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The Grand Holy Quest for the Strength HM

Timber Dragon

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I don't know if you've noticed, but around 1/3 of the game was spent hunting for a CD and being very sidetracked.

-All right, we bailed out Heather from Dr. Pikachu, now let's GTFO!

-Nope. Underground Railnet's locked. Oooh I know a nice ghost who can open it.

-y u do dis shade

-Oh snap! Dr. Pikachu and Team Space are taking my buddies! Wait. Cain's okay! And he wrecked the hallway! Cool?

-[player], we need the Strength HM to move stuff. My sensei Kiki has it. Go catch up to Cain! Oh, uh, careful on the beach. I think it crashes sometimes.

-I got this coveeeered~ kthxbai. btw don't try crossing this lake or you'll melt.

-Oh hi! Sorry to interrupt your important quest for a CD but Team Space is doing stuff. Wanna help?

-Hang in there, Ditto. You will be my sex slave one day.

-So you stopped the pollution. Big deal, we're Team Space, wrecking shit is what we do kthxbai.

-To Apophyll!!!

-Oooh sorry, I only give out Strength to graduating students, but tell you what. Climb up the volcano and deal with lava and challenge who you see up there and maybe I'll consider you. And you don't need to take a single class!

-Rave n' lava.

-Most people meditate under a waterfall, but I'm too cool for that.

-Oh, you beat Cal. Cool beans. Fine, I'll challenge you.

-How's it feel to beat up a sick person, asshole?! Ugh, like, go find Cain or something. He never came (sadly, that's what she said). I totally promise you'll get your HM and badge.

-I thought mushrooms that attacked you was Mario's deal.

-We're gonna blow the shit outta the volcano and you can't stop us!

-No, you stopped us! Well we're gonna blow the shit outta the volcano, anyway!

-[player], they're gonna blow the shit outta the volcano and only you can stop them!

-cal y u do dis

-RAWRchomp, bitches!

-Nooo Kiki! You died before giving me my hard-earned badge! It's Corey all over again!

-Thanks for making sure the volcano didn't get its shit blown. Here's the badge and Strength HM.


-... 'cept the badge is worthless now so I guess you gotta try the Poison-type leader. :) ... Okay, technically I kept my promise. Please don't glare at me. I'll stay here and never bug you again.

-Ooh challenging my sis? One more battle 'cause I can.

-Eww gross eww gross eww gross eww--hey, Black Sludge! That's totally something to pick up.

-Being a gym leader is as fun as listening to the green one bitch.

-Beating you was as fun as listening to the green one bitch. ARCEUS FINALLY! I HAVE WHAT I CAME FOR! THE HM AND THE BADGE TO USE IT!!!

-[Pokemon] used Strength (like a boss!)

-Oh, another door's locked.

-die plz

Let me remind you that the main driving force for all of the above, was collecting a CD and the requirement to use it. It's like fate was conspiring to distract you.

Edited by Timber Dragon
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This is exactly why there haven't been any more quests for HMs.

Forget about getting Fly in any amount of time shorter than 15 episodes. After the Elite Four. And that's being generous.

Actually, Fly isn't in the game cuz Ame's lazy i mean what i didn't said anything nope...

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Hey i got The best way to beat Radomus from this quest

If you wanna know give me a SHiny Hydreigon forget anything i just found one on gts

All you have to do is get an odd Keystone and find Mr Bigglesworth :rolleyes: hehemuahhahahahahaha

Edited by Azery123
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Don't even start it... Imagine the struggle to get Surf...




Oh God... I regret everything...

vinny? are we gona be chasing mad cultist leader round half of reborn to get surf???...answer turthly now i can tell when you lie

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Fingers crossed for going through the entire Reborn City on foot 8 times before getting Whirlpool but not being able to use it until you get Surf which is another 42 miles of walking or biking, all with the amount of encounters from Byxbision. That's if we are lucky.

Don't even get me started on the pains we will go through to get Defog.

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Damn, I was hoping no one would notice. >>

Defog and Whirlpool won't be used.

I already put Flash in retro-actively for 12.

There is going to be another huge side-track thing though. When I wrote the story I guess I decided battling leaders for the sake of battling leaders wasn't a sufficient impetus. In retrospect that may have been a little silly.

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I really liked this part of the story though... When there is so much going on its not surprising your going to be side-tracked... The only thing that bugged me wa no getting that badge from Kiki because she was actually a hard Gym battle at that stage of the game with some big threats.

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Damn, I was hoping no one would notice. >>

Defog and Whirlpool won't be used.

I already put Flash in retro-actively for 12.

There is going to be another huge side-track thing though. When I wrote the story I guess I decided battling leaders for the sake of battling leaders wasn't a sufficient impetus. In retrospect that may have been a little silly.

ame? did you put flash in as a hm or tm? i beleive it lost its hm status in gen 4

Edited by sandy
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Defog and Whirlpool won't be used.

I already put Flash in retro-actively for 12.

Really, no Defog? How am i going to get rid of all these Stealth Rocks now?

Also, you said Flash?... oh no... Please, don't tell me... you put a giant dark cave somewhere in the game... Oh no... The memories... Getting through the Rock Tunnel without flash in R/B... *Sits down* *Cries*

There is going to be another huge side-track thing though. When I wrote the story I guess I decided battling leaders for the sake of battling leaders wasn't a sufficient impetus. In retrospect that may have been a little silly.

I like side-tracks... I didn't notice it took so long to get Strength until Timber made the topic... Oh well...

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Damn, I was hoping no one would notice. >>

Defog and Whirlpool won't be used.

I already put Flash in retro-actively for 12.

There is going to be another huge side-track thing though. When I wrote the story I guess I decided battling leaders for the sake of battling leaders wasn't a sufficient impetus. In retrospect that may have been a little silly.

...Flash is in the next episode? Giant Flash maze incoming

So long as its a TM and not an HM, though, I'm cool with that. At least it won't burn up a move slot for a good quarter of the game that way...

And, hey. I can't speak for anyone else, but the Gym Leaders are more involved in the story that way. And I like that. Reborn is full of colourful characters, after all~

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There is going to be another huge side-track thing though. When I wrote the story I guess I decided battling leaders for the sake of battling leaders wasn't a sufficient impetus. In retrospect that may have been a little silly.

I agree with Vinny and Lost Lore. The story is awesome as it is now and I for one have no problem at all with the side-tracking. And bringing the leaders into the story like that is much better than just collecting badges for fun, as it puts pressure on us to defeat them.

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Also, you said Flash?... oh no... Please, don't tell me... you put a giant dark cave somewhere in the game... Oh no... The memories... Getting through the Rock Tunnel without flash in R/B... *Sits down* *Cries*

Some existing caves are now dark. Also the couple areas that got dark as you moved through them now operate on flash mechanics because as cool as the fading was it caused problems when teleporting and such.

actually "it caused problems when teleporting" is basically the story of reborn's entire development

For the record I would have implemented these things before but I had held off on flash to necessitate it later in the story-- I found code to use a different mechanic that makes more sense at that point instead so that freed flash up. It is a TM

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Some existing caves are now dark.

Question: Does that means we're going to receive/find Flash close to the start of the game?

I can imagine what caves are dark, but... well, i can't read minds (I tried...), so i don't know...

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Puzzles although frustrating are part of Reborn so nothing wrong with flash caves :)

Besides its not even a puzzle with flash and is only difficult if your too stubborn to teach one your pokemon flash. :P

A dark place like Reborn should have dark caves.

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