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would it be OK with you if my OC attacked Rodric, after my OC died from using up all of his Aura and bursting into flames, woke up in the same place as Ethic was in, and saw Rodric trying to attack Ethic, @Stratos? Or should i have Kenny not burst into flames, and instead have him just focus on trying to kill Scott?

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Uh.. well, Kenny, it's not really the type of place where anyone can go to... It's supposed to be the Area where Rodric has trapped Ethic in order to finish him off...

And I have a plan to end Rodric and send Scott running away like a child...

It's probably just best to not have Kenny burst into flames

Edited by Stratos
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well... looks like this whole battle against Rodric is going better than I planed... was racking my mind as for how Ethic could possibly kill this monster of a being...

When reasoning for it in this case hit me; if Death is the be all and end all of things... that must mean it has someway of perpetuating itself... and how can it do that?

The answer I come up with for Ethic's situation:

It lurks in the memories of people... latching like a leech... it gains power off of people's fear of it...

and so this took on it's own scenario:

If someone's screwing around inside your head, your memories, then shouldn't you be able to do something about it?

... to say no? The cast out an intruder into your own sanctum?

My answer:

Hell yes... you should...

Who thinks they know which memory Ethic's cooking up?

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Rose's fiercely protective side is starting to come out... That, she hasn't had sleep in awhile and she's tired of the constant assailants attacking them.

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here's a question for all of you to contemplate:

If Death is the "be all and end all" of everything, then what is the "be all and end all" of death?

oh, and I think that he's finding the memory of his mother's death, @Ethic.

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Well, looks like Ethic's gonna have a very long Hit list from here on out... nineteen names on it... he's decided to take over... and he ain't gonna let the Council stand in his way...

Rodric's own power... used against him so easily...what a shame... I actually like him for some reason... oh well...

now then... Scott and Ethic are going to have a rematch... that means...

The unveiling of the powers of the Arcana of Death...

I'm gonna put it up here to see if anyone thinks it too powerfull or overboard...

there is an effect for each Arcana Ethic takes dominion over:

The Effect for #13, Death:

"My life for Power"

The Invoker becomes able for a temporary period to turn their life energy into a tangible, destructive force and becomes able to wield it as a weapon...

The draw back of which is: it draws upon the invokers life force... with every strike and attack they make with it, more and more is drained away. if they use more life force than they currently have, then Cardiac arrhythmia occurs followed by death. this effect will always result in some varying degree of fatigue, which will increase in direct correlation to the life force expended (Unless they go over their personal reserves, which results in death as said before).

Life force regenerates slowly over time, but will not begin regenerating until after the Invoker has broken the link to the Death Arcana (IE wont begin to regenerate until they stop invoking it)

so, anyone have any objections to this? (Specifically, does Notus have any objections to this?)

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.. Anyone wanna control a little girl? On one hand, kudos to you guys and Notus especially! Under The Hill's moving on pretty fast and... pretty fast... On that note if anyone would like to bunny the kid sometimes, go on-- classes have started for me today lol, I can't sneak on in the morning anymore and I have to sleep early, so I've been missing out D: Enya's prolly just staring into space and I can't quite gather enough data to make her say weird things lol

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Soorry for the delay guys, I'm kinda busy this last days.

@ Ethic: I think it is all right in a first moment, but as Hukuna said it will be easier to judge once we see it working sooo... have a good time kicking Scott's butt.

@ Zephyr: I for one am already way overloaded to play Enya, sorry (even Ellaria is on the same situation). Btw good with your classes!

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kkk yeah, that's better I guess. And also remember not all Succubi are necessarily evil, there are some stories about good ones - and not only in animes.

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judging from mia's reaction.

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As long as you make sure the number of swings to blank out/deplete his life force completely or at least to cause side effects which will probably happen as you lose life force consistent (i.e it's not 10000000000000000000 swings one day then 20000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 swings the next.)

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I'll bunny her, don't worry Zeph. Btw, anyone know where Bluewolf is? When we get moving again, we don't want to leave Damian behind

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