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Hey brothers and sisters! I have a favor to ask.... What should I have as my last pokemon, or change any of my other pokemons.

Here are my pokemons

Ken(Blaziken) - Speed Boost

Lv. 37

-Double Kick

-Blaze Kick


-Quick Attack

RAWR(Gyarados) - Intimidate

Lv. 36

-Dragon Rage

-Ice Fang

-Aqua Tail


Cuteness(Emolga) - Static

Lv. 36


-Electro Ball

Speakers(Loudred) - Scrappy
Lv. 37




-Rock Smash

Caster(Gardevoir) - Telepathy

Lv. 38


-Moon Blast(I used a Heart Scale to get it)

-Magical Leaf

-Calm Mind

Bubbles(Chinchou) - Volt Absorb

Lv. 25


-Confuse Ray


-Take Down

I'm thinking of replacing Cuteness(Emolga) with a Magnemite/Magenezone, and in the future replacing Bubbles(Chinchou) with a Zubat/Crobat I can find later in the game?

Thank you in advance for the help~!

Thanks for reading~!

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keep your bubbles because of water electric drop emogla and bubbles is better and catch either a ghost spirttomb or mismangis or duskclops and try to get a ground type for Aya I would say either geodude or onix or try sandile with moxie of course lol

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WHen facing Aya Try to get a Trapinch in the game corner and have him evolve he is a great help on my team, you could also use a camerupt ffor Aya i have used one to screw over her Muk and tenacruel ave them attack it instead of my alakazam who was freely setting up or you can just get a Mudkip in the Wasteland

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You have a Blaziken, Gyarados and Gardevoir a.k.a the pokemons for speed runners. You shall keep those 3. After all, if there was no level limit in Reborn, i'm pretty sure you coud finish the game with only those 3.

Since Chinchou has Volt Absorb, he doesn't share any weakness with Gyarados, so you shall keep it too. Lanturn is a very good pokemon, but give it Charge Beam to get the Special Attack bonus.

Emolga is not necessary if you got Chinchou. My opinion, of course. Crobat will make a better flying type, with better coverage (Dat poison)

Also, since Chinchou gets Discharge, which is very useful, you'd need a ground type, so your pokes don't get hit with it. Trapinch and Sandile are good option. I'd recommend Excadrill also, but Sandile might be better (I have my reasons to think like that.).

Gardevoir got Telepathy? Hmm... Well, i like it, but sometimes, Trace might be better. You can decide that based on your battles though.

I like Exploud a lot, and if you want, you can keep it. But that thing dies way too quickly sometimes, so i don't know. If that doesn't bother you, then okay. But if it does, you should change it.

I don't know what i would recommend in place of Exploud though. Will think about it.

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Well, seeing as his Exploud is a physical attacker, Zangoose would make a much better sweeper. And Zangoose is just awesome.

And now that you mention it, i have to admin: I always forget Zangoose

Swords Dance + X-Scissor + Close Combat + Slash. Zangoose is a glass cannon, with an awesome design also. I'll start to recommend Zangoose from now on.

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