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Wanna make a statement.


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Hey, so I know I don't usually do serious posts or anything and I generally fuck around, but I just wanted to get this out here.

I don't know what all of your opinions are of me, but I'm actually not a douchebag if I come off as one. I can be really nice and I know that I can get into sour moods and probably be rude to a lot of people. And I'm sorry if I've ever been rude to you, or anything like that. I'm not really structuring this post professionally or anything but I just wanted to tell all of you that I'm actually nice and I don't mean to be rude to any of you, I just get frustrated sometimes like everyone else.

With that said, if you ever need help or anything, or want to talk to me on the server about something, don't be afraid to if you are or have been in the past. I'm a nice person and I know I don't come off as one when you first meet me but any of my friends currently can vouch.

I guess this was just a public apology to anyone who I've offended or hurt in the past with something I've said or done, so yeah. Consider this a new leaf thing for my attitude, I guess?

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it's coolio brah. sorry for being a giant dickwad like a month or so back :D. tbh i know you can come off a little rough but once i kinda "hung around" in the skype chat for a while ive seen the better sides of you. so no worries man!

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I hate to be the negative one here, but I don't think this exactly belongs in the Grand Hall. Yes, it's important to publicize the statement, but for the sake of organization, this confession could find a better home. I'm sure I'm the only one to think this, but it is simply for organization's sake.
Maybe a status update?

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Ignore it if you do not like it.

Status updates get overlooked because there are too many being posted per hour.

Plus, I cannot fit this many characters into a status update. So, your comment was kind of unnecessary, but.. have a good day. <3

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I don't exactly get what you mean, considering he's an auth I'm sure he knows where things should go. This isn't something that can just be put into a status then be overtaken by 5 more within minutes. This is a fine place for it.

Anyways, newer people won't understand why this topic is made or the purpose of it but the people who understand get this is a big step for Nyrias.

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Well, it's not like I see you a lot on the server thanks to different timezones... But what I saw of you, is positive, so I don't think you're too bad. Also, I don't recall ever getting muted by you, so I'm good at that point. If you'll excuse me, I'll go fuck around again now.

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I didn't even know people thought you were rude. I've seen you be a bit strict maybe, but that's kind of a good thing

I have yet to have a bad experience with you Maybe just because I'm too awesome for that

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