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Theme Tour XXXI: Suicide cup


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In this theme tour you win by losing. The first person to make all their pokemon faint wins! Now before you all get a bunch of damp users and scarf exploders with 0iv – attack nature there are some rules to it!

Banned Pokemon



Banned Moves:




-Final Gambit

-Healing Wish

-Heal Pulse

-Lunar Dance

-Dream Eater



-Fake out

-Natural Gift

-Magic Room

Additional rules.

-You must have a full team of 6 Pokemon.

-All team members must be Level 100.

-Each Pokemon must have 4 moves with at least one damaging move.

-Only legal moves are allowed.

-Team Preview is enabled.

-Sleep Clause: Limit one foe put to sleep

-Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokemon

^Credit to smogon

This is a weird meta which not a lot of people have played in so to encourage participarpation the winner will get 1000 reborn RUPEES!

Unlike other tours, uber pokemon are allowed but not advised since they usually live long. The only banned pokemons are the ones listed above.

There will also be these rules

The rules are as follows

Freeze Clause

Sleep Clause

OHKO Clause

Self KO Clause

Evasion Clause

Species Clause

Disallow spectators [till finals]

I hope to see you all

If you have any questions before hand feel free to contact me via server or make a post.

This tour will also be hosted Saturday just like the last tour (4/12/14)

Signups at 7:00 PM and actual tournament @ 8:00 PM Eastern time zones.

Credit to fezzdoge and kyra for idea.

*commits seppaku*

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yea i glad you like :]

so for people who are like wtf is this meta and how to play

there are some replays available to get used to it



remember everyone needs to have at lest 1 attacking move and they cannot be the banned moves as mentioned.

there are many ways to make your pokemon die faster and to prevent your opponents pokemon from dying.

some examples of killing your pokemon would be to give it items such as black sludge on a non poison poke or spamming substitute to make your health fall quicker or maybe even giving your pokemon a burn orb or toxic orb.

Some ways to stop your opponents from killing themselves is by taunting them so they can't keep spamming sub or belly drum or curse and tricking your opponents items like leftovers so you can steal their damaging items while giving them residual recovery.

so many ways to go with this! ik it is kinda weird at first to do but it will be fun!

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  On 4/12/2014 at 7:23 AM, Ben said:

Is Unkown legal?

and if not why?

why not

  On 4/12/2014 at 2:53 AM, Berserker said:

-Each Pokemon must have 4 moves with at least one damaging move.

Unown only has 1 learnable move. Ditto I'm actually not quite sure about.

Edited by Fezzdog
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Skill Swap Magic Guard, as I recall

And woot, Suicide Cup! I think I'll have time to be there, hopefully I'll be home by then

I'm trying to decide if I want to change my team or just run it as it is

EDIT: And reworks. Hopefully they are improvements

Edited by MasterWeavile898
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  On 4/12/2014 at 4:13 PM, Hukuna said:

What is the Abra line banned for by the way? Just curious lol.

It has a monstrous movepool and godlike speed for Taunt, Encore, Magic Coat, Magic Guard Skill Swap and generally other smelly things.

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  On 4/12/2014 at 10:17 PM, Notus said:

Question: with Self KO clause on, does that mean Perish Song can't be used too?

perish song can be used xd the clause just means that if you kill yourself while killing the opponent and neither of you have Pokemon left remaining than the person who used the last move loses just so there is no tie's and stuff.

Also if you are looking to join the tourney go to channel Themetour XXXI.

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Yeah, I lost! I mean, I won! I mean... no... what... ***Notus hits himself on his confusion!***

Thanks Kam, this tourney was very fun! And that was a great battle at the finals.

I'm already waiting for the next one!

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: p i am glad you all like it and thought it was fun.

unfortunately i will not be able to host a theme tour this week n_n i just get message from someone to study all saturday for midterm.

i extremely sorry about this but next week for sure we will have one!

again my deepest apologies :#fish:


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