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Thoughts on es.12 (may contain spoilers)


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After to reading the lastest post you will where the next area going to be witch is Agate and Agate Circus where the fighting gym leader samson lives Smh. I'm wondering what are people plans for him and what his team will hold for us. Wish I found zubat smh

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Good thing that my main team was made in Episode 10 ^^ but the gym leader might also be Hardy so keep Crobat away from him I believe he is gonna be a DOuble Battle Because he Has Lunatone and SOlrock as his aces thos are like counterparts

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i am only is want know ep12 come out when ?

any idea when it will be out guys ???

i was so bored that i fully ev trained some of my pokemon

that +sp atk nature, 31 sp atk IV, 252 sp atk, lightball PIKACHU !!!

now even the persian i use for pay day has 252 attack and 252 speed :P

im feeling if you ev train all the pokemon, it will be too easy

please come out soon ep12, so i can stop ev training !!!!!!! :ph34r:

Edited by Sk8erBoizzz
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i am only is want know ep12 come out when ?

any idea when it will be out guys ???

I don't remember where's the quote is, but i remember that Ame said something like this: ""Everytime someone asks for a episode, i'll delay an year".

Not with those words of course. But right now, episode 12 is going to be released in late May, 2055. And since i mentioned it, it's 2056 now...

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pikachu is a filler of course, just for fun ^^

just had so much time that i've trained up some stuff that are quite strong

the latest ones are chlorophyll solarbeam venusaur, eruption typhlosion, moxie dd gyarados

i dunno, the psychic and dark gyms were quite easy for me though

i kinda beasted through luna with 2 pokemon (crobat+scrafty not ev trained of course), the 4 other pokemon on the team were tm users or very under-levelled

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I don't remember where's the quote is, but i remember that Ame said something like this: ""Everytime someone asks for a episode, i'll delay an year".

Not with those words of course. But right now, episode 12 is going to be released in late May, 2055. And since i mentioned it, it's 2056 now...

oh vinny...i told you ame isn't that evil my question is since there's like 4 or 5 leaders in the one place will we have doulble battles fighting them 2 at a time?

Edited by sandy
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oh vinny...i told you ame isn't that evil my question is since there's like 4 or 5 leaders in the one place will we have doulble battles fighting them 2 at a time?

Are you really that sadistic to yourself look at the last 2 leaders who had double battles both had to be nerfed a lot one even reverting to single battles to make it easier do that and remember all leaders have a team of 6 so you will be battling 12 pokemon with only 6 ............ yes that seems like something Ame would do except there might be an accident that makes you only get 1 badge cause the other dies

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Are you really that sadistic to yourself look at the last 2 leaders who had double battles both had to be nerfed a lot one even reverting to single battles to make it easier do that and remember all leaders have a team of 6 so you will be battling 12 pokemon with only 6 ............ yes that seems like something Ame would do except there might be an accident that makes you only get 1 badge cause the other dies

Fight 2 leaders like that would be awesome actually. Hardy and Terra, they get the Sandstorm going. And you fight both of them at the same time. That be epic as shit.

But i believe that we might face more than one leader in episode 12, in a Corey/Kiki fashion.

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Are you really that sadistic to yourself look at the last 2 leaders who had double battles both had to be nerfed a lot one even reverting to single battles to make it easier do that and remember all leaders have a team of 6 so you will be battling 12 pokemon with only 6 ............ yes that seems like something Ame would do except there might be an accident that makes you only get 1 badge cause the other dies

radamus was nerfed in e10? i didnt notice that yes hes tough bet i didnt think he warented a nerf and luna must have been nerfed alot in beta considering most people had no problem with her only thing that cought me out wiht luna was the nicknames which ment you didn't know what she was doing next and no not really i think it would a an awsome fight too fight 2 leaders at once. also if we fight the lighting leader if we win thats gaurnteed as i doubt ame has a 3rd fighting leader thought up yet

disclaimer: i do not know or shall never know how ame's train of thought works or will work in any way shape or form.

Edited by sandy
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radamus was nerfed in e10? i didnt notice that yes hes tough bet i didnt think he warented a nerf and luna must have been nerfed alot in beta considering most people had no problem with her only thing that cought me out wiht luna was the nicknames which ment you didn't know what she was doing next and no not really i think it would a an awsome fight too fight 2 leaders at once. also if we fight the lighting leader if we win thats gaurnteed as i doubt ame has a 3rd fighting leader thought up yet

disclaimer: i do not know or shall never know how ame's train of thought works or will work in any way shape or form.

sorry i meant aya and Serra not Radomus i have a idea what if you beat a gym leader and Fern being the prick he is comes and steals your gym badge

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This might be a bit old but...

Pokemon Reborn > Graphics > Pictures > badges


The first 9 badges that we've obtained so far in the game match the order of the first 9 badges in that picture, so assuming the order in this picture is correct for the remaining 9, the gym leaders left to face should be, in the correct order: Samson, Charlotte, Terra, Ciel, Adrienn, Titania, Amaria, Hardy and finally Saphira, unless Ame kills one of them again. It's interesting to note how Hardy comes a lot later than expected, the fact that Titania is followed up by Amaria (because there's a scene shown in Shade's gym of Titania pushing Amaria and killing her) and how Charlotte comes quite early. We should expect to see the circus trio in episode 12 and in the next one we might meet up with Charlotte, Saphira, Laura, Shelly, Noel and Anna again.

Edited by MMM
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