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To add a bit more detail, Paragon is the route you are most likely to find yourself on with a normal playthrough. Generally, it is plainly obvious if you are on not on this route and are on the Renegade route instead as the Renegade route is clearly working towards a bad ending. If you are unsure if you are on the Paragon route at the end of the available game (V13.5), this is how you can know if you finished a paragon playthrough when you have finished the game:


If you have finished a playthrough, and you have seen the red chain with no explanation of where it came from, you are on the paragon route through the game. 

If you want to play through the renegade route:


There are guides on the discord that help to determine your path towards it. I would recommend looking at this google doc on the karma and renegade tab to see how to trigger it.



You can also use the terajuma password to start yourself on Terajuma Island with a team based on your protagonist. You can select a renegade playthrough and it will set you up with a huge number of negative karma points. This will make it much easier to achieve the renegade route. The Terajuma tab of this google doc details the teams you get if you are interested in using this password. This doc is also available on the discord.



The story splits into the Renegade and Paragon routes during


the nightmare school sequence while looking for the platinum component.


Both the Renegade and Paragon routes are important for the overall story of the game and I would personally recommend playing both

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Long story short, Paragon is the good/neutral karma route, and Renegade is the negative karma route and it's very hard to get to Renegade unless you go out of your way, both figuratively and literally, to do so. Both are canon and both are required if you want to get the full picture.

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