Enatsyrte Posted March 7 Share Posted March 7 Hi everyone ! I made a promise for doing a run focused on Electric Terrain and I did it ! It was with a mono-electric team and it was better than I thought. But before presenting the team I'll do a little recap about the Electric Terrain as an Overlay. 1) The goated Electric Type ? As you can see, the Electric Type is pretty good offensively. It doesn't interact much with the rest of the type chart. So as a STAB, it's a good point. However, the Electric type is walled by Grass, itself or Dragon type, but the worse is the Ground Type. (And I still didn't take into account the abilities like Volt Absorb or Lightning Rod) But yes, the Electric Type can make the best offensive combo with the Ice Type, commonly know as the BoltBeam combo. The main issue is having a strong coverage Attack, and Electric Type Pokémon are know to lack good coverage. So could we rely on the enhanced moves of our Terrain ? 2) Moves enhanced by the terrain Here is the major drawback of the overlay. It mostly enhances Electric Type attacks and the other few moves take a secondary electric type such as Surf or Hurricane, which means they become useless against an Electric immune Pokémon. The only moves which doesn't become an Electric Type attack is.... Magnet Bomb... that's it. It's move known only by Magnezone family, Probopass and Genesect. So the interest of the move is pretty limited. However, there is an interesting move for a Mono Electric Team : Magnet Rise. Its duration is extended to 8 turns, but you loose the 50% boost for Electric moves since you're not grounded anymore. But it can have its advantage. 3) And the abilities ? Hopefully, the abilities enhanced by the Overlay are usable, ouf ! But it's pretty gimmick and focused around the Electric Type. Volt Aborb is not very interesting since the overlay doesn't provide defensive effects and the Pokémon with this ability are not defensive. Surge Surfer is very interesting for having a huge speed boost for speed control. Galvanize is pretty limited, but it provides a strong Electric STAB. If you read the Field Note, you could think Plus & Minus provides a +50% boost in Special Attack. However it's not the case, at least for the Overlay. It's sad since there are a lot of weak Pokémon which could be useful if the overlay worked properly. And the last ability is gimmick but useful : Steadfast. It's pretty simple : +1 speed boost on entry if the overlay is already set up. 4) Verdict ? In my opinion, the Electric Terrain as an Overlay is a sword of Damocles : huge risk but huge rewards. You're against a team which lacks Electric Type resistance, it's easy win. Otherwise it'll be far more complicated. I think this Overlay can be funny to play with, so contrary to the putrid Grassy Terrain, I'll be more optimistic for this Team Presentation. So let's go !!! Electric Terrain Generator Pincurchin @ Amplified Rock Ability: Electric Surge EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD Relaxed Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Rising Voltage - Scald / Deluge - Recover / Memento - Spikes / Toxic Spikes Currently it's our only and best option to summon the Electric Terrain. We choose a defensive investment to be able to summon twice the terrain during a battle. It lacks a lot of base stats and more importantly, it doesn't learn any pivoting moves (Parting Shot, Volt Switch...), so be careful with this poor thing. I suggest you to catch one Pincurchin with Rising Voltage, which hits pretty hard even without special attack investment. I suggest you to take a Water Coverage move, but Scald is better and has 30% to burn the foe. But when Tapu Koko will be available, just replace Pincurchin and give it a deserved rest. The Ground Type Immunity Rotom-Wash @ Leftovers / Berry Ability: Levitate EVs: 252 HP / 212 Def / 44 Spe IVs: 0 Atk Bold Nature - Hydro Pump - Volt Switch - Will-O-Wisp / Toxik - Defog / Pain Split An important teammate for a Mono Electric Team, since it has a good bulk and can temporize for your team. You can choose between Will-O-Wisp or Toxik according to your preference. Since the entry hazards are rare, I suggest you to use Pain Split over Defog. It's a good way to deal damage against bosses or weakened some foes for the rest of the team. The only problem is Rotom is available after the Ryland Fight. That's why I'll suggest you some alternatives : Spoiler Alternative 1 : Oricorio-Pom-Pom @ Metronome / Life Orb / Oricorio Crest Ability: Dancer EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Air Slash - Revelation Dance - Calm Mind - Roost / Hidden Power [Ice] It's the earliest Ground Type Immunity for a Mono Electric Team. It has a Flying Type STAB, good to deal with Grass Type. However we cannot choose Hurricane, since with the Electric sub type, we loose extra damage against Grass Type Pokémon, which are pretty defensive. Without Electric Terrain, The power of Hurricane reaches a 330 value (STAB + Super effective). With the Electric Terrain, it only reaches a 247,5 value (STAB + 50% boost). In addition to that, Oricorio could be walled by Ground Type Pokémon. Calm Mind is not mandatory, but if you manage to set up 1 or 2 CM, Oricorio becomes more threatening, but good luck to set up this Pokémon. Alternative 2 : Vikavolt @ Sitrus Berry Ability: Levitate EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Modest Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Thunderbolt - Bug Buzz - Energy Ball - Sticky Web Slow but hits hard, that's the definition of Vikavolt. It's a good Pokémon for the end of Act 1, but it looses interest against faster Pokémon because of its limited bulk. Energy Ball is a good coverage when you have it, but you'll mostly rely on Bug Buzz. Sticky Web is an option for a Mono Electric Team, but let's say it, it's not incredible since a huge majority of Electric Type are fast. The Physical Attacker A-Breloom @ Muscle Band / Life Orb Ability: Tough Claws EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Adamant Nature - Power Whip / Slash and Burn - Wake-Up-Shock - Sucker Punch / Drain Punch - Spore What !? A-Breloom after what I said about it ?! Yeah, it's here, and honestly it deserved it. The dual Type of Grass / Electric was bad for a Mono Grass, especially with Breloom Base Stats. However, it's different with a Mono Electric Team, which already provides speed control and often lacks firepower. Hopefully, A-Breloom provides a huge firepower and the other Electric Types provide a better synergy with A-Breloom. By the way, it's the non Legendary Electric Type with the better Physical Attack stat (130 with good abilities and moves). For the set I suggest something pretty classic. Just catch a A-Breloom with Power Whip, it's very important. Slash and Burn has better accuracy, but you'll miss OHKO against some Pokémon, which can be decisive for your victory. The combo Spore + Wake-Up-Shock is a deadly combo under the Electric Terrain. It's very satisfying to use it. The last moves depends on your playstyle. I prefer Sucker Punch to deal with faster but frail Pokémon you could face during your journey. Thank you A-Breloom, you won my spurs. Spoiler Alternative 1 : Golem-Alola @ Metronome Ability: Magnet Pull EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Wild Charge - Stone Edge - Earthquake - Stealth Rock A good Pokémon for the Act 1. If caught with Earthquake, you'll have a very coverage move against Steel Types, but also Electric Types. It also learns Stealth Rock but can lack Physical Electric Type STAB until your access to Zone Zero if you don't have Galvanize. Alternative 2 : Luxray @ Luxray Crest Ability: Intimidate / Guts EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Adamant Nature - Return - Crunch - Psychic Fangs / Ice Fang - Agility / Quick Attack / Magnet Rise The last "good" alternative. Even with its crest, it lacks bulk lacks firepower, especially when compared to A-Breloom. You can try with Luxray, but the crest is not enough to make it shine for me. The Electric Wall Dealer A-Ampharos @ Air Balloon / Shuca Berry / A.Ampharos Crest Ability: Filter EVs: 250 HP / 156 SpA / 102 Spe Modest Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Thunderbolt - Ice Beam - Magnet Rise - Agility / Cotton Guard / Haze Yep, another Aevian form ! Looks like the forms created are pretty good ahah. A-Ampharos has the perfect BoltBeam Combo but it lacks speed to exploit quickly its perfect coverage. The stats spread is made to outspeed defensive Corvinight but even at +2 in speed you cannot outspeed Pokémon with more than 106 BS Speed. At least this stat spread A-Ampharos has a better bulk and hits a bit harder. The items and the status moves depends on the situation and your playstyle. It's like a glue you can adapt to your team. Spoiler Alternative 1 : Electrode-Hisui @ White Herb / Grass Gem / Life Orb Ability: Aftermath EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Leaf Storm / Chloroblast - Giga Drain - Thunderbolt - Volt Switch It's a good option during Act 1, but once you caught A-Breloom, it becomes less interesting due to its mediocre special attack. Alternative 2 : Zapdos @ Metronome / Sitrus Berry / Gem Ability: Static EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Hurricane / Air Slash - Thunderbolt - Heat Wave - U-turn A good alternative with a better speed stat. The main issue is it lacks Ice Type Coverage outside Hidden Power [Ice]. Plus, it's only available during Karma.files events as well as the third option. And it has the same problem like Oricorio. Its best interest is Heat Wave and U-Turn (pivoting tool not blocked by Ground Types). Alternative 3 : Raikou @ Shuca Berry / Leftovers / Interceptium-Z [Ice] Ability: Pressure EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Thunderbolt - Aura Sphere - Scald - Calm Mind Contrary to Zapdos, Raikou has a cool access to Calm Mind + Scald, which fits well with the team. However it needs to set up at least 2 Calm Minds to deal huge damage. The Surge Surfer Raichu-Alola @ Interceptium-Z [Ice] Ability: Surge Surfer EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Rising Voltage - Psychic - Grass Knot / Magma Drift - Nasty Plot One of the most important member of the team. If it sets up a Nasty Plot, it can reverse the issue of a battle. Outside Nasty Plot, having Rising Voltage will help you a lot to maximize the damage (you can catch a Pikachu with this move in GDC). However, Surf is not recommanded because of the secondary Electric Type it receives from the Overlay, so Grass Knot and Magma Drift are better options than this. The Mega Pokémon Manectric-Mega @ Manectite Ability: Lightning Rod EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Thunderbolt / Thunder => Rising Voltage - Flamethrower / Overheat / Flame Burst - Frost Breath - Volt Switch A strong Offensive Pivot for the Team. I suggest you to catch a Shadow Electrike since it has Frost Breath, which is better than Hidden Power [Ice]. When possible, add Rising Voltage to its moveset to make it stronger. With its very good coverage, Manectric is a solid Pokémon you can use during all of your journey. Its main drawback is its lacks of firepower (because Minus is not affected by the Overlay) and its mega stone is available just before Saki's Gym Battle. Spoiler Alternative 1 and 2 : Both of them rely on the Steadfast Ability. Their sets remain classic but the speed boost can make them more effective. Lucario-Mega @ Lucarionite Ability: Steadfast EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Close Combat - Meteor Mash - Extreme Speed - Swords Dance If you use the password Terajuma and choose Aevis as your character, you'll get a Mega Lucario. With Steadfast, it'll receive a welcome speed boost to outspeed the few Pokémon which could counter it (Mega-Gengar, Mega-Beedrill, Dragapult...). I don't have much to say, because even without the speed boost this Pokémon is just too strong. Gallade (M) @ Galladite / Life Orb / Interceptium-Z Ability: Steadfast EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Close Combat - Zen Headbutt - Ice Punch - Swords Dance Yeah I'm cheating since its mega stone isn't available yet. But non-mega Gallade is a bit slow, and the speed boost allows it to outspeed foes who would destroy Gallade (Gengar and its mega, Crobat,...). We reached the end of this sample team. There are a lot of Electric Types because they mostly take benefit from this Overlay and the other non electric options are limited. I think I'll do later a top tiers list of the 4 Elemental Terrains to summarize my point of view on them. It was a pleasure to present this sample teams on this forum. Read you next time ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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