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Graterras, A World in Peril. [OOC/Sign-Ups]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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Sorry for not putting up my Signup Post down for so long, but here it is at last:

Character Name: Khe'mako Lotaris

Race: D&D-type Kobold

Class: Wizard (Invoker, knows a little Transmutation)

Guild: ??? ((Will edit back in once the Revamping is done.))

Way of Casting Spells: Foci (he uses one of five differently-colored Gemstones to cast Elemental and Lightning Magic, and uses his Gloves and combinations of the Crystals as his Transmutation Foci. Before making the Gemstones, he used a Copper Staff as his Invocation Focus, and he has kept it to this day. However, after he made his Masterpieces, which were the Gemstones, he stopped using the Staff, reserving it for emergencies.)

Appearance and Age: 30 yrs old, 3'0", bluish-gray scales, blue-green reptilian eyes, wears a dark blue tunic, indigo-colored robes, black leather-like gloves, a Copper Staff that is four feet in length (which he carries on his back over his robes), and a Necklace that has five Uncut Gemstones set in it, each of which are a Focus for his Invocation Spells: a Ruby (Fire), a Yellow Sapphire (Air), a Blue Sapphire (Water), an Emerald (Earth), and a Diamond (Lightning). they're arranged in this order when viewing them from left-to-right: Ruby, Yellow Sapphire, Diamond, Blue Sapphire, Emerald. He uses pairs of them in tandem with his Gloves as Foci for his Transmutation Spells.

Personality Overview: Clever, Calm, and Kind. He tends to be a bit shy at first, but gets over it once he gets to know someone better. He prefers working alone, but can easily adapt to work in groups if he needs to.

Backstory: as a young Kobold, Khe'mako was a bit of a Lone Wolf, causing him to not have many ties to others. However, when he and some other Kobolds got into a tight situation involving a horde of Green Orcs raiding his hometown, he was quite impressed by how powerful the Kobold Wizards were, seeking training in Invocation from them after they managed to repel the Orcs. for the next twenty years, he trained in the Arts of Invocation, becoming mastering the basics in the first two years, and becoming skilled in each of the four Elemental Magics over the next twelve years. once he'd become proficient in the Elemental Magics, he set his sights higher, aspiring to learn the magic that he viewed in the highest regard: Lightning Spells. He finished this part of his Training in three years, and then decided to Diversify, choosing to study Transmutation. He finished that bit of his Training in three years, making his masterpiece when he finished training in this way: he Transmuted five Stones into Gemstones, which he put into a Necklace that he wears. He was inspired to do this by his Transmutation Teacher, who used a bracelet with four Gemstones set in it as his Focus when using Magic.

Edited by K_H
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Not giving any promises. I will have to decide when I am opening up that slot. ((mostly, I am going to be waiting a bit to see what happens since Notus isn't sure of his irl situation yet. And spots are always open to those that have them first. It will take awhile until this is all settled and he knows exactly what is going on. So, no offense but you are going to have to wait a bit, I hope that is alright with you.))

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I understand that, it's more of a "Placebo Effect" for him. (He thinks that the Foci help him, and this manifests as him unconsciously limiting himself to a lower-strength spell when he doesn't use the Crystals.)

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Wizard would probably be more accurate Roleplay-wise then. Sorcerer's rarely care for that kind of ritual. ((at least in that fashion...

Also, I don't think I would accept another Sorcerer anyway, there are already 2, I prefer to have a little more dynamic in the group.

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Alrighty, and just so you know, I might be totally revamping the Wizard guilds etc.... They were kinda badly put together imo from a lore stand point. I will let you know if any of those change dramatically in anyway. ((the Rose guild and the Crystal Isle based one will be staying for sure, but I need to figure out if I want to keep the others.)) this is all just a part of me revamping the lore of Graterras, cause a bit of it was outdated. ((speaking of which I need to change the Wind Templar thing in the OP along with the Power of Fire Templars.)).

And no characters will be joining until AFTER this current chapter anyway no matter the answer from Notus if he can continue or not. ((and yes, that is what I am waiting for lol.))

Until then let us continue on our way for Chapter 4 and get stuff done lol.

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Understood. I'll edit the Guild once you've finished Revamping the Guilds. Also, the bit about being unable to join until Chapter 5 is OK, I'll just wait until then to officially Post it.

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I may make it so Wizards don't even need to be affiliated. ((like Sorcerer's don't have guilds.)) however, they would have to be a Mage or a generalist, that doesn't have a specialty. My main problem is that in a forum setting, magic is harder to quantify. Like with D and D, we have the known spells and their levels etc... we know the exact measures of them, and every aspect of the spells. Here it is kinda impossible to do it well, or in a meaningful way. That is why wizard's and Sorcerer's don't have much of a difference other than semantics wise in this RP. ((with Wizard's typically using foci or objects and sorcerer's not needing too.))

As a result, I think I might make the Forums version of Graterras different from other versions in the sense of magic of Wizard's and sorcerers. Not significantly different though... it is all being worked on is all that needs to be known currently.

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So, it has been a bit, you guys mind if I just push the story a long a bit, it is starting a drag on a bit. So, since a bunch of stuff happened before Farreach I am probably going to plop you guys there and we can get into the Forest of Knives where the real meat of this chapter will start.

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Oh boy... you guys might be in for a Rough Ride if there are a Third and Fourth Group out there that're unaffiliated with The Gentleman or yourselves and are involved in this... watch your step. :ph34r:

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So, it has been a bit, you guys mind if I just push the story a long a bit, it is starting a drag on a bit. So, since a bunch of stuff happened before Farreach I am probably going to plop you guys there and we can get into the Forest of Knives where the real meat of this chapter will start.

Sure go right ahead, I think we already get pass the Marcus's grieving phase. it would be ashamed if we don't continue.. so onwards in finding Ashnard and the shards.

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How many are even still here? ((I realize I haven't updated in a bit, but I have been sick a lot lately so it has been hard to do so.)). I just need a head count so I know if continuing this is worth it or not. ((since you guys were very quiet during a part where you could react etc... this is why I am asking lol.))

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