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Leader Aya


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I've been having some problems with Aya. :/ Here's my team on rotation:

Chesnaught 44, Simipour 44, Arcanine 44, Diggersby 44, Kricketune 41, Primeape 41, Dusklops 44, Drapion 43.

I've been training up a Munna, but it's slow going. Diggersby could use earthquake as well, but I don't think the tm is in the game yet. :/ Any help would be appreciated! Thanks. :)

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I found that Venomoth with sleep powder and psybeam was really useful but if you don't want to grind up another pokemon that's understandable. Light screen with a light clay can be really useful as well due to her tendency to spam sludge wave. Your best bets in that regard are probably Mr. Mime, Meowstic or Malamar.

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You've got quite a long wait yet left for Earthquake on Diggersby, sadly...

Spiritomb is very handy against Aya, most Poison-types do very well against her (if you watch out for Earth Powers from Nidoqueen, that is) and as Sheep said, Malamar kind of destroys her + Light Screen weakens Sludge Wave on top of that.

Mr. Mime is probably not a good idea because it's weak to Poison, and I haven't tried Meowstic... but I'd be willing to bet that'd do all right. For both the aforementioned Light Screen + it has access to Safeguard, for random poisonings and Confuse Ray.

Edited by Lost Lore
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Although it seems dangerous to bring a fairy to a poison fight, my gardevoir swept through the majority of her pokemon. I had emolga nuzzle + electro ball her tentacruel and then she cried tears as my psychic spam tore her to pieces.

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My Donphan carried most of the weight in that fight. Earlier in the game I caught a Phanpy, evolved it to Donphan, and used enough Common Candies to get it down to level 18. When it hits 19, it learns Magnitude, which is the poor man's Earthquake but still a powerful move. The reason you need those Common Candies is because Donphan evolves from Phanpy at level 25, and Phanpy can't learn Magnitude. Just keep in mind Aya's fight is a double battle, so I suggest bringing in some Flying-types or anything that levitates, or just anything resistant to Ground-types, since Magnitude hits everyone.

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Thanks everyone! :D

I found that Venomoth with sleep powder and psybeam was really useful but if you don't want to grind up another pokemon that's understandable. Light screen with a light clay can be really useful as well due to her tendency to spam sludge wave. Your best bets in that regard are probably Mr. Mime, Meowstic or Malamar.

I've been looking around for headbutt-able trees in the wasteland, but I haven't found any. :/

At this point in the game, a heart scale -> Bulldoze for Diggersby should be sufficient. If you have a flying type or something with Levitate to pair with it, you should make quick work of Aya's team.

I didn't think of that. :D I'll go find one right now.

Bring a Steelix and watch as she cries in despair...

inb4 Scald and Earthquake... Although Steelix is going to eat those Earthquakes up

Had that problem when I brought in my Diggersby...:/

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There is one headbutt-able tree in particular towards the beginning of the Wasteland- it's near one of the Bivouacs. Near a Rock Smash rock, too, I think?

It looks like a cut-able tree right? I've cut down like everywhere in the place. :/

Also, where is the move relearner? >.<

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The move relearner house is in the Onyx Ward, next to the Game Corner:

This is the place you're looking for


As for the "headbutt trees" in the Wasteland, this is how they look like:



The move relearner house is in the Onyx Ward, next to the Game Corner:

This is the place you're looking for


As for the "headbutt trees" in the Wasteland, this is how they look like:



Awesome, thanks Vinny! xD

Headbutted the tree and got a....pineco! xD

Edited by Leafy
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