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[KARMA FILES SPOILERS] Compilation of some Unsolved Rejuvenation Questions

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Made this on the tram today. Thought I'd share. No particular order



Hard hitting:


  • Who is Madame X?
  • What is Team Xen's Goal? Does it differ from Madame X's?
  • Who is Melia really?
  • Who is World Shatterer?
  • Are Madame X, Clear and Kieran interceptors?
  • Why did the whole switcheroo thing happen after the player left Zeight?
  • What is Madame X's Yveltal? Why does it hold a Soul Stone?
  • If we reset the world once before, why?
  • Who is World Shatterer?
  • What happened when the Guardians of Aevium Faced Indirad
  • What happend when Marianette attacked Indriad
  • Why did Vitus relocate to strange house on Zoralain Coast? How was Anathea still alive?
  • What was the result of "sacrificing" Marianette?
  • What is in the second castle at Blacksteeple island? Why is only Madame X allowed to roam it?
  • What is crescent hiding about the SS Oceana?
  • Why did Amber and Mosely gain a memory of the doomed timeline?
  • What did the Protagonist do at the end of M2's timeline?
  • What is Eizen?
  • Did Madame X burn down Wispy Tower?
  • How is Renegade Melia able to sense the player's malicious intent at the start of Karma Files. Is this related to her identity?

  • Why can't Zeight track Vitus/Angie is it because they are an exe?
  • Where has Sirius/Vitus been ever since the incident at Wispy Tower?
  • Has Alexandra and Damien been to the past given they keep a timesplicer crystal in their room? I mean you could put it anywhere else? Alexandra seemed pretty nonchalant about it.
  • Has Alexandra inherited powers from Nymiera? What was that scene at the top of the Black Shards quest and in previous versions of the train before GDC?
  • Why does Tesla's relationship points have such a big impact on the Bad Ending Calc?
  • Why is there a base on the moon? Who operates it
  • Where did V come from?
  • Why does V need the Nano Drive?
  • Was V born an interceptor or are they simply not linked to the system? (a bit of a headcannon is they're from the moonbase, hence the cosmog)
  • Why did the Theolia siblings make the Garufan Symbol at the Pyramid?
  • What did Dr Isha prepare for those in GDC? Is this a reference to Rift Stakataka?
  • How does Dr Isha capture Giratina anyway? What's she been doing after leaving Geara?
  • Why does Clear mess with Flora if we don't expose her in Darchlight Caves?
  • What happened to Deagan? How did he survive in WLL? Was his death another illusion?
  • Why is Rift Gardevoir's Rift-Dex entry corrupted
  • Why do only people close to the protagonist see the player for who they are after the Clear Scene in the School of nightmares?
  • Anathea has been to Blacksteeple Castle before. Why?
  • Why hasn't Erin or anyone really heard of the Miera region before? You'd think a nuclear plant disaster would be pretty infamous
  • What were the original Team Xen's goals? Is there any connection to the modern Team Xen? Who was Lord Xenadin?
  • Why does Crescent say she "made up" the interceptor effect? It sounds like solid assumption. Is there some sort of flaw in it?
  • Variya made a pyramid in the location of each of the original seven nations. Why multiple? Why not just one?
  • What's the purpose of the pyramids anyway? Does this imply at some point humanity may need to escape Earth?
  • What is the purpose of an interceptor anyway?
  • Madame X's Zekrom?
  • How did Talon get a Tornadus?
  • Was Cosmia still imitating Regina in the Xenogene Quest? Assuming so.
  • Amber's letter?
  • Probably more that I missed. If any of these were answerd lemme know

Edited by PartyCover
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From my knowledge on playing through this game multiple times and doing a new recent playthrough,


Major Questions
1. Nothing on Madame X's identity yet, but if you do certain things right during chapter 14 you see her mask broken and you can see a little bit of her face, for example she has black hair and red eyes. (Though I don't know if that is actually true or not because Clear was using her powers at that time to trick protag and party to think they were winning, so that may or may not be what her appearance would look like.)

2. It is lead to believe that Team Xen's goals are to recreate Storm-9 to happen again by killing everyone in GDC with a Rift-form of Stakataka. Madame X's overall goal is unknown.

3. She is and she isn't Maria. Don't really know exactly what is going on there but we are probably gonna get more answers when Version 14 releases.

4. Renegade MC. It makes the most sense because their goal is the eradication of the world while also helping Paragon MC to save their world.

5. Clear and Kieran are not Interceptors nor is Madame X, but chapter 9 does have that scene were we fail to find the magical explosive orb and we see Madame X in Zeight. I'll come back to this later when I get to this point in my current playthrough just so I can remember what she saids. All I remember from it is that she still needs us and she rewinds the clock for us to find the bomb again.

6. It has to do with .KARMA switching M2 with Melia because M2 finally cracked and started bashing on the HostMC. I don't know if M2 is split between both Paragon and Renegade, but I think she is.

7. I don't know what her Yveltal is, but it does have to do with Indriad I think because he is the .exe of the cycle along with Nymeria being the .exe for Xerneus. This is more interesting if you go back to the factory that was making all of the whirlpools around the island it was on and dive to a secret location. You can see information on stuff as well as a figure of the cacoon that Yveltal has when it needs to go to sleep which would suck up the life forces of everything around it. That might have something to do with why it has a soul stone as an item.

8. It wasn't us that hit the restart button, it was Adrian that hit the reset button. Will get back with an explaination or someone else might explain more on this one because I need a refresher and I'm not at that point of the game to give it.

9. Don't know. Will get more answers on that in the next version.

10. She remembered who she is and the power of the Archetype came back to her, so she started using it to beat up Indriad/Vitus.

11. Indriad relocating to the strange house might be replaced next version if you've been keeping up on the Development Blog. For Anathea being alive, she isn't. The reason why we see her however is because of the soul stone that we have that she stayed behind.

12. Don't know. Though the result might have some answers on who exactly Melia is. We don't really know what actually happened execpt that it was suppose to be a sacrifice.

13. Beats me.

14. Same thing as last time, will probably get more answers on this in the next version.

15. For me, those timelines are merging into each other so the character from the normal timeline will start to have memories of the doom timeline.

16. From what M2 said, they did something and left that world which in turn made it into a world that has stopped and only the MChost and M2 are left wandering it.

17. He is an anomaly.

18. No clue.

19. Same answer as 18.

Minor Questons.

1. Could be what you said at the end.

2. Might have fallen back onto a different plan which is to control Angie.

3. No, they haven't been to the past. I think it is just in Alexandra's room because it is a family heirloom and it is in there for decorations.

4. Yes.

5. Can't think of a reason, but has something to do with how she treats the main protag and is one of the first people we meet in the beginning of the game.

6. No clue. Might get more answers on that for next version.

7. V came from a different timeline.

8. She needs the nanodrive to help her save her timeline.

9. I think she was more chosen than born as an interceptor because from when we learned from Chapter 14, the HostMCs showed characteristics that do well with the Interceptor program.

10. They're the archetype because Indriad couldn't have any children with Anathea so he used the power of the archetype to make Maria, Erin, Alice, and Allen. That is also why Anathea has golden hair and not black hair.

11. Don't know if it is a thing or not now.

12. Probably captured Giratina for experimentation. As to what Giratina was doing before hand, going after the MC in Darchlight due to it having a bone to pick with them.

13. She does? Never seen that scene before mostly due to me making the same choices and exposing Flora.

14. Don't think it was an illusion, but from the Aelita and Amber Nightmare Door scene. Something is going on with him since he is kind of fragmented when going through the section. We might get more answers on this in the next verison.

15. I don't remember the entry for her being glitched or not.

16. They see the MC differently due to them having multiple souls in them. So, some of the character would see the MC as Aevis while other might see them as Aevia. I think only the characters closest to the MC can see the character that we (the player) picked at the start of the game when choosing who we should play as. 

17. Could of been a coverup that happened since the nuclear plant that did exploded was owned by the Blakeorys.

18. No clue on what old Team Xen's goals were. Only connecton between the two is the name and that both were causing trouble for Miera and Aevium. No clue on who Lord Xenadin is.

19. She made it up because team morale was at rock bottom because they started to read on the truth of their world and that everything was set, but we don't know the limit of the Interceptor's power execpt that .KARMA can stop things that the MC tries to do. For example, when Damien talks to the group at the healing place were Aelita and the Elder were sent to break the chains off of Aelita. You can type in Storm-9 and it is shown that the scene is skipped to when everyone was leaving. That is because .KARMA doesn't want the group to know that Nim is Storm-9 too early.

20. No clue.

21. Again, no clue.

22. She stole the dark stone from champion when the two fought at the volcano. Not the volcano in Terajuma, the other one that is next to Team Xen's base and the pyramid.

23. .KARMA? maybe. Or it was just added to his team to make the fight against him harder in the Renegade path.

24. Yes.

25. Concert tickets.


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