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Team at end of Episode 11


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Any recommendations? The natures, EVs, and IVs on each of them are fine.


Ability: Sturdy


Flash Cannon

Zap Cannon



Ability: Protean

Water Shuriken
Water Pulse


Grass Knot


Ability: No Guard


Cross Chop

Scary Face

Wide Guard


Ability: Light Metal - Will be changed asap with an ability capsule

Meteor Mash

Bullet Punch

Zen Headbutt

Hammer Arm


Ability: Justified


Heat Wave

Flare Blitz



Ability: Steadfast

Leaf Blade

Psycho Cut

Swords Dance

Close Combat

In the PC:









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Scorcher Lvl 63

Ability:Solar Power


-Air Slash




FairyQueen Lvl 57







Poseidon Lvl 57







Bessy Lvl 54







Death Lvl 53







DarkKnight Lvl 47






In the PC that i might use:










My levels are a bit low but i just recently changed my team around so now i need to grind before i start on Ep.12 :l

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I'll recommend something in a bit, hold on...

EDIT: Okay, let's see:

Magnezone: You already have Discharge on it, so i think Zap Cannon is kinda useless (Mostly because of the accuracy). But if you really want to use Zap Cannon, then giving it Lock-On in place of Barrier might be better. It's only going to help this one move, but hey, it's better than missing all the time. If you want a single hitting electric move though, i'd suggest Charge Beam, since it can raise your Special Attack.

Greninja: I agree with Lore, Greninja is much more Special based, so Water Shuriken is bad. It would be better if Greninja got Skill Link, but even then, it would have to compete with Protean. Yeah, protean would be better anyway. But since you're rocking the Protean, i'd suggest you use Shadow Sneak over Water Shuriken. It gives you priority, and the immunities when you transform into a Ghost type are always good.

Machamp: Ame, Machamp is a prime example as to why we need some other TMs. Anyway, the best thing you could give Machamp that isn't a Fighting move is "Facade", if you get in the game corner. And even then, Machamp can't do nothing against Ghost types. I don't know what i can recommend for it. (You could breed it and get Knock Off, but you already wasted a Link Stone, so whatever for now.)

Metagross: I usually go with 4 attacking moves in other pokemon games, but unless you're using Greninja, i don't think it's a good idea. i was going to say "Use agility", but i don't know what i could take out from it's movepool. Well, if it worked until now, no reason to change it right?

Arcanine: I wouldn't use Justified over Flash Fire. A immunity is always better than a resistance. But well, if it worked, why not right? I like Arcanine with ExtremeSpeed, but i guess you can leave it like that for now.

Gallade: Good.

Based on your team, i can say:

Mamoswine would help with coverage. I think it would help your team a lot. My opinion.

Sylveon is good. I don't even care, Sylveon is a force to be reckon with. It gives an awesome coverage for you team also.

Crobat is also very good. I'm pretty sure you know the power of Crobat's Acrobatics in Reborn.

I'd love to recommend Rotom, but we got no other forms of Rotom yet. Oh well.

Good luck o/

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I'm no expert, but:

I'd do away with Water Shuriken on Greninja. It's largely specially-focused, and unless you're using the type jumping abilities of Protean to your advantage, you don't want physical moves on it. Water Shuriken has priority, but that's about all it has going for it, and Greninja is really speedy anyway.

I would advise a non-Fighting move on Machamp, but I don't think it gets any that aren't Normal or Fighting outside of TMs, so that'll have to do.

And Zap Cannon on Magnezone is a bit risky- nine times out of ten, it's going to miss when you'd really need it to hit. If it's the paralysis you want, pick up Thunder Wave?

I don't think there's anything else...

@Double, ya really should've gotten your own topic, but I'll have a look at your team too:

I'll say the same thing about Inferno that I said about Zap Cannon above. Dragon Claw or Shadow Claw instead, perhaps?

I think that's the only suggestion I have, though...

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I don't think there are any TMs I can put on Machamp, at least not any good ones (Quash, etc). Dynamic Punch on a max attack Machamp can 2HKO most non gym leader pokemon anyway, regardless of type. I guess the occasional ghost type could be a problem, but I should be fine. Also, for whatever reason I thought Water Shuriken was a special attack, so I'll do away with that move right away (Dark Pulse?). And on Zap Cannon, its not really a move I would actually use much. I could replace it with thunder wave though. Thanks Lore.

EDIT: Thanks Vinny. I'll definitely take your suggestions on Greninja and Magnezone.I was actually trying to get a Growlithe from the police station with Flash Fire and a good nature, but I got a shiny and forgot to change the nature from Justified. I'm kicking myself for not breeding Knock off onto Machop, but I wasn't even thinking about that at the time. I was stuck on Noel for a LONG time and needed a fighting type threat just to get me past him. Too late now, because like you said I already used a link stone and don't want to use another.

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Thanks for the welcome! I've been using the forums for a while to help me in game, but I hadn't made an account. Because I've been "around" the forum before, I didn't think to make an intro post for myself. Also, I'll keep the no double posts thing in mind.

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