairs on top of a shield) but she felt her duty to be at the walls, directing the archers alongside Jupiter and I was so paranoid about leaving Jupiter alone cause I really don't want her to die XD

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Eye for an Eye, Home for a Home?

@Zephyr: If Helze does that Legolas thing, she'll earn Sigurd's respect. xD

Edited by Chimchain
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Well there was actually....The Umbranari, but they are all dead and they aren't exactly Human. ((if it wasn't clear they were sorta a counterpart to the Victonari, the race that Bartallimo created in the image of Io the Ninefold.)) However, that ties into later stuff so I can't go into details. Mostly since if it wasn't clear, they are the ones who knew where the shards were, considering they made the Plate of Hatred out of one. So, you will learn about them.

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Halfings are Hobbits exactly. They just can't use Hobbit as it is copyrighted to Tolkien ((in D and D publications that is)). Victonari are the only non D and D race I used, since I made them up entirely, along with Umbranair, they are things that only exist in Graterras in this kind of a form.

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Is he highly vindictive towards them though? Not really I don't think he is the kind to act on it.

And I have a feeling it is the typical Elf, thing where they think they are higher than everybody else, and they are nice to them because they feel sorryfor them. Or am I wrong?

Pretty much, yeah. He doesn't hate other races, he just thinks that he's better. Plus, when he's angry the nasty parts of him tend to come out more readily.

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And that is the End of Chapter 3 folks. As always, the post chapter questions.

((going to note here, the Gentleman is NOT a death angel.))

Which of The Death Angels you most look forward to seeing? Which seems the most interesting to you?

Which Death Angel do you think will be in The Shattered Hills? Why?

Which Death Angel do you most dread facing?

Why do you think Bartimus asked you what if the Gentleman is right?

What do you think the Guardian of the Titan's Skin is?

What do you think the Titan's Skin does? What do you think is the Drawback of this power?

Which Shard do you think is the most interesting?

Which Shard seems the most powerful to you? ((I am totally trying to balance them I am just curious which you think sounds the most nuts.)) inversely which seems the weakest?

Do you mind the more linear style of the plot in Graterras? I am really trying to battle with how I want the story to go from here. While I want to let you guys wander etc.....it would make a crap load more work for me having to prepare a hell of a lot more stuff other than the storyline. I was more thinking along the lines of I will let you guys decide which Shards to go to and each Shard will be sorta it own little directed adventure.

Should I involve the NPCs more? I notice that sometimes I forget to update them as much as I think I should. Jupiter and Odin are the easiest as they are more combat orientated. ((and due to their ties which Helzebeth.)).

What did you think of the Creation Myth, and the Story of Arcano? Did you think Arcano was wronged, or did he deserve his fate? How true do you think the story is?

What do you think of Blue?

Bartimus mentioned The Crimson King, or the Red Faced Demon wanted to atone for his sins. What do you think The Crimson King is trying to atone for?

What did you think of Bartimus? Why do you think he choose Oarloff as his champion rather than a Paladin of his order or some powerful warrior or mage?

And lastly as always, Is there anything I can improve upon?

Chapter 4 Title Preview.

Graterras Chapter 4: Shattered Realities.

Chapter 4 Theme

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Which of The Death Angels you most look forward to seeing? Which seems the most interesting to you?

I can't really say at this point, since I know so little about them. I mean if I have to say which one sounds the most interesting I'll say either the Hatter or Ashnard the Werewolf, though that's based on almost nothing.

Which Death Angel do you think will be in The Shattered Hills? Why?

I'm going to say either the Illithid in the yellow cloak or Ashnard the Werewolf. Ashnard would make sense since it's a woodland area. The Illithid in the yellow cloak is another strong option do to our current Illithid companion.

Which Death Angel do you most dread facing?

The Gentleman obviously. I mean he straight up murdered everyone in the first chapter.

Why do you think Bartimus asked you what if the Gentleman is right?

Bartimus seemed fairly skeptical of the group as a whole, I'd take a guess he was simply trying to figure out what type of character's he was dealing with.

What do you think the Guardian of the Titan's Skin is?

I seriously have no idea.

What do you think the Titan's Skin does? What do you think is the Drawback of this power?

Since the Titan's Skin greatly improves endurance I'd imagine you lose something mildly related, perhaps strength?

Which Shard do you think is the most interesting?

Since my character has a direct tie to Bartimus I'm really interested to see what the Apple of the World is all about.

Which Shard seems the most powerful to you? ((I am totally trying to balance them I am just curious which you think sounds the most nuts.)) inversely which seems the weakest?

Draven's Heart of Darkness or Lumabella's Talisman of Light would be my bet for the 'strongest' though I'd also imagine the Apple of the World is strong. The weakest seems to be the hand of grim mistakes, though just saying that may well be a grim mistake.

Do you mind the more linear style of the plot in Graterras? I am really trying to battle with how I want the story to go from here. While I want to let you guys wander etc.....it would make a crap load more work for me having to prepare a hell of a lot more stuff other than the storyline. I was more thinking along the lines of I will let you guys decide which Shards to go to and each Shard will be sorta it own little directed adventure.

I don't mind it, just remember to give us a little bit of time to interact with one another.

Should I involve the NPCs more? I notice that sometimes I forget to update them as much as I think I should. Jupiter and Odin are the easiest as they are more combat orientated. ((and due to their ties which Helzebeth.)).

That's really up to you. Personally I think involving them too much removes the feeling of our PC's being the heroes of the story but, I don't think having them do a bit more would necessarily be a bad thing.

What did you think of the Creation Myth, and the Story of Arcano? Did you think Arcano was wronged, or did he deserve his fate? How true do you think the story is?

The Creation Myth was well put together, unique enough not to be weak, but not so unique as to sound insane. I personally think Arcano was wronged slightly, but he totally overreacted. I'm guessing the story isn't totally true since if it were I doubt you'd ask that question, but I guess I'll find out soon.

What do you think of Blue?

I'm skeptical of him at this point, he could be leading us into a trap or he could be a good guy.

Bartimus mentioned The Crimson King, or the Red Faced Demon wanted to atone for his sins. What do you think The Crimson King is trying to atone for?

I don't trust the Crimson King at all. Despite the fact that the death angels don't trust him and that Bartimus himself said he was trying to atone for some sins doesn't mean he's to be trusted. That being said I'm sure he's trying to atone for a death of some loved one he was directly responsible for.

What did you think of Bartimus? Why do you think he choose Oarloff as his champion rather than a Paladin of his order or some powerful warrior or mage?

Mr. Buttons has style, can't say I'm not biased but, I totally love the guy. Other than the fact that he likely chose Oarloff to fit him in the story better, I'd say that Oarloff has the kindest heart or perhaps appreciates life the most? Plus, Oarloff is a bard, while Paladins are warriors, so I'd imagine the God of Life wouldn't choose a bloody warrior to be his champion.

And lastly as always, Is there anything I can improve upon?

I've really enjoyed my time in this RP so far, though it may be helpful to include a list of the Death Angels and Shards in the OP here. There's a lot of information in this RP and I'd like an easier way to find it.

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Super...you missed the part where I said The Gentleman wasn't a Death Angel didn't you?

Also feel free to get back to the Death Angel Questions when I finish all their bios. It will give you a better Idea of who they are. I put it in preemptively so that it was there ahead of time.

Oh, and I think I will pop the Shards etc, up in the Main Thread when I get the time along with the Death Angels. However I am waiting to do that for when I get all their Bios done. I will add stuff about the Shards as you obtain them.

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"Emptiness, I feel nothing. Though it would be common for a creature who has no true face. I can make myself look like any human, or demi-human, I can make myself look however I like, but I feel nothing for it. It makes me sick seeing the humans who have something real, they can look a certain way and say that is them, nobody else can be them. But I can't. I can imitate thousands of faces, but I can't call any of them my own. It isn't fair. It isn't fair what was done to me.....I don't even remember what I looked like anymore, I can't see my face or remember what I was.All I feel is emptiness, a longing to be what I once was, but I can't, the one face I want, the one Face that is me, I can't remember. If I can't have it, then none of them can have an identity either. I will destroy their faces so their loved ones can't remember what they looked like, and they can feel my pain. I feel nothing but emptiness. Emptiness and Pain."

"I have seen the face of the madness. I know of the old god. The Elder God, the true king of the Illithid, cut down by the False God Seeker. I see flashes of his wicked genius and his mad ravings. Even dead he stirs, his mind still thinks and it still has a will. I will I will carry out with my own hands. This World will be plunged into the madness he designed, and I will carry it out. I am his messenger, his eyes, his hands, and his mouth. I am the Seer in Yellow, the one who sees things others cannot. For I have seen the face of madness, the face of the one true god."

"Who wants to live forever? You don't realize how sweet the touch of death is, how it can release you from all your pain in this world until you can't have it. I have to watch my love ones waste away, while I cannot. I have to live with causing the death of my dearly beloved. I have to live with the Mistake of a Stupid God. One who wanted to play with life, when he shouldn't have. I am forced to wallow in my pain forever because Mortimo decided his experiment had to be done to innocent people. A God of Death has no business messing with life, and I get to be that mistake. There were 13 of us once. 13 Graveborn, the Living, forced to become the very spawn of Hell. I ended their agony. But I will not take my own life, I am not a coward. I will tear down the skies, and kill Mortimo himself. I am the echo of his mistake, that will ring through his ears as I destroy him. Because no God would do what that creature did. He is just another monster that pretends to be powerful, all knowing, spreading fear and lies. And once he is dead, and his blood puddles around my feet, then I can die, but not until then and then my story can fade away forever. I am not worth knowing."

"Why do I fight? Skill? No, that isn't a reason. For honor? Definitely not. For Country? There isn't a Nation worth a damn, just piles of lies and greedy souls fighting for pointless power. For Money? Coins have no true value. It is sad how you can dangle them in front of one who has none, and they look like starving children, like that coin is the most valuable thing they have ever seen in their life. In reality they aren't worth anymore than the Toe Nail Clippings my mother collected. By the way....who does that? Hold on. I am getting sidetracked. Back on that train of thought Hatty, keep your brain from wondering you dolt. So, where was I? Oh yes, why I fight. I fight because I enjoy it. Oh the adrenaline, the thrill. OOOLALA, it makes me FEEL ALIVE!!!! So surely I would follow the Gentleman, that guy seems to attract all sorts of interesting fellows. Hopefully, they have just as strong enemies. And hopefully I get to see the despair on their faces faces when the realize they can't beat the rapier of Hatter! World Renowned Assassin, and Duelist!"

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Which of The Death Angels you most look forward to seeing? Which seems the most interesting to you?

Hatter sounds like someone I could fawn over like an interesting character... particularly because of the "Mad Assassin With Style" part. I sure hope "mad" doesn't just pertain to skill, but his personality as well XD

Which Death Angel do you think will be in The Shattered Hills? Why?

the Shukaku To me it would either be Ashnard or Hollow: Ashnard because Werewolf; Hollow because somehow I imagine him to be made of clay.

Which Death Angel do you most dread facing?

If you think about it, the Crimson King knows about us the most...

Why do you think Bartimus asked you what if the Gentleman is right?

Gods like screwing with mortals What if the Gentleman isn't entirely evil or wrong? Maybe he's testing our resolve?

What do you think the Guardian of the Titan's Skin is?

Gaara Shukaku Ashnard or Hollow

What do you think the Titan's Skin does? What do you think is the Drawback of this power?

Sounds like a protective sort of material... The drawback, Blue said, is that you lose something precious or something like that, right?

Which Shard do you think is the most interesting?

I'm typically inclined to evil-sounding things, so either the Hand of Grim Mistakes or the Heart of Darkness.

Which Shard seems the most powerful to you? ((I am totally trying to balance them I am just curious which you think sounds the most nuts.)) inversely which seems the weakest?

I'm actually not so sure with either questions XD

Do you mind the more linear style of the plot in Graterras? I am really trying to battle with how I want the story to go from here. While I want to let you guys wander etc.....it would make a crap load more work for me having to prepare a hell of a lot more stuff other than the storyline. I was more thinking along the lines of I will let you guys decide which Shards to go to and each Shard will be sorta it own little directed adventure.

*takes a risk to sound like an idiot* Err... whaddya mean by linear?

Should I involve the NPCs more? I notice that sometimes I forget to update them as much as I think I should. Jupiter and Odin are the easiest as they are more combat orientated. ((and due to their ties which Helzebeth.)).

More friends = good. Although our group's pretty big now; I'm not too sure how we'll all travel. If you can manage to keep track of all the NPCs with us, then sure XD

What did you think of the Creation Myth, and the Story of Arcano? Did you think Arcano was wronged, or did he deserve his fate? How true do you think the story is?

I feel bad for Arcano in a way, especially if the part where he was reduced to only being a god of magic and forgotten is true. At the moment I fully believe in the story... although it seems to be strange that only the Victonari seem to know about it.

What do you think of Blue?

He reminds me of an adorkably awkward smart guy/Cthulhu with nerd glasses Since he is an avatar of Seeker, I have a strange feeling that along the way he's going to be killed... Probably when facing the Death Angel guarding Seeker's Shard or because of his old body or something.

Bartimus mentioned The Crimson King, or the Red Faced Demon wanted to atone for his sins. What do you think The Crimson King is trying to atone for?

I have a feeling that it has something to do with greed. He's got a big castle he boasts about, but no wife or kids (might've died of neglect or ran away or he killed them? then he... went to strike a deal with the Gentleman? I... I dunno lol).

What did you think of Bartimus? Why do you think he choose Oarloff as his champion rather than a Paladin of his order or some powerful warrior or mage?

He reminds me of a nice old grandpappy who you wouldn't wanna mess with XD yeah, that's really insightful, Zephyr. Probably because Oarloff saved a lowly goat (who Bartimus was, in disguise); I don't think a Paladin, warrior, or mage would've taken the time to save a measly goat that ate buttons.

And lastly as always, Is there anything I can improve upon?

So many characters and people, but it's fun XD sometimes I forget that Chauff and Bjorn are with us though, but that's not really an issue.

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Which of The Death Angels you most look forward to seeing? Which seems the most interesting to you?

The werewolf one(Ashnard i think?), certainly Akuma would like to challenge this monstrous beast. strength vs strength.

Which Death Angel do you think will be in The Shattered Hills? Why?

Ashnard or that living knight armor, cuz the muscle/knight always goes first.

Which Death Angel do you most dread facing?


Why do you think Bartimus asked you what if the Gentleman is right?

for the lulz. Gods trolling us since the beginning of time.

What do you think the Guardian of the Titan's Skin is?

The living Knight armor.

What do you think the Titan's Skin does? What do you think is the Drawback of this power?

Able to tank, can withstand anything. slowly losing your own soul in the process.

Which Shard do you think is the most interesting?

no clue

Which Shard seems the most powerful to you? ((I am totally trying to balance them I am just curious which you think sounds the most nuts.)) inversely which seems the weakest?


Do you mind the more linear style of the plot in Graterras? I am really trying to battle with how I want the story to go from here. While I want to let you guys wander etc.....it would make a crap load more work for me having to prepare a hell of a lot more stuff other than the storyline. I was more thinking along the lines of I will let you guys decide which Shards to go to and each Shard will be sorta it own little directed adventure.

as long as it stay relevant to the plot. exchanging ideas would be nice.

Should I involve the NPCs more? I notice that sometimes I forget to update them as much as I think I should. Jupiter and Odin are the easiest as they are more combat orientated. ((and due to their ties which Helzebeth.)).

Whatever floats your boat.

What did you think of the Creation Myth, and the Story of Arcano? Did you think Arcano was wronged, or did he deserve his fate? How true do you think the story is?

its well written. as the story goes, its not 100% true if its came out from someones mouth. so i'll just wait till more information pops up.

What do you think of Blue?

I don't know, another death scene waiting to happen. since you haven't kill anyone in this chapter(excludingStonebeak)

Bartimus mentioned The Crimson King, or the Red Faced Demon wanted to atone for his sins. What do you think The Crimson King is trying to atone for?

He lost his body, so my guess is he lost a bet or the crimson king betrayed someone so bad that he was force to live alone, after seeing his bond with Sigurd, he is trying to fix his mistakes as he gains the trust of others. still don't trust him tho, i think off him as an informant to both sides.

What did you think of Bartimus? Why do you think he choose Oarloff as his champion rather than a Paladin of his order or some powerful warrior or mage?

Maybe he values life of others more than anyone in the group , after all he adopted a goat for reasons.

And lastly as always, Is there anything I can improve upon?

I agree with Super, kinda lost track when things got moving from the tower, maybe its just me. nevertheless keep up the good work man with this great rp.

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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Which of The Death Angels you most look forward to seeing? Which seems the most interesting to you?

The Hatter and Crimson King. Echo might be interesting too but I expect her when we go after Mortimo’s shard.

Which Death Angel do you think will be in The Shattered Hills? Why?

The Werewolf because Sigurd needs a new coat.
I think the Werewolf because it sounds like we’re going to some sort of forest (like Super pointed out) or the Empty Armor. Typhlosion already pointed out that strength is usually the first one to appear. In a way that would be too easy for us to suspect, but since the Shard is called Titan’s Skin I think it fits the Armor guy well.

Which Death Angel do you most dread facing?

I don’t know. Echo was portrayed as a powerhouse, but I think the Hatter is the strongest of them all (I’m looking forward to that one). The Illithid would be annoying to face for Sigurd I think. In the end I’ll stay with Echo.

Why do you think Bartimus asked you what if the Gentleman is right?

He didn’t have his own champion so he might’ve been testing us since he’s the God of Life. I don’t think he would’ve sent Oarloff with us if we told him we agreed with the Gentleman. Another possibility is that there is more to the story and he kept something from us.

What do you think the Guardian of the Titan's Skin is?

Someone related to Helzebeth’s father. One of the Guardian’s might be able to control someone’s body or take him over or something, because I don’t think he would’ve survived all those years in such dangerous environments. (Unless he’s OP)

What do you think the Titan's Skin does? What do you think is the Drawback of this power?

It probably gives the user some crazy defense and you’ll be able to take more hits. Drawback: drains your stamina or might slow you down. Or go nuts and end up in a Berserker mode even Akuma will be jealous off.

Which Shard do you think is the most interesting?

For Sigurd it’s the one that belongs to Aelia. My personal opinion would be either Mortimo or Draven.

Which Shard seems the most powerful to you? ((I am totally trying to balance them I am just curious which you think sounds the most nuts.)) inversely which seems the weakest?

I like the ones that sound dark. Hand of Grim Mistakes, Heart of Darkness. The ones that sound weak are either Lumabella or Pyron. They sound a bit like a Talisman that guides us and a flame that can burn anything or will never die.

The other ones sound more mysterious. Except Titan’s Skin but I already answered that one.

Sigurd would probably be least interested in the one belonging to Seeker. Book of Maddening Waves sounds literally like a book filled with dark magic / secrets / whatever and that doesn’t fit him.

Do you mind the more linear style of the plot in Graterras? I am really trying to battle with how I want the story to go from here. While I want to let you guys wander etc.....it other than the storyline. I was more thinking along the lines of I will let you guys decide which Shards to go to and each Shard will be sorta it own little directed adventure.

I don’t mind. Do what fits you the best because I think that’s best for the story as well.

Should I involve the NPCs more? I notice that sometimes I forget to update them as much as I think I should. Jupiter and Odin are the easiest as they are more combat orientated. ((and due to their ties which Helzebeth.)).

The ones that can’t fight should only be there for interaction and give their opinions. I would prefer if they didn’t interfere with battles unless it’s the only way to save someone.

What did you think of the Creation Myth, and the Story of Arcano? Did you think Arcano was wronged, or did he deserve his fate? How true do you think the story is?

By asking this you are raising my suspicious flags so I think some parts are left out as to what actually happened. But I like the Creation Myth and yes, Arcano was wronged in a way but completely went overboard. In the end he got what he deserved so to say. Maybe he didn’t have to be killed though.

What do you think of Blue?

I don’t trust him. I like him as a character and his race though. And when we go after Seeker’s shard he’s going to be killed by Yellow or knows the way to kill him. I expect some Illithid vs Illithid fighting scenes.

Bartimus mentioned The Crimson King, or the Red Faced Demon wanted to atone for his sins. What do you think The Crimson King is trying to atone for?

Someone he cared for probably died and he feels responsible. Or he didn’t give a damn about anything in the past and someone changed his mind recently.

What did you think of Bartimus? Why do you think he choose Oarloff as his champion rather than a Paladin of his order or some powerful warrior or mage?

Oarloff cares more about life than any other PC. He saves goats, tried to help Sigurd when he was ‘dying’ and in general has a big heart. Every life is somewhat equally important to him.

And lastly as always, Is there anything I can improve upon?

Not that I can think of. I’m really enjoying this.

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The Living Armour goes by the name of Ishmael by the way in regards to Death Angels.((unless you mean Tectaniteus's Avatar, who hasn't really been revealed as a character but is sort of soft revealed since all the other Elemental Gods have one.)). Going to just slap the names and Bios of the Death Knights up there and get it done with. Also, I am not sure I want to give as much Info on Hastur or Magdeline. They are both tied to the Gentleman a lot more heavily then the others are. ((if it wasn't obvious by the way they have always been wherever he is.)) therefore I think when you find them they will be a hell of a lot more interesting. The Crimson King also doesn't get one for sure though. He is in the party, at least currently, therefore I don't want you to know his motivations or his goals, it would make him not very surprising and a less dynamic part of the party. It would also make the trust problem worse/better depending, but I would rather not have that end up metaing your RPing so you are being left on the dark with the Crimson King for now on the specifics of his motivations.

I should also note, The Guardians of the Shards could be literally anything, as long as it has something to do with the Element of the God. They could be Ancient Monsters, People, Undead, etc.....etc....But it will become much more clear once we start getting into the Shattered Hills. I ask some questions you guys can't answer on purpose in these, it lets me know just how creative some of you can be.

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Yes, I did miss the part where the Gentleman isn't a death angel. So I'll change that answer to the Crimson King. He's clearly powerful since the other death angels haven't done anything about him yet and as Zephyr pointed out he does know a lot about us.

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And now begins the long process of Hukuna writing up the intro thread for Chapter 4, well sorta long, when I get to it I can pound it out fast. ((just got to figure out how I want to describe the journey to get there, but not sure how much I want to include.))

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