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Graterras, A World in Peril. [OOC/Sign-Ups]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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It is totally on purpose though, As I will have a max of 8 or 9 Party member of PCs in a game of D and D. SO the Player character is more of a coincidence, but the others were all done on purpose.

Let me put it this way.

There are Gods, 8 the sons and Daughters of the 1 made from Io's being ((this is in the Nine Divines Pantheon only, after Arcano's Death.))

There are 8 Known Shards, and 1 hidden one.

There are the Nine Death Angels, 8 who are loyal to the Gentleman, and one who isn't.

ANd in your party, there are 8 PCs, and a 1 NPC, who will hold the shards.

So yes, I set this up in a way that it end up like this. ((and the NPCS are more or less others that could hold the shards if I didn't have enough People, and they help me to guide the players, however I didn't know all of them from the beginning, as I like to leave character slots where I can make characters who are interesting in the party make-up. In essence this is what I mean. Odin would always be with the Party. He is the Glue or the lynch pin. He was the catalyst to start the journey by befriending the party at least enough that their battle at the beginning with the Gentleman gave them enough of a bond to stick together. Jupiter I made up on the spot. Helze was a character who seemed super quiet and I wanted to try and crack her shell by making a character who she would get along with extremely well, this way she would grow as a character and hopefully one day interact with the party a lot more. Brass, while he was already a character, was moved to Passtrough for this reason also, for Dru to have a similar person who understood him, withou something like him being a Half-Orc getting in the way. Brass only needs to be introduced in this story line, but I feel him traveling trough it will be cool, since he is a more punchy and better idea of what an Earth Templar Could be like. I also made a lot of characters to mess with Sigurd, because messing with his straight forward attitude is fun for me. It shows his rashness. Now some of the others characters are harder so far. I definitely want to try and mess with them in ways that help you as players to flesh out. Each Character will gt their times to shine brighter than any of the others, and I want to make sure to do that for you all and I want you to get to know your character as much as I want to know them. This is why I throw stuff to get your backstories out of you for a reason. I like to play off of PC's backstories to give them ties to the story, that make it more interesting. They aren't the main attraction, that would be the Overall struggle between them the Death Angels. and the Gentleman, but these more or less side arcs make the world feel more real, and like the PCs are actually rooted in it rather than some heros who just so happened to show up.))

Most of the time, I don't do things without thinking about it, there usually is a reason. Even things I do on the fly have a reason. All those Dream sequences? All made up on the spot right before I did them. I wanted to introduce some of the lore of the world, but do it in a way that tied to the characters and made it feel more personal to them, rather than have some guy tell you about it. This is why Bartimus appeared at the Raven' Spiral as well. I placed him there off of the small thing Oarloff did in saving that goat. Why? Because it would add something more interesting to a scene that otherwise would have been you guys sitting at a table talking to some wizards, or just the Crimson King telling you about it later.

I like messing with players, but I love to play off of the small things they do and the ways they show me their who their characters are. That way I can help them to have their characters grow, by chucking things their way. Why just have their backstory be a backstory? why knot use that to tell something important about that character? why knot use it as a tool to drive their growth in some way? Everything is something that can be used as a window for viewing a character in some way. We can push our characters to be characters. This is one thing the forum has over D and D for sure, and that is that you can't sit here and try to minmax me. You have to paly your characters as characters, or they become super boring. Forum RP is much easier to be about the Journey, and not the destination then D and D.

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Probably going to skip the sailing stuff, other than maybe describing Nevermore harbor, it depends though.

I Most definitely skipping the travel in between since it will be a few weeks to a month before you guys arrive in the Shattered Hills ((because of distance, weather etc...)), approximately at the end of Winter, so it will most likely be Springish when arriving in the Shattered Hills.

Should note, that is super unlikely any more NPCs will ever be added to the party permanently. There may be a few that stick around for awhile or something, but I doubt there will be too many permanent ones. ((the only one that has a chance for that is Brass if I deem it so, but I am still deciding if I want to or not.))

So making progress at getting up Chapter 4, just so you guys know lol.

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I was actually wondering one thing: how do you handle character death? Because it would be completely in-character for Xavier to sacrifice himself for glory and the greater good. (Not saying I WANT him to die, but just informing you. I wouldn't be too upset as long as it wasn't something stupid.)

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It depends on how they died. THings that destroy their souls makes it so they can never be revived. ((like what happened to Magni.)) otherwise their souls move on to the afterlife in some way. This is where you play Mortimo's game, I can't give specifics, but if you win, you get back your life, if you lose, you enter the underworld. This can only happen once. If you die again only the gods or someone else can help you. ((like a wish spell, or a raise dead spell etc...)) so you have one chance to save yourself after death.

Should mention, Mortimo's game is rigged to make you lose. So it is rare that anybody wins, but it is possible.

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^ that is also subject to change. It is the current idea, but not sure if I want to leave it like that. Mortimo would definitely do something super underhanded to keep people in the Underworld, or to mess with them. He is definitely not a super good person and he mostly cares only about himself etc. ((This should be clear just by Echo existing, I know you guys don't know her whole story yet, but it gives you good insight into how much of a jerk Mortimo is. He tricked 13 people, that had no idea what was going on and turned them into monsters. So he isn't really all that good a guy. He plays by his rules, but he tries to bend them as much as possible.))

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Echo, if I remember my Greek lore correctly, is a nymph who fell in love with Narcissus, but she was cursed to only utter the last word the person before her says.

So if you say "I love bacon", she can't say anything but "bacon".

Legion is what it sounds like: a bunch of demons that took over a "wild man"'s body (they called him wild because he was possessed, lived in graveyards, even had chain buckle-thingies on his wrists and ankles, oh and wounds too). Jesus cast out Legion and the demons took over a bunch of pigs near by and flung themselves over a cliff into the sea (reasonably dismaying the pig farmers who owned them).

I just thought of those because of Echo the Death Angel's name, and the whole 13 Graveborn thing... XD I imagined a Spiritomb. The Graveborn aren't clustered into "one" being, are they?

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No they are not, the Graveborn were 13 individuals changed into Demonic creatures by Mortimo tricking them all into gathering to a certain place he had prepared to change them. ((hmmmm.......a location....wonder if it will come up later.)). Echo just killed all of them. ((p.s. Graveborn are said to be Vampires....they really aren't. they are similar, but are different. Like Vampires they never age, are undead etc. However, they aren't weak to sunlight, garlic, or anything like vampires are.))

and I know of the legion stuff, I just totally forgot about the myth of Echo. To be fair my name picking strategy is very strange. And it varies Character to Character. Echo's name was picked because she doesn't want to use her Human name, so she went with something short that had meaning. ((remember the line in her backstory. She will be the last thing that echos through his ears. [thinking of changing that to Echos through his mind though to make it flow a bit better.])) other characters I just smash the keyboard, like Chauff. And some I literally find a name randomizer and keep hitting until I get something that sounds like the concept's name. That is how I named Ashnard, I wanted something that sounded strong, but a bit doofy and brash. Ashnard isn't the sharpest tool in the shed and is super head strong. and other characters I do like to make references or use words that have meaning.

also, kinda stuck between 2 songs for Echo's character theme by the way.

This will most likely be the one I pick though, it just feels right to me.

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Which of The Death Angels you most look forward to seeing? Which seems the most interesting to you?

Echo looks really interesting, as well as the Hatter. While one looks serious and bitter, the other sounds crazy... And I can´t decide which I like most. XD

Which Death Angel do you think will be in The Shattered Hills? Why?

The Empty Armour, because, well, Titan´s Skin = Strenght.

Which Death Angel do you most dread facing?

Probably Echo. She looks like she is at the same time smart and really powerful.

Why do you think Bartimus asked you what if the Gentleman is right?

Probably he wanted to test our resolve, and point out those doubts early so we have a strong opinion when time comes to face the Gentleman.

What do you think the Guardian of the Titan's Skin is?

Some biiiiiig and bad monster. XD Or, maybe even Helze´s father possessed by something?

What do you think the Titan's Skin does? What do you think is the Drawback of this power?

Something like the Nemeia´s Lion skin on the legend of Heracles, that grants immunity to almost anything. As for the drawback... no idea.

Which Shard do you think is the most interesting?

Honestly no idea. =/ I think Marcus would like to get his hands on the Flames of Passion though.

Which Shard seems the most powerful to you? ((I am totally trying to balance them I am just curious which you think sounds the most nuts.)) inversely which seems the weakest?

The weakest sounds like Aelia´s... And the strongest is obviously the one you haven´t told us about yet! XD

Do you mind the more linear style of the plot in Graterras? I am really trying to battle with how I want the story to go from here. While I want to let you guys wander etc.....it would make a crap load more work for me having to prepare a hell of a lot more stuff other than the storyline. I was more thinking along the lines of I will let you guys decide which Shards to go to and each Shard will be sorta it own little directed adventure.

Just as everyone said, do it your way mate. Being comfortable with the writing style is important to achieve good results.

Should I involve the NPCs more? I notice that sometimes I forget to update them as much as I think I should. Jupiter and Odin are the easiest as they are more combat orientated. ((and due to their ties which Helzebeth.)).

Your NPCs are veery good, so at least I am always willing to see more of them. They strike me as being as interesting as any PC.

What did you think of the Creation Myth, and the Story of Arcano? Did you think Arcano was wronged, or did he deserve his fate? How true do you think the story is?

Hehehe, of course there´s some secret you didn´t tell us yet and that will make our characters have doubts. For what we´ve been told, Arcano was only jealous and got mad for it, so he deserved what he´s got.

What do you think of Blue?

He looks nice, but surely knows more than he´s telling us. As a representative of Seeker I don´t think he would be very open to sharing his knowledge.

Bartimus mentioned The Crimson King, or the Red Faced Demon wanted to atone for his sins. What do you think The Crimson King is trying to atone for?

No idea at all. Maybe something changed his mind about humans and demi-humans?

What did you think of Bartimus? Why do you think he choose Oarloff as his champion rather than a Paladin of his order or some powerful warrior or mage?

As Chim said, Oarloff values life more than most people, and as off now I can´t see him taking anyone´s life recklessly. That also describes a little how I feel about Bartimus, he seems a nice God.

And lastly as always, Is there anything I can improve upon?

Mate, keep up the amazing job. As always, your writing is amazing and I´m loving this RP. =D

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And today we begin the Death Angels Arc of Graterras. ((sounds better than The Shards Arc imo.)). It is not going to be very easy from this point forward, you guys are going up against some super powerful foes, and you best remember that. If some of your characters don't grow, they could easily die. You guys won't be getting any hand holding. ((cause you weren't already.))

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@ Exlink, I would rather keep the players at this number. I feel it works better for me. Also, it will be super hard to intro new characters without using really obvious methods, unless I get super creative. So, nope sorry, Graterras is definitely not open for new characters. Maybe if one of the current players PCs die, but even then, they get precedence to make a new character first over new participants. ((and that is if they end up dead, which there is ways to bring them back or for them to come back etc....))

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@ Exlink, I would rather keep the players at this number. I feel it works better for me. Also, it will be super hard to intro new characters without using really obvious methods, unless I get super creative. So, nope sorry, Graterras is definitely not open for new characters. Maybe if one of the current players PCs die, but even then, they get precedence to make a new character first over new participants. ((and that is if they end up dead, which there is ways to bring them back or for them to come back etc....))

Ok, I didn't have my hopes up anyway, but I will be watching for a point to take your roll. you have been warned. O.O

-slowly goes into the shadows-

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Yea, that was back when I though I could do more, also you never sent me character stuff anyway KH that one is more on you than it is me lol. But yea, not accepting anymore characters right now. ((I am also the light too by the way......you guy need to stop hiding in me....totally weird.))

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Yea, that was back when I though I could do more, also you never sent me character stuff anyway KH that one is more on you than it is me lol. But yea, not accepting anymore characters right now. ((I am also the light too by the way......you guy need to stop hiding in me....totally weird.))

But its nice here senpai

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