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My Observations; Teacher's ability to manage class


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So recently, I have noticed that all my classes are loud and some are quiet. I decided to observe all my teachers except for my 6th period (Lunch betch) and see what i can conclude.
Period 1:
Ah, first period science, how fun :3. My first period teacher is a female and is very short. I notice that many people are willing to talk back and whisper in the middle of a lecture. Although she tries to manage the class, she doesn't seem to do much.
Period 2:
Oh boy, Spanish for this period. My Spanish teacher is very tall (HORY SHET 6 FEET?) and particularly skinny. His personality is funny and friendly, but serious at times. While people do talk sometimes, most of the time the class is rather quiet and very outgoing and willing to answer.
Period 3:
Why you must ask? Well, here's the thing. My 3rd period teacher (Mr. Vorhauer, ahah. language arts though) is matched in height with my 8th period teacher. He's also taller than my 2nd period teacher, actually even taller. He's also really fat, and his facial features are intimidating.
Period 4:
Physical education is rather fun, except for cardio days. Anyway, class is pretty cool, none get in trouble. The teacher is tall and is masculine (With a beautiful orange colored moustache hesagingerifyoucouldn'ttell)
Period 5:
Design teacher can't manage the class at all, the class is super rowdy. It always takes 5-7 minutes to get started. Seriously, super duper stupid. No one turns in their work except for some and me. This teacher is old and is a female, plus not as tall.
Period 7:

Class is still rather loud in this class, but not as loud. Teacher is short and is friendly, but can be very stern at times. Otherwise, it's an okay class
Period 8:
Exactly like period 3 for me. No one talks at all, and the teacher is super tall and fat. No one, and I mean no one has ever gotten on his bad side. Probably because they know that he won't spare them if they dare to talk back or do anything worthy of such suspension.
So my conclusion is...
To manage a class, you must have certain features in my opinion. You need features like height and size to intimidate a class into the state of being managable. You also need
- Ability to be stern at students
- Maybe a serious look on your face
- Friendly personality to tame thirsty kids into obedience
And other stuff. However, this was observed from my perspective, so yours could be different.

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1st Period AP English 4

Well I really like this class, my teacher is really laid back and the class isn't that bad. I normally suck at English, but having a good teacher helps here. On normal days we work, and there hasn't been any problems, ever this year.

2nd Period Psychology

Again, the teacher is really cool and relaxed, he is old ( about 60), but he knows how to manage a class. I like this class, my teacher has really good points, and his philosophies are something you wouldn't find in the boondocks of Texas.

3rd Period AP Government

This class is fun for me, normally because I constantly rip on politicians, because I am an extreme moderate, and don't really associate myself with politics. This class is loud, and my teacher is an oldish man, very republican (although he tries not to be bias). It is funny when my friend, who is very liberal, and the teacher argue about politics. I normally sleep in the class when that happens.

4th Period Library Aid

Well not much to say here, I work in the library, checking out books, doing homework, being on Reborn. My teachers are two old librarians, and they get along with me well.

5th period AP Biology

My teacher is really cool, she is a oldish (around 50) and you can complete her class without turning in that much work. A lot of people abuse that, but I don't. Personally I do all my work, because the test she gives are ball breaking hard. Highest fail rate in any of the AP classes is her class. People who don't do there work will typically not pass the test.

6th Period AP Calculus

Yeah, this class is not easy. This is my teacher's first year teaching a class like this,and he is doing a damn fine job at it. His homework tactics are great, rather than overloading us on the week, he gives a whole week to do the assignments. My teach himself is young, gets all the references to south park, and plays PS3. He is tall, and has a beard that is something that can be found on duck dynasty.

7th Period Study Hall

Yeah I have my 6th period teacher here, I do all my homework, so I don't have to do anything at home. This is were my calc teacher is really cool, and is chill on most things.

Edited by Magus
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I have four periods now before I leave to work in the shipyards.

1: Swimming

I'm a TA/Lifeguard. I'm basically the right hand to the teacher, who is an incredibly outgoing, cheerful (and short) lady from California. It's pretty easygoing but I do have to yell at the people who pretend to drown. Haven't had to kick anyone out of the pool yet. This is my TENTH Semester in swimming, as I'm a 5th year student by choice.

2-3: You guys hear me rant about this waaaaay too much. It's Metal Shop. 3rd year taking it. Second in command in the room. Those who don't take safety seriously are quickly booted from the work area. Repeated displays of incompetence are curtly removed as well. I'm so used to the place I can hear when a tool is abused and name it. The Instructor (who is an aging man roughly in his 50s) and I take shit from NO ONE. Anyone who even tries to be sarcastic when they're caught is immediately booted from the work area. Repeated offenses result in failure of the course and permanent removal from the classroom/work area. No exceptions. I've actually done this, and it was after someone turned on the band-saw as I was cleaning the station it stood on.

I'm also the medic in case someone cuts themselves badly. I have my own station where I work on my own projects, located near the forge and foundry in the back of the room. Basically, this is a job. And it's one I take very, very, seriously.

4: Language Arts 12: Small class amazingly. 16 students total. Which is a blessing. The class flows smoothly and there's little confusion. The teacher's a short native american man in his 40's. Really nice man, and has a very good sense of humor.

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--1st Hour - French I

-Our regular teacher is only here for this hour and the next one, because she's got Chemo treatments. Nobody has the balls to talk back to her, because he actually throws shoes at kinds who deserve it. She's very short and, after chemo, very skinny, but she's extremely intimidating. She does a great job.

--2nd Hour - Algebra I

-Tall fat bald dude teacher. We all sit on computers. Nothing is done until last second. He does an okay job at getting things started though.

--3rd Hour - Physics/Science

-ew this teacher's a bitch and everyone talks back, myself included. she only has a minor in science and she's actually taught false information and she generally sucKS

-4th Hour - Freshman English

-this teacher's amazing. she's short and really... large, but she's hilarious and still does an amazing job keeping us all on track and stuff. like, she's the coolest and still someone nobody would dare give an attitude to,

--5th Hour - Photography

-idklol i'm never in this class i always show up for 5 minutes and go chill with my next teacher :3

--6th Hour - US History :D

-history is my thing and i would never find a better teacher for it than this guy. he's my favorite teacher because he's a gamer and plays zelda and shit AND he's really, REALLY good at what he does and aaaa. he's not intimidating in the slightest but he's cool enough to where nobody talks back because we all do what we please and still get things done. only class i've ever had where everyone has above a C.

--7th hour - health

-same teacher as first hour but we have a sub, who people are jerks to because she tries to keep order. but i like the sub though, so eh. she does a terrible job at keeping people in check because they always ignore her but hey whatever people are dicks

(my typing got lazier at the end if you can't tell_

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1st Hour - Precalc

There is very little talking people do during lectures and lessons. He doesn't really care what any individual does as long as it's not affecting anyone else. The homework isn't graded, but the majority of people still do it. I haven't done it since the third day of school. The teacher is a taller, nerdy guy who is extremely knowledgable

2nd Hour - Human Geo

This class is more rowdy and we talk more during lectures, but she quickly subdues it. Whispers aren't punished as long they don't distract anyone outside of the conversation. She does care what we do, and frequently makes us put out iPads away so we don't play games. Nearly everyone does the homework, because it is an AP course. The teacher is just an average teacher, but she's very nice.

3rd Hour - Spanish

This class is very similiar to the previous one. Except homework gets done less because it's alot of busy work. I pick and choose what I do.

4th Hour - Physics

This is a very hands on class, with a very layed back teacher. For the few lectures she does, she doesn't let any of us whisper, but she lets us have our phones out if we don't want to pay attention. Homework wise, it's not genrally graded, but nearly everyone does it, especially due to the AP nature of the course. I say genrally, because, well I almost never do it, but I also have been studying physics on my own for years, so I already have prior knowledge of most of the course.

5th Hour - English

I completly and utterly hate this class. Not the class itself, just the teacher. She takes shit from nobody and we cannot do a single thing wrong. Get anything less than an A? Screamed at. Turn in homework late? Screamed at. Talk in class? Screamed at. The list goes on, but this is basically my best behaved class because you get screamed at if you don't listen.

6th Hour - Gym

During the short talks we have before we go do whatever we're doing that day, we talk *a lot* but he always seems to get it under control. I'm surprised he hasn't made us run yet.


My classes are generally well behaved and quiet. Most students fo the homework and pay attention, but the teachers don't punish students, assuming they're getting good grades, who choose not to. Wow, I'm a really bad student, I just realized.

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So, so far what you guys posted have told me some new info:
Generally female teachers have a more difficult time managing classes than male teachers so far. I'll keep checking in on this topic... THANK YOU FOR YOUR GLORIOUS CONTRIBUTIONS!

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1st Hour: Advanced Math/Calc

This guy's pretty chill. Lets me sleep in class because he knows I'm passing and that I'm a pretty good self-learner. So as long as we get our work in and don't cause a ruckus he's good. He's like 6 feet tall and all around controls the class well.

2nd Hour: Office Hour A.K.A. Reddit/Tumblr/Imgur/Sleeping Hour

I don't really have a teacher this hour so meh.

3rd Hour: English (British Lit.)

This lady is the definition of "Deranged Cat Lady". She does have kids but she's the type that just flips the fuck out at every little thing. I'd say that she controls the class in a more threatening way. She's also average height and a foot-washing Baptist.

4th Hour: Anatomy & Physiology

This is by far my favorite class. She lets everyone talk and me sleep because I pass this class ezpz. But most of the time I don't because there are some real qt3.14s in this class. Like, omg. But nevertheless, really fun class, really nice teacher that can actually make a class fun and keep everything under control at the same time. It's also really hands on because we do like a dissection a week. P.S. I think formaldehyde smells pretty good now. :c

5th Hour: World History

This. Fucking. Class. I hate this class. He just hands us a worksheet packet that I do in 3 minutes tops and won't let us talk or use our phones or anything. So I'm stuck there just sitting. For an entire hour. Hnnnnng.

6th Hour: Speech II

Okay I lied this is my favorite class. Friendly teacher. Friendly people. Lots o' qt3.14s. I'm more social in this class than in any other and to be quite honest I enjoy being there so much I look forward to it every day. She can control the class usually, but some days there is just no way she can keep everyone quiet. She's like 5'4" or something so most people just tower over her.

7th Hour: Bible

Substitute "Bible" with "Gossip Hour and Sometimes Talk about Jesus". Like, for a Baptist preacher who likes to claim he knows the bible, this dude is pretty dumb. (Also I'm not even Baptist so why do I have to take this again?) Not even knowing what the Great Commission is or anything. (For you non-religious people it's one of the most important parts of the faith.) And he constantly bashes on other denominations and thinks Baptist is the original faith. Like, nah man you got the whole Protestant Reformation thing going on you rejected the faith. But overall he does control the class I guess. He's really short and is a decent person when he's not freaking out about his sermons or w/e.


My classes are pretty good I guess. No one is really crazy or annoying in them. So I guess my average day is pretty... average?

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