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Ain't Nobody got time fo dat


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So what is more insane than taking on the Reborn League, going as fast as possible, of course. So far after gym 2 my game time is 1 hour 46 min. And this team works well because all the pokes can be found right from the get go. Of course there is more to the run other than the team, but this what I have works and it works well.

First up Is Gonzales Lv (25)


Speed Boost combusken ( soon to be Blaziken) was a good pick, He was able to sweep through Julia while magikarp was still leveling up. Thanks to speed boost, I was able to snag one with good attack IVs, even though his speed is crap.

Next the Monster (Lv 24)


Getting Magikarp was a pain, Ame made it harder to get him in the newest update, but he still is worth it. Thanks to Moxie, and dragon rage, I was able to trash Flo bot, and bite got me flinch hax in a critical moment. In my casual play through gyarados always trashed gym due to dragon dance and aqua tail, so he is definitely the hero of this story

Next up is the unfortunate slave


Bidoof, my HM slave, a sad story for him, but if it wasn't for this, he might never see light on anyone's team.



Well not a Kirlia, but still a Ralts, it will get leveled as I need a solid fairy mon. Ralts has teleport, which cuts back A LOT of back tracking. I have a planed route later that will take full advantage of this during the strength fetch quest. Not only that, also needed a pokemon to get magikarp.

So why the hell would some one try to speed run this game, well I just feel like it really. Plus I like to try new things on games I like so there is that too. Well I got to go break this game some more so adios.

Edited by Fiendlord Maus
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A speed run you say? Sorry, can't do... Vinny is too much of an explorer, and i'd probably waste 6 days just to beat Julia...

Anyway, i want to see how this turns out... Maybe we can make a record later of "Who can reach the champion faster" or something...

The two first gifs are not working tho...

But yeah, good luck mate ^-^

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This seems like a very interesting idea, but would it be better to do this when the game is completed?

I'm going to add to the run as Ame updates the game, if she changes any core pokemon, then it back to the drawing board. My original route had me get magmar, but she removed it. So a just have to pray Ame doesn't make any big changes.

Hmm Vinny the gifs are working on my PC, but I'll go look for some other ones then

Edited by Fiendlord Maus
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Wow I just fought Zel and Taka for the first time. That was the single hardest battle up to were I am now. I will be stocking up on X items in the future for doubles.

Well Gyrados just wrecked Korey, current time is 2 hours and 26min

Edited by Fiendlord Maus
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I'm going to add to the run as Ame updates the game, if she changes any core pokemon, then it back to the drawing board. My original route had me get magmar, but she removed it. So a just have to pray Ame doesn't make any big changes.

Hmm Vinny the gifs are working on my PC, but I'll go look for some other ones then

Oh okay, that makes sense, haha.

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You can do a speed run of the Reborn League but at the end of the day Fern will still be one step ahead. Congratulations on second place I guess... ^_^

It's funny cause when I fought him before Aya I was like "Oh this guys either is banking in rare candies, or he is cheating", but yeah it's the same in all pokemon games.

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This is ridiculous. Well, as usual, i have to suggest Ampharos. I also suggest Archeops when you can get it, as it's a very powerful flying type and, as far as i am aware, it can't really be matched by anything else currently available in terms of power for flying type pokemon. Yea the ability is crippling but you can heal it with items when need be. Otherwise, if going for fast battles go for Marowak, you can get a Cubone with a Thick Club which will double Marowak's attack, and until 6th generation this was the strongest pokemon without a choice item, and even now the only things stronger are 2 megas (he is still stronger than Mewtwo X though) and although he is slow he has good Defense too. It just gets so strong though. For the record i don't have one on my team currently, because i don't have a spot i am willing to give up right now, but i used him on my previous playthrough last year and it was fantastic. Taking out opponents 20 levels above you with ease is very nice, and would help your speed run a lot i am sure.

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As I've said before there is A LOT more to the run, X items are the most important item in any pokeomon speed run rather Yellow, Black/White. The problem with Reborn is that they don't work, and the 3 hitters on my team can learn set up moves early and they have abilities that can be abused, like speed boost, and moxie.

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