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Graterras, A World in Peril. [OOC/Sign-Ups]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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I also, I think I may post some in character status's from some of the NPCs every once and awhile in my profile on here. If you see them you will get a little more lore about the characters and a little more into their outlooks. Please, no posting them here though. If you don't see it too bad lol.

Tell me though if you want me to leave the Character's name at the end of it or not though. I don;t know if you guys want to guess who the character is or not. ((the current one I included the name. Cookie is first.))

While it is up on my profile you can also go there to see the whole thing, even if it isn't in the status bar. I probably won't update it for awhile so you got time to pop in and see it. if it is no longer in the Status feed, just pop into my profile and click to comment on it there. ((they are pretty, or will be, so most likely you will have to click it to see the whole thing.)) I may also just post the whole thing into my about me, and possible include a theme for that character if I can find one I like. ((this won't be weekly, it will be when I feel like changing it lol. Any NPCs are game, including gods, avatars, party members, Death Angels, etc....It won't have plot spoilers, but more like slight backstory spoilers for those characters. Characters that have yet to be mentioned/haven't appeared are exempt and will not be posted until I reveal them, or if you meet them for the first time.))

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There is one right now, I wrote it as an actual status lol. That is why I said you have to find them. I won;t be posting them anywhere too permanent. It is just a fun thing for me to do every once in awhile when I am bored etc. And it gets you guys some lore tidbits if you have sharp eyes. ((no major spoilers will happen, so no worries.))

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DO you guys like not read my posts all the way through or something? I am starting to get that feeling and it makes me feel bad lol. This is 2 times we had a misunderstanding really close together when it was clearly in the post at least in my perspective. Is something not clear in my writing, or is something wrong with my writing style that this is happening?

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No you are fine, Iam referring to the part when people leapt into a fight that was over for a bit. ((like right when you guys arrived at the Sorrow's Spring.)), and right now when Jory ignored my no more auto-hits ever thing at the end of a post like 2 before it. It makes me feel like you guys don't like my writing or something that you won't read through my whole post to see an OOC comment at the bottom....

*not you either Zeph lol. you didn't do anything I found to be auto-hitty. I am more referring to Jory just straight up knocking out a Gnoll after I explicitly said not to do that. I would be upset if it really mattered lol, but that outcome would have happened anyway, so I just want people to know auto-hits are not supposed to happen at a place where it deosn;t matter. From here on out, fighting all enemies will be like fighting bosses or named NPCs early on. The fights are harder now, so you can no l,onger auto-hit even when you have a perceived advantage. I will take any advantage into account so no need to worry, but no auto-hits ever again please unless I say it is okay.))

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Sorry about that; I assumed a gnoll that was already stunned would be kinda like hitting a training dummy and that it wouldn't be able to get out of the way. Hell, I know that that's what pisses me off most about getting stunned in MMOs.

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Yea stunned may make him easier to hit, but let me allow the blow to land. You never know since he is a trained fighter he could awaken, and he definitely has a faster reaction time then some random grunt, so he could possibly dodge some of the blow. ((probably take some nasty damage in the process though.)) Trust me, I am not going to screw you guys over, just gotta trust me lol. ((I will say, I am not too bent out of shape, that result would have happened anyway, but still XD.))

Anyways, got to get on updating probably.

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