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View Help Topics Update & Posting on Others' Profiles


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The first part concerns the View Help Topics section. The second concerns the inability to post statuses on other users' profiles.


I'm pretty sure I'm the only one to read the Help Topics that are posted, but I'd like to bring to everyone's attention that it is rather outdated. For example, here's a snippet from the "Calendar" tab of the Help Topics:
"The calendar can be used to post events for other members of the community to see. It also lists each member's birthday. To access it, click the "Calendar" tab at the top of any page."
To members who know the site fairly well, it is clear that there is no Calendar tab at the top of any page except the Calendar page itself.
And a more clear-cut example:
"Editing Your Profile Settings
When viewing your own profile while logged in, you'll see an additional tab in the middle called "Settings"."

Like I previously stated, I very highly doubt that many people read the Help Topics page. However, to the few who might, it could be quite confusing, as what is read there does not match up with the site as it currently is.

Should the Help Topics page be updated/simplified?


Next, I'd like to point on that posting a status on the Profile Feed of another member does not work nor register. Simply, the post does not show, similar to posting a status from one's own Profile Feed does not work. Posting a status works only from the bar on the left. Therefore, it is impossible to post a status on the profile feed of another member.
And that would about sum this up.

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