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Is there/will there ever be item maniacs?



Title says it all, pretty much.

I've got a bunch of things (especially rare bones) that I could sell for a lot of money right now, but if I knew that generation 5's item maniacs would make a comeback in this game, I would save them for later and get even more money. Unless they're gonna be added in like, say, the aftergame, which I would then be all like "screw that" and sell them now. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one thinking like this.

P.S. Kinda disappointing to not see them return in Pokemon X and Y, although considering how rich they made me in Black and White, and how much easier it is to get money in X and Y already, it probably would've broken the game.

P.P.S. Wait a sec, in the games the maniacs were in, they made the finances exponentially easier... that means they're NEVER gonna be in reborn, doesn't it?

Edited by Eagleby18
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Yea, because it would make earning money easier, they're most likely won't be appearing in Reborn, unfortunately.

But let's see what Amethyst has to say if she sees this.

Edited by ~Derpy Simon
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Wait, budgeting is actually necessary in Reborn? That's strange, the only items I've bought are a few Poké Balls and some Ice Creams. I haven't had to really buy anything aside from the Magikarp in the beginning and some Honey.

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Wait, budgeting is actually necessary in Reborn? That's strange, the only items I've bought are a few Poké Balls and some Ice Creams. I haven't had to really buy anything aside from the Magikarp in the beginning and some Honey.

Budgeting isn't really necessary lol, but always recommended as you don't want to run out of cash ever, especially in this game.

hmm might sell my big mushroom then xD was wondering the same thing

Yea, I generally sell my mushrooms just for quick cash. I found a Balm Mushroom surprisingly and got 25k.

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I've started White like four different times and I always get bored before like the fourth gym

Have you tried: White 2?

*Dun dun dun!*

Well, i can't really help it if you find it boring... You should challenge yourself... or something...

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To be perfectly honest, I never played the Gen 5 games either. Aside from N, my acquaintances seem to dislike the fifth generation. In relation to Hoenn, how is Unova?

B/W has a better story (still not that great though), but B/W 2 has a lot more content...I mean a lot more. While it's not as good as Emerald/Platinum's Battle Frontier, you can do a Colosseum like Mt. Battle place called Black City/White Tower, play the Game in Challenge Mode (please bring this back), or face gym leaders from all the regions in the Pokemon World Tournament.

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Make it more of a challenge for yourself then :P

It's not the difficulty, I just lose interest in playing at all. This happens with a lot of things. tbh I have a lot of emotional issues around video games in general. That's not for this topic.

Have you tried: White 2?

The sequel without the first? Ludacris.

play the Game in Challenge Mode (please bring this back)

This is the first I've heard of that. What's different?

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It's not the difficulty, I just lose interest in playing at all. This happens with a lot of things. tbh I have a lot of emotional issues around video games in general. That's not for this topic.

The sequel without the first? Ludacris.

This is the first I've heard of that. What's different?

Challenge Mode is a way of playing the games of White/Black 2 in which the gym leader's and other important battles had levels increased and also varying pokemon if I'm correct.

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This is the first I've heard of that. What's different?

To elaborate on Challenge Mode, the AI of computer-controlled opponents is improved, all trainers have increased levels (by 1-2 in the early game, and the level curve increases as the game progresses to compensate for the extra Exp. Points), and all Gym Leaders and Elite Four members have extra Pokémon on their teams, along with reworked movesets and held items.


I see you have a Questing Phelddagrif in your icon.

Edited by Foamy
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I've started White like four different times and I always get bored before like the fourth gym

Literally exactly the same thing happened to me. I'm not sure exactly why, i just lost interest with gen 5. But it wasn't like i lost interest in all pokemon, i was on reborn when gen 5 came out and through it all, and i got pokemon X the day it came out and didn't get bored with it. but i don't think i can play a gen 5 game without feeling like it is a chore.

Also, Reborn is already in Challenge Mode. If Ame were to put in a Challenge Mode she would have to call it something like "Mashew Mode" and all the trainers would have 6 pokemon and everything would be lv100 Mr. Biggles

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