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Hey Reborn, PM says Hello!


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Hello everyone, my name is Daniel...you call me Mafia, Perfect, PerfectMafia, Perfect Mafia instead if you want to.

I’ve been playing Reborn for about two weeks now, ever since a friend told me about it. Been playing Pokémon since R/B/Y and have played every single one with the exception of X/Y.

Um, favorite Pokemon is either Pawniard or Gyarados, which has become my Lord and Savior here in the fine Reborn Region. Least favorite was Trubbish, based solely on its appearance when I saw it but after using it here...I love my trashbag, yes I do! My third strongest guy, behind Blaziken & Gyarados.

Love chess, haven’t had anyone to play against since High School so I’m rusty there...love history, ANCIENT History in particular.

Anyways, if I’m not lurking around as a “Guest”, I’m off playing Reborn...watching YouTube....in class learning...or playing Don’t Starve/Civ5/TEW13/GTA/Monaco/Fallout 3....

Anyways, hello everyone! Nice to meet you & I hope we get along!

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Welcome Mafia,

I hope you enjoy your stay here. I'll let Vinny or Tempest do the honours with regards to most of the standard info and sanity jokes as I don't think I'm quite qualified yet. It's cool that you like chess 'cause chess is awesome and it's always nice to see another R/B/Y veteran of the game.

See you round.

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Greetings Mafia welcome to reborn! ^_^ Great to see someone else who likes to play chess, no likes to play it at my school and the chess club literally has 3 people in it (including me). But anyway hope you enjoy your time in reborn and don't be afraid to ask questions, we don't bite we learned that crunch is a much better move a long time ago.

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Hello Sheep93, ShatteredSkys! Thanks for the welcome you two.

Chess is awesome, too bad most people don't pick the game up. My high school had a chess club which I participated in all 5 years I was there....ended up becoming club champ 3 times because I ended up facing the same people week after week & learned them, their habits, and how to mask my own habits. The club had, at max, 15 people show up...but usually only 6 on a weekly basis.

Only real questions I'd be asking are in regards to my team, getting killed by Aya & her evil Dragalge currently, but it's always nice to know I don't have to struggle through on my own, watching Chris Caine & Nickaboo's YouTube walkthroughs solely for advice anymore! I enjoy their walkthroughs, don't get me wrong....but it's different having answers given instead of being inferred.

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Hello, friend! Don't be afraid to hop on the server on Pokemon Online and come chat there! You'll miss a lot of fun otherwise... But yea, if you have any questions feel free to anyone who welcomes you in this thread!

P.S. Leave while you're still sane.

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  On 4/12/2014 at 2:33 AM, JellyMan said:

P.S. Leave while you're still sane.

What sanity? You mean that thing I had in High School for one year before my friends broke it?

Thanks for the welcome JellyMan! Hop onto the Pokemon Online server to avoid missing fun? I'll hope to appearing there eventually!

Also thanks for offering to answer questions! Like I said, it's always nice to know I don't have to struggle through on my own! :D

....forgot to mention this, but I tend to respond quickly to replies.

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I'm in this place... Sup...

Welcome. Enjoy, and from what i can see, you accepted the contract... Basically, that means your never going to leave and that your soul belongs to Kyra now...

See you in hell a.k.a Reborn...

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Welcome to the asylum Forums PM! As Sheep already said, it's nice to see another R/B/Y player around! Also I feel the same way about little Trubbish, it definitely needs more love. See you around, have a nice stay!

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Fezzdog, Mikzal & Notus, thanks for the welcome!

Fezzdog, that is a nice fezz & yes, I might join P.O. to talk with people more! Mikzal, nice to meet you!

Notus, indeed! Always nice to meet other R/B/Y players as well! And yeah....Trubbish definitely deserves more love, he wormed his way in by being one of the two remaining Pokemon in my party in all four gym victories so far & being the lucky Pokemon to affect Klinklang with anything.

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