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Finding scyther



Do anybody knows what route to find scyther on because i'm looking for a fast hard hitter to void out my pidgeot of not learning any good move but wing attack or I take any suggstions on other fast pokemon in the game would be a great help please

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Scyther is sadly unobtainable, as of yet. I would presume that that has something to do with Technician being a little too good on it, and it being a bit too speedy...

Are you insinuating Pidgeot is lousy why I oughta...

If it's a speedy Flying-type you want, um... Crobat is pretty cool. Cross Poison + Acrobatics is a deadly combo. You can find Zubat in caves in the Wasteland, assuming you've been there already. Earlier on, Fearow and Dodrio both have the same type combo as Pidgeot, are slightly slower than it (by one Speed point, literally) and hit harder than it. You can find Doduo and Spearow outside Beryl Ward's Gym, in the Graveyard.

So you could make do with those for a bit, if you have to, but definitely look into Crobat- it's probably the best Flying-type you can get.

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Thanks for the info on scyther and no pidgeot is amsome but wing attack and quick attack will go so far if you have any good idea for moves it can stay but i do have a murkrow but i have three dark types already and hunchrow is more of a powerhouse then speed but I do have ninjask and shed and ninjask has speed boost but it attack is great and i rather have accelgor.

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If you want to try a different Flying-type, I could suggest Pidove - Tranquill - Unfezant to you. Pretty sure I've run into a few back in the Obsidia Slums, and they can have Super Luck (which increases Crit chance). It's more SpAtk based, but it might be an alternative to Pidgeot.

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Pidgeot's best Flying move, sadly, is Brave Bird, which it can only get via breeding. I suppose you could give it Hurricane instead- it gets that from the move relearner- but it's not really geared to focus on Special Attack...

The amount of neglect GF has given my favourite Pokemon makes me really sad... Poor thing is never going to live up to anyone's expectations like that...

As for Accelgor, I'm having a blonde moment and can't remember where you get Shelmet, but you can find Karrablast in various places in the Chrysolia Region, and there's a guy in Spinel Town who I think will trade you Shelmet for Karrablast, so you can evolve them?

Edited by Lost Lore
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Pidgeot's best Flying move, sadly, is Brave Bird, which it can only get via breeding. I suppose you could give it Hurricane instead- it gets that from the move relearner- but it's not really geared to focus on Special Attack...

The amount of neglect GF has given my favourite Pokemon makes me really sad... Poor thing is never going to live up to anyone's expectations like that...

As for Accelgor, I'm having a blonde moment and can't remember where you get Shelmet, but you can find Karrablast in various places in the Chrysolia Region, and there's a guy in Spinel Town who I think will trade you Shelmet for Karrablast, so you can evolve them?

You can get Shelmets in Azurine Island...

Anyway, since people recommended flying types, and Crobat has been recommended already, i can suggest two other pokemons:

1 - Gyarados... "Wait, Gyarados gets no flying move"... Doesn't matter, Gyarados is boss... "It gets Bounce, but it can't get it in Reborn" F that, Gyarados is still awesome... I don't even care, Gyarados is beast...

2 - Yanmega... Since we're talking about fast flying types, well... Yanmega gets Air Slash and Speed Boost... The 4x times weakness to Rock is BAD, but really... Unless everyone in Reborn starts using Stealth Rock, is a very good option for you...

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