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Graterras, A World in Peril. [OOC/Sign-Ups]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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Basically, most choices from here on out are going to be like this.

You have 2 poisons to choose from. A, causes you to bleed profusely from the eyes until death. B. Causes Gut-Wrenching pain, and then ruptures internal organs, leading to an untimely death.

Basically, both choices suck.....so you got to choose which sucky thing you will go with. ((and it won't always be just 2 options.))

Also, just want me to bump? I might have left an NPC out, or I could use Odin. ((since he knows some of the area from when he was a wee lad.))

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Jeneve, a smart one she was, a shame Acquie couldn't really participate. But yes that is a very true statement in Graterras, and one reason I think Sigurd might get you guys in deep shit someday. ((though it would be interesting from a story stand point. Peril is what makes the narrative interesting, if your characters weren't in danger, this wouldn't be fun.)) This isn't a land where Rash decisions are very wise.

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Also, is it safe for me to assume you guys will be taking the Bandit's Road, rather than the path to Wounded Knee?

I got the stuff planned for either path, but it totes looks like you guys would prefer the Bandit's Road, a place where conflict is not guaranteed.

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Oh and p.s., when Helze says not to touch Knifeweed she is deadly serious, don't touch that shit if you come across it. It is quite literally one of the deadliest poisons in all of Graterras, not to mention the symptoms are not very pleasant. Bleeding from the Eyes, headsplitting Migranes, excruciating stomach pain, are just a few of the things it causes before death. And that is the unrefined stuff just from the plant. Pure Knifeweed Poison is 5000x more potent.

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To be fair, he is one of like.....2 humans in this group, the other being Marcus. ((not counting NPCs.)), so I am not surprised if he doesn't fully realize the gravity of what is going on at least form that point of view.

"Cough"...Nero... "Cough"

I guess he really is too quiet. ^_^

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Should also be clear about this, you guys will meet Brass again just later down the line. If you chose to go to Wounded Knee, you would have met him rather than Flint. ((Flint would have been met at the later point then.)) this won;t always be the case during a choice, only this one as of now.

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He does see using the vibrations in the earth, so he can see the basic forms of people. ((how do you think he is controlling Anchor Flint? He only didn't notice people until they came within range of Anchor Flint though. He saw Dru with his own eyes though...he is hiding somewhere nearby.))

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Ah, feels refreshing writing new NPCs after I haven't for awhile. ((those being our good friend Flint and the rest of the Dwarves that tutored Dru)). I haven't really finished the other ones though. They maybe another encounter on The Bandit's Path after we finish up here, but I am still deciding if there will be or not.

It isn't too far until Farreach now, that is where things are going to get dicey and we will be entering the more dangerous parts of the Shattered Hills.

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