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How do i get to the underground of Celia?

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Hello! I just beat Garrett and got the 7th badge, but I dont know how to go back to the underground. An NPC keeps telling me its Garrett's orders. Also, while I'm here, are there any good special dark TM's? Been rocking snarl lol.

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Hi there! Does the NPC say why you need to head there? My guess is that the Underground might be the Undercity. The Undercity is located to the left of Cellia Central’s Ranger station (on the same street as your manor and the Cellia Battle Tournament building). Garret’s crew should be standing in front of the alleyway that leads down there.

Unfortunately, you will be rocking Snarl for a while longer. As of this current version, there aren’t any other special dark TMs besides Snarl.

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