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I need some help with my team


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Hey, im needing some help with my ingame team.


Lonely Nature, Good Endurance

Bulletproof Ability

- Tackle

- Bite

- Vine Whip

- Rollout


Lonely Nature, Alert to sounds

Frisk Ability

- Screech

- Supersonic

- Tackle

- Leech Life

I saw a panpour being harrased by some people, how would that fit for my team? Any other suggestions? :[keepitclean]:

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Go get A Bidoof and train i up to lv 15 when it evolves when it does go to a house in the middle of Peridot ward to trade it for a Litleo and the other pokemon i reccomend is RATICATE believe it or not this thing is a beast on my team use it get it to the level where you get hyper fang

there also is Vulpix but dont try to get it untill you have beaten Corey if you see the woman say you can take her with you and you find vulpix you will find a nasty suprise waiting

Edited by Azery123
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At this early stage the three Mikzal recomended are great, plusTrubbish for early Toxic Spikes and Toxic. As you progress in the game you'll find a lot of good pokémon (like Azumarill), so try to catch everything since one never knows when it's gonna be needed.

Edited by Notus
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  • Veterans

At this early stage the three Mikzal recomended are great, plusTrubbish for early Toxic Spikes and Toxic. As you progress in the game you'll find a lot of good pokémon (like Azumarill), so try to catch everything since one never knows when it's gonna be needed.

True f you have a lot of free time cash out in the gme corner to get a trapinch and shinx (the 2 actually good game corner pokemon )

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