Enatsyrte Posted Tuesday at 03:49 PM Share Posted Tuesday at 03:49 PM Hello people ! It has been a while I didn't post here. Anyway, I was thinking about Angie for a moment and I thought her sub ace Walrein didn't reflect welll the temper of her Trainer. On other hand, the other Protectors have an ace which reflects their style : Hazuki & Aegislash (Knight Style) and Vivivan & Alakazam (spiritual). Currently, we fought all the Aevium Protectors except Nymiera and they managed to show us their ace according to their character development. And it seems for me Angie still doesn't have the same treatment. So let's start ! Pokedex Entry : It lives in snowy forests where it takes care of the helpless. Although kindly, it becomes aggressive when it loses its temper. To get a A-Slaking you will need a regular Vigoroth in your team. Since it is a regional form made especially for Angie, I guess it's a good idea to create a new evolution condition for Vigoroth. To evolve into A-Slaking, Vigoroth will need to level up in the Evergreen Forest (lvl 36 min). Since there is a spring in this forest, I think it adds some lore around Angie and how she managed to have a better mastery of her powers. A long path made with her partner A-Slaking... Base Stats : HP : 150 => 150 Atk : 160 => 100 Def : 100 => 160 Sp.Atk : 95 => 95 Sp.Def : 65 => 100 Speed : 100 => 65 Total BS : 670 => 670 Other data of the Pokémon : 1. Height : 2m 2. Weight : 142.5kg Abilities : - Ice Body : a regular ability which fits well with the battle style of her current ace Walrein. It will be the ability choosen for the first fight against her (to make it a bit easier) - Unique Ability (and HA) ; Quick Anger. If the user miss an attack or is hit by critical hits or super effective attacks, its attack, special attack and speed raise by 1. Reduces its defenses. A tricky ability for Angie right ? Well, I wanted to get an ability which represents well her personality : a kind person who can go wild quickly. Level Up moves : 0 0 1 1 Swagger Cool Composure Sheer Cold Trash Normal Ice Ice Normal Status Status Special Physical — — — 120 85% — 30% 100% 15 10 5 10 1 Hammer Arm Fighting Physical 100 90% 10 1 Punishment Dark Physical — 100% 5 1 Fling Dark Physical — 100% 10 1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100% 35 1 Yawn Normal Status — —% 10 1 Encore Normal Status — 100% 5 1 Slack Off Normal Status — —% 10 6 Encore Normal Status — 100% 5 9 Slack Off Normal Status — —% 10 14 Ice Shard Ice Physical 40 100% 30 17 Freeze-Dry Ice Special 70 100% 20 23 Covet Normal Physical 60 100% 25 27 Chip Away Normal Physical 70 100% 20 33 Counter Fighting Physical — 100% 20 39 Flail Normal Physical — 100% 15 47 Fling Dark Physical — 100% 10 53 Punishment Dark Physical — 100% 5 61 63 Ice Hammer Icicle Crash Ice Ice Physical Physical 100 85 90% 90% 10 10 Signature Move : Cool Composure BP : — PP : 10 Acc : — The user focuses its mind to increase its defenses by one stage. The user is more likely to take crititcal hits next turn. Detail* : +1 priority As you can see, A-Slaking will be played around the gimmick "Stay Calm => Bloody Wrath", which fits well with Angie who try to be a calm person while having anger issues. By TM&HM : HM01 Cut Chapter 3 Reward for defeating Amanda in front of the Abandoned Sewers entrance in East Gearen City, story related after the 2nd Badge. HM04 Strength Chapter 11 Given by April after fixing the tracks for the Grand Express, story related after the 10th Badge. TM01 Work Up Chapter 7 In Amethyst Cave 2nd area, requires Surf and Rock Climb. TM05 Roar Chapter 7 In Aquamarine Cave, from the guy near the entrance. TM06 Toxic N/A N/A TM07 Hail Chapter 8 In the Isle of Angels outside the Church of Theolia after defeating Angie, after the 7th Badge. TM08 Bulk Up Chapter 14 Kasumi Gardens in Castle of Goomidra at Kingdom of Goomidra. TM10 Hidden Power Chapter 1 Chrisola Hotel Casino or GDC Scholar District Game Corner, for 4000 Coins. TM12 Taunt Chapter 11 At the Fireplace in Darchlight Manor. TM13 Ice Beam Chapter 13 In the Cellar of the Tower of Theolia, behind a Strength Boulder and breakable wall. TM14 Blizzard N/A N/A TM15 Hyper Beam N/A N/A TM17 Protect Chapter 3 Reward for defeating Spirit Keta at Amethyst Grotto. TM18 Rain Dance Chapter 10 In Darchlight Woods, just north of where you battle Flora/Florin. TM21 Frustration Chapter 9 In West Gearen City Southern Side, requires Cut. TM24 Thunderbolt Chapter 13 In the Tecanlite Factory at West Gearen City Southern Side, behind the bottom room, requires Tecanlite Key. TM25 Thunder N/A N/A TM26 Earthquake N/A N/A TM27 Return Chapter 13 At Hiyoshi Pass, near Ana's gravestone. TM28 Dig Chapter 15 In the Pyramid Grounds Fertile Land version, requires Surf. TM30 Shadow Ball Chapter 4 Reward for defeating Narcissa in Goldenleaf Town. TM31 Brick Break Chapter 11 In Grand Dream City's Dream District, beside a fisherman near the entrance to the Scholar District. TM32 Double Team Chapter 7 Evergreen Forest, up the Rock Climb wall closest to the entrance. TM39 Rock Tomb Chapter 4 In the Forgotten Path on the tower at the right side, requires Cut. TM40 Aerial Ace Chapter 9 In the Forest of Time at the floating island, requires Surf and Rock Climb. TM42 Facade Chapter 3 Given to you by Venam after beating Marianette. TM44 Rest Chapter 6 River's End, just north of Eizen's house. TM45 Attract Chapter 5 In Route 4, across the bridge west of Cairo's house then north across the first body of water you can surf on. TM46 Thief Chapter 6 In Route 2 near the waterfall, requires Surfing from River's End or Rock Climb. TM47 Low Sweep Chapter 6 At the AP Center in Chrisola Hotel or GDC Scholar District Game Corner, for 5 AP. TM48 Round Chapter 4 In the cave near the start of Mirage Woods, requires Cut. TM52 Focus Blast N/A N/A TM63 Embargo Chapter 2 In the Hidden Library at the small room. TM65 Shadow Claw Chapter 7 In the Wispy Chasm accessed from the Wispy Tower area, requires Rock Climb. TM66 Payback Chapter 4 In the Mirage Cave at Mirage Woods, requires Cut. TM68 Giga Impact Chapter 13 Obtained from the Scholar District Fanclub after reaching 800 Popularity. TM73 Thunder Wave Chapter 8 In the Kristiline Town Help Center, requires Center Keys. TM78 Bulldoze Chapter 4 At the end of the side path on Route 1, past the Ruthless Exploud. Requires Cut. TM79 Frost Breath Chapter 8 Church of Theolia in the Tower Cellar, behind the westernmost crack. TM80 Rock Slide Chapter 13 Reward for defeating Adam in GDC Grand Dream Stadium. TM86 Grass Knot Chapter 8 In the Garufa Sanctuary accessed through Corrupted Cave. TM87 Swagger Chapter 6 In Sheridan Arena, Requires Surf. TM88 Sleep Talk Chapter 6 On Route 4 near a raid den, requires Surf. TM90 Substitute Chapter 15 In GDC Dream District Somniam Mall for 2,000, requires 7 Stamps. TM93 Wild Charge Chapter 14 In Zone Zero Inner Zone South, Southeast the 2nd Abandoned Apartment. TM94 Rock Smash Chapter 2 Given by Karrina after defeating Dr. Jenkel, Story related after the 1st Badge. TM96 Nature Power Chapter 5 Route 2, Painter Sidequest reward. TM98 Power-Up Punch Chapter 6 Goldenwood Cave, near the Spiritomb encounter, requires Surf. TM100 Confide Chapter 5 Route 4, just north of the entrance to Wispy Ruins. TM101 Rock Climb Chapter 7 Given by Tesla in Teila Resort, story related. TM103 Stacking Shot Chapter 2 Given by Spirit Keta at Amethyst Grotto, story related. TM104 Deluge Chapter 7 In the northern section of Route 5, accessible through Aquamarine Cave or Dive Spots. Requires Surf, and either Rock Climb or Dive. TM107 Slash and Burn Chapter 10 In Route 7 Yui's Ranch area, requires Cut. TM111 Aurora Veil N/A N/A TM113 Brutal Swing Chapter 6 Reward from the Dragonite's Lost Mail 2 sidequest in Goldenleaf Town. TM115 Mega Punch Chapter 10 In Darchlight Caves near the Decompression Lab, in Dark Mode. TM116 Mega Kick Chapter 13 In Kristiline Town TM Shop, for 150,000, requires 12 Badges post Fly. TM122 Screech Chapter 4 At the end of the side path on Route 1, past the Ruthless Exploud. Requires Cut. TM132 Icicle Spear Chapter 8 In Valor Mountain (Calm Emotion) 1F, requires Surf and Magma Drift. TM133 Mud Shot Chapter 7 At the southwest exit of Jirukala Cavern, accessed from the Mynori Sea. Requires Surf. TM145 Hex Chapter 6 In Jynnobi Pass, requires Cut. TM157 Breaking Swipe Chapter 8 In Kristiline Town TM Shop, for 25,000. RM02 Avalanche Chapter 8 In Kristiline Town TM Shop, for 50,000. RM05 Sucker Punch Chapter 13 In Kristiline Town TM Shop, for 100,000, requires 12 Badges post Fly. RM06 Retaliate Chapter 8 In Kristiline Town TM Shop, for 25,000. RM07 Dynamic Punch Chapter 8 In Kristiline Town TM Shop, for 50,000. RM09 Tri Attack Chapter 8 In Kristiline Town TM Shop, for 25,000. By tutors : - After You - Ice Punch - Icy Wind - Focus Energy - Encore - Shock Wave - Bide - Covet - Snore - Natural Gift - Headbutt - Captivate - Heavy Slam - Play Rough - Mimic - Fury Cutter - Low Kick - Body Slam - Double Edge - Counter - Body Press - Reversal - Uproar - Mud Slap - Gunk Shot - Stomping Tantrum - Thunder Punch - Seismic Toss - Amnesia - Focus Punch - Endure - Water Pulse - Block - Drain Punch - Outrage - Triple Axel Egg Moves : After You Normal Status — —% 15 Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100% 15 Crush Claw Normal Physical 75 95% 10 Curse Ghost Status — —% 10 Hammer Arm Fighting Physical 100 90% 10 Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100% 15 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100% 20 Slash Normal Physical 70 100% 20 Sleep Talk Normal Status — —% 10 Snore Normal Special 50 100% 15 Tickle Normal Status — 100% 20 We finally reach the end of this fanwork. Currently, I have made a fanwork about A-Magmortar, but it wasn't the best to fit Angie's battle style, so I had to improve that without making a regional form too hard to beat at lvl 50. Now, I'll present 2 sets that Lady Angie could use : A-Slaking @ Assault Vest Ability: Ice Body Level : 50 EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpA Quiet Nature - Cold Truth - Stomping Tantrum - Thrash - Freeze-Dry A-Slaking @ Sitrus Berry Ability: Truant Level: 90-95 Happiness: 0 EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Adamant Nature - Triple Axel - Mega Kick - Stomping Tantrum - Cool Composure Special Alternative : A-Slaking @ Sitrus Berry Ability: Truant Level: 90-95 Happiness: 0 EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Modest Nature - Cold Truth - Thunder / Thunderbolt - Focus Blast / Freeze Dry - Cool Composure It was a bit difficult to create something "better" but not overpowered with Slaking since the player can have this Pokémon too before battling Angie. I think I should improve some details but it could be a very cool Pokémon to fight during the story while keeping it beatable for the MC before Amber and Erin. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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