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Graterras, A World in Peril. [OOC/Sign-Ups]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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Ah, ok. It was kind of a rushed post before I left earlier, so I may have been a bit unclear, but the gist of it is that he's invisible and behind the gnoll that's attacking Oarloff. He attempted an illusion of a scorpion on the gnoll that's attacking Dru, though that's pretty much pointless since Dru just blinded it. And he's now attacking the gnoll by Oarloff from behind with his sword.

I can go back and edit things to be more clear if need be, sorry about that.

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Na next time just don;t try to fit so many action in at one place. Remember, Spells take time to go off, so it is hard for one to move, cast something while moving, and then attack a guy in the span of like a few seconds. Basically if you are going to strike someone...don't also cast it is kinda insane to do so. ((basically in combat casting a spell of any sort kinda takes the place of your attack, think of it that way from now on.)) If you do like a lot of actions in a row I am going to get super confused XD.

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Also, yes firearms exist in this universe, however they are magic weapons and one has to be trained to use them without them exploding and killing you.....((Remember kids, hubris!!! oh and don;t use things you don't understand as if you do lol.)). The ones that can use Firearms are known as Gunslingers and while they are technically mages/sorcerers they really are neither. They only use magic to fuel their Firearms, ((or as I will sometimes call them Steam Casters. They use the power of steam to heat a plate that sends magically primed energy outwards. Both the magic primer and the steam are created by the user so you have to be trained in both. ((the magic primers are bullets basically, but bullets that can only be used by the one that created them. Every individuals Bullets are different as well, having different properties based on your soul and your latent magic. [they are more akin to sorcerers, but are trained differently.].))

You may ask....Hukuna, why isn't this awesome piece of your universe a character class? Well, because Gunslingers are rare as hell. Outside of the Shifting Sands they are all but unheard of, and many there have never even seen one. ((basically Xavier would know enough to identify it, since Cinder Knights would have trained to recognize them. However, he wouldn't have trained to fight one, let alone a Victonari Gunslinger.))

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Yes but not the best battle strart agianst multiple dudes XD, but be glad Odin kept a sword from being buried in your skull. ((and Helzebeth, Jupiter and Skinner, if it weren't for them you guys would all be pincushions right now.))

I don't know man, I kinda expected the large ogre with a mace to be able to do more than an unarmed sorcerer.

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Do keep in mind, Oarloff isn't really trained XD. ((I mean the second Gnoll Leapt over him, which only happened due to his inexperience.)), so it isn't Oarloff's fault lol. I am sure the Dwarves taught Dru ways to defend himself other than Earth Magic.

Also, you caught him off guard too. He didn't know you had any physical fighting skills, he just assumed your were a spellcaster and only a spellcaster ((due to garb etc...)) so you took him by surprise. ((the other Gnolls probably won't fall so easily for it since they have seen you do it now.))

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Do keep in mind, Oarloff isn't really trained XD. ((I mean the second Gnoll Leapt over him, which only happened due to his inexperience.)), so it isn't Oarloff's fault lol. I am sure the Dwarves taught Dru ways to defend himself other than Earth Magic.

Also, you caught him off guard too. He didn't know you had any physical fighting skills, he just assumed your were a spellcaster and only a spellcaster ((due to garb etc...)) so you took him by surprise. ((the other Gnolls probably won't fall so easily for it since they have seen you do it now.))

Fair enough. Is it safe for Dru to use his magic yet or is the Grave Earth still in effect?

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I don't know, Dru would have to connect to find out.

And that isn't me being a bastard trying to get you killed. There is just some things I cannot tell you in interest of the story. Dru has no way to know the Grave Earth isn't there anymore, so I can't tell you as a player about it since it would affect Dru, your character's actions. That would be meta data Dru shouldn't have. He has no way to know, therefore his player should have no way to know for the most true experience. Basically, you guys are going to just have to try things more, I am not going to be giving many answers anymore. ((unless it is like lore related, or you don't understand how something works in a way where it adversely is affecting stuff.))

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That goes for any of you guys by the way. I can;t reveal my hand too much anymore if I want the enemies to be challenging enough that they can beat you. Dru being weakened is something interesting that is happening. Does he continue to fight in this weaker stance? Or does he risk the Grave Earth still being there and harming his ability to fight? He might still be traumatized enough that he won't do it because of what happened earlier. ((I doubt it, he doesn't seem like that kind of man, but you never know.))

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Yes the battle music <3

also what kind of trees are we dealing with, by the way? Like, the ones that barely have any thick branches that go reaaaaally high up, or trees like the ones in Naruto where they can leap off and onto? I imagine it must be a tall kind of tree though, because that Gnoll Helze THISISSPARTA'd out of the tree just went... crack on the ground.

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I figure obsidian, since it's volcanic glass, would have some form of reflective property. In a sphere that small the obsidian might, in theory, be able to have it rebound enough times to fizzle itself out.

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Where did you get obsidian from though? There isn't really anywhere volcanic around. ((like sure in Shifting Sands in certain places, but finding that much obsidian would be super tough anywhere else. At least that much that could be pulled together and used. not trying to be a downer here, but there needs to be some semblance of realism, XD.))

EDIT: and nevermind lol, you accounted for that. So I got to work with it. Sorry, I should read things before I post in reply here lol.

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