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Graterras, A World in Peril. [OOC/Sign-Ups]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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How'd he get behind Nero without warping again? HAAAAAAAAAAAAX!!!!!!!

But really, you couldn't even kill him honorably from the front? He was walking right at you...

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I figured you were close to Akuma (relatively.) and that he would be able to Move fast enough to get to you before you realized what happened. Think other things have happened so not sure If I can change it now lol. and to your small text, he doesn't consider you guys honourable foes, mostly because of his philosophies but I can't break those out of the bag now. You will learn about the Mysterious entity known as the Gentleman, just not now.

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Alright have I killed everyone now? Not 100% sure, but I have to go at time of writing and can't look myself, so if anybody sees this a head count for me would be nice so I can get the story moving again once I get back to the forums lol.

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Why can no one tell when I'm joking... -_-

Anyway, basing it off of the first page of the OOC, I believe everyone is dead except Sora, who I don't think was introduced, right? If so, then you're good.

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I see 8 characters in your first post (without Aqua) and I count 7 kills and 1 barrierwalker. Congrats, you killed us all! Meanie

Never mind, I got ninja'd :ph34r:

Edited by Chimchain
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I didn't do that, The Gentleman did that lol. If you need to blame somebody blame him. (or me, I am a terrible PC killer, but at least I got it out of the way at the beginning, so now I won't be as tempted you know?)

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Oh hey, so I thought of a way to give Jeneve a little depth.

...Murdoch, Notus, I'm afraid I don't think my character will like yours all that much.

Well, Xavier is Neutral Good leaning slightly toward Lawful, and your character seems to be the Chaotic Neutral type. . . .

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The only alignments that reall shouldn't be able to get along are Chaotic Evil and Lawful Good. But I don't put much stock in alignments, I feel they restrict characters too much, so I don't even really use them in D and D. (for PCs anyway.). But for sake of alignments Pyron himself is Lawful Neutral. (Xavier is fine being a Good lol, Pyron tends to let his emotions get the better of him so he isn't truly good. Comes with the territory of being a God of Passion. But Characters can be Passionate about different things, so his Templars tend to range the most in Alignment.)

Other Templar gods just for your information.

Aelia is Neutral Good, Neutral because she doesn't really care for the Law to Chaos scale, being more logical then some of the others gods, and not putting stock into either Idea.

Seeker is Chaotic Neutral, and so are almost all of his Knights. (A lot are even Neutral Evil.) Seeker's only purpose is to acquire and harvest Knowledge, his knights do the same. They tend to hoard it as well, thinking a lot of it is much too dangerous for the hands of outsiders. Seeker has a real, you must prove yourself worthy attitude and is not a God you ever want to deal with. His Cold Calculating Nature, tends for him to default to his favourite course of action, Assimilation. (for anyone one who isn't one of his Knights.)

Techniteus is True Neutral. He believes the ideas of Good vs Evil, and Law vs Chaos are trivial.His knights tend to be of a kind where they access their surroundings and then decide. ( Why Eternal Sentinels tend to be quiet People, they process, then make an action acting almost as if they were stone and had an Eternity to make a decision. Needless to say, they aren't always the best in a pinch.)

The descriptions above apply mostly to NPC's of that faction, though A player Character could try to emulate it. I prefer you make your character the way you envision them however.

(By the way, still working out the next encounter I guess I will call it. Trying to figure out how much I want you guys to interact with it, so that is why I am taking awhile.)

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