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temporary pokemon

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The best "Temporary Pokemon" for me were the ones I just couldn't switch out of my top 6, no matter how hard I tried.

For me, those were Swoobat, Emolga, Hariyama, and soon to be Pyroar.

Swoobat was great for psychic and flying coverage, and lasted me until level 38. Then, its extreme fragility took over and I had to drop it off and MAKE WAY FOR THE NOIVERN. Swoobat gets rewarded with the title of Brandon Roy--a serious threat when young, but broken in the end.

Hariyama was fantastic for the grass gym in Onyx (I forget the name of the person!). Bulky fighting type, lasted me until level 45 (I even brought it back against Noel's level 55s, where it did a considerable amount of work). It did bulky coverage work and showed up when it needed to, but it had to move on. I named it Igor, but it was more of a retiring Shaquille O'Neal, being a key player in his early days, but slowing down considerably.

But nobody even thought Emolga would be even a player in this ballgame. No, Emolga is THE wild card. Emolga is the player that wins 6th man of the year consecutively (or, in a Pokemon sense, 7th man). You don't think it's going to do well because of horrible stat totals, but ohh my god is it powerful when it has to be.

Nuzzle + electro ball. Nuzzle is a guaranteed paralysis, and if you manage to survive one turn against a powerful pokemon, you have the entire battle in the bag already. Electro ball's base power if your speed is >4x of your opponent is a whopping 150 BASE POWER. If you manage to go first with Nuzzle, you are guaranteeing this 150 base power (not even with stab! with stab it's 225!)

Plus, everyone knows Acrobatics ain't nothing to be fucked with. Acrobatics with Emolga is a SCARY 165 base power (110 + stab, because you're not going to give Emolga an item). That move alone CLEARED Apophyll Beach singlehandedly. I used Emolga until it was level 56. I think I might re-EV it just out of respect. It's THAT good.

Emolga is Jamal Crawford, Leandro Barbosa, Manu Ginobili all rolled into one.

And finally, Becky the Pyroar. The reliable fire type that just would incinerate everything. There were so many problems I solved by just throwing flamethrowers at them. I ran through Shade just by spamming the FUCK out of flamethrower (besides Chandelure, of course). I don't even know how it worked! And when I got a flame plate + Overheat, things couldn't cool down. Nothing wanted to mess with Braveheart Becky on ANY day. Even when better options showed up (like when I picked up Tepig) Becky proved to be a far superior staple. Now, however, I'm stacking on special sweepers after special sweepers, and once I finish Tyler, Becky might not be the superior Fire type. Out of respect, I plan to go back and Re-EV her just to see how powerful she can be. Becky, in my opinion, deserves the title of Kobe Bryant.

Edited by Zzylard
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yeah emolga is a great pokemon that i wish was an evolution of pachirisu

them maybe its stats would be better and i could even be a usable endgame pokemon

and acrobatics is an incredible move (i have taken down an excadrill with a crobat with that move)

also since you mentioned noivern id like to point out that noibats the opposite of an early temporary pokemon

takes a long time to evolve and isnt very good untill it does

also it evolves right before the ice gym (you planned that didnt you ame)

its a pokemon that you dont raise unless your planning on keeping it the hole game

and lastly hariyama is good

but for the grass gym all you need is kricketune

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