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Mechanightmare Makes It Difficult to Get Vulpix



So I just restarted a pokemon reborn playthrough and was able to get enough happiness on my frogadier to be able to get the vulpix from the salon. However I was really surprised when I had to chase it and then run into "Mechanightmare" a.k.a. Lvl. 45 Beastly Klinklang. I was wondering if any of you guys have any tips to help me beat it considering my pokemon are all under lvl. 25

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Unfortunately, you're going to have to wait to get Vulpix until you can handle it... Its event was changed because Drought was a little too good, I think.

I would wait at least til around you have your third badge, later if you want to be safe. It'd be borderline impossible to beat with level 25s.

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Unfortunately, you're going to have to wait to get Vulpix until you can handle it... Its event was changed because Drought was a little too good, I think.

I would wait at least til around you have your third badge, later if you want to be safe. It'd be borderline impossible to beat with level 25s.

This sums it up, it is possible though, all depending on which pokes you have. If you can give a list of the pokemon you currently are using, maybe we can come up with a way to win. If not, then wait til later on in the game.

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I took it out at that time in the game but my method isn't a guaranteed win though. I just took a plusle that had the ability lightning rod and thunder waved it. Then I used charge beam until plusle ran out of pp and the rest of my team to finish it off by attacking it with special attacks or supereffective moves. It was only by luck since it kept using charge beam on plusle and not mirror shot which finished me two times I think.

I agree with espy though since I just happened to beat it on the third try. All of its stats are hard to get around and you really can't do much to weaken it. I mean it had clear body so fake tears didn't work so the best move I had to take advantage of it was thunder wave's speed drop on the opponent and the chance for it to be unable to attack. I think most people will find fighting it at this stage in the game to be too time consuming.

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Unless you have a specific strategy and a lot of luck on your side, like with Saber12, Vulpix is most likely not going to happen at this time. Since your team is under level 25, I assume you haven't beaten Florinia yet so your levels are capped at where you are. Klinklang is a third-tier evolution with high stats and a massive level gap between where it is and where you are. And even if you do somehow manage to beat it, there's no guarantee the Vulpix will even have Drought; it's just as likely to have Flash Fire instead.

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I finally finished it right after defeating Florinia. I went to the Jasper Ward, caught the emolga (which luckily had motor drive), and then went to fight Klinklang. I basically nuzzled it, then spammed double team for a bit, and then spammed shock wave until it died because it could never hit me with a mirror shot. #PlzAmeDon'tMakeHimHarder ;-;

And she had drought too! <3

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If you get to right before corey this micght be possible try and invest a training session for a raticate he learns super fang around level 30 i think

Have a pokemon with high defenses like foretress woud be good aswell

To finish it of use a quick fire type with something like charmeleons flameburst or fire fang

Edit 1 : Swagger it then beat it like how you wanna Beat Fern works like a boss

Edited by Azery123
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