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how can you shoot or run when your opponent can freeze all your movement

how would you deal with someone that can make you spontaneously combust

The next circle will be a blast!

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Maybe I should have taken superbragging as my superpower...

Edited by SithBaker
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You can't stand against the hands of fate.

and you sure as hell can't stand against the one who has them bound to his will.

Pfft... Superbragging... more like just stating a logical argument

anyways, There's one question you have to ask yourselves though.

And that question is this:

"What does it mean to be the strongest?"

Edited by Stratos
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Well Ellaria can... uh... disappear.

Crap, I guess I'll have to find more uses to her power. XD

Aand you're all forgetting Enya. Her power is one of the most OP in my opinion, if she gets serious.

Also, @ Murdoc: I think the easier way to catch up is to post something saying Marcus had been following the group quietly and no one noticed him.

Thanks a lot for the opinions guys, I'm glad you've liked it!

I felt like some parts could have had a better pace if I'd planned the chapter better before, and honestly some things happened totall out of my first plan, but in the end I think it worked even better than I planned. ^_^

Now, I need to make an announcement. I have an admitance exam to college on the 16th and 17th of this month. It's something I've been preparing to this whole year, and I think I need to make a last sprint in the studies. I'll be leaving Reborn from monday until after the exam, so unfortunately chapter 3 will have to wait until then. Sorry guys. :unsure:

On the bright side, I'll be sure to use whatever free time I have to think of something really cool for it!

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You might not be able to stand against the Hands of Fate, but you can sure as hell try to alter their path. and as someone once said, "Power Corrupts, and Ultimate Power corrupts Ultimately".

but Ethic is right. you cannot Quantify Strength using just one measure. There are many different forms of strength: Physical Strength, Willpower, Mental Strength, Intelligence, Stamina, and so on.

For example: you might be the most intelligent person in the world, but that doesn't mean that you can lift Boulders. Also, just because you can knock someone out with one punch doesn't mean that you're able to take a beating.

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just a note on that list, I'm fairly certain Kenny didn't assemble it based purely on who would do the most extreme amounts of damage in combat, Versatility of the characters power is probably also a large factor.

so yeah, maybe in theory Marcus would be the most dangerous individual to face in combat (After he kills enough people... to reach, like, the level of a Greek Demigod of myth.) but for now I think it's safe to say that due to both the sizable threat in combat he can pose, and the potential versatility of his invoking power, Ethic is the strongest at this point... and I've probably got more tricks up my sleeve for my character's ability than any one else here...

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  On 8/3/2014 at 1:54 PM, Stratos said:

and I've probably got more tricks up my sleeve for my character's ability than any one else here...

^ you'd be surprise. never assess the threat until its too late, like the two children (Ixidor and Enya) that can create anything at their desire.

But guys, stop this bickering about who's the strongest on this RP and lets all agree on that Ixidor is the most powerful character in this RP, everyone here has their own strength and weaknesses, perfection is boring, it wouldn't be fun for the others if someone owns them completely.

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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"Peace among men living alongside one another is not a natural state. on the contrary, the natural state of man is that of war. War manifested not only by open hostilities, but also by the constant threat of hostility. Peace, there fore, is a state that must be established by law."

- Immanuel Kant, "Perpetual Peace", chapter 2

This is hell, typlohsion. it doesn't exactly bring out the warm and fuzzy sides of people. Bickering is only the first step along the long road to open hostilities. (Though in america, that might not be the case, seeing as how Our congress argues day and night and is completely worthless, yet we're still waiting around for our second civil war to begin...) We must determine the strongest now so that we do not have to when war finally breaks out among us and we all turn on each other, driven by the greed all men hold within the depths of their heart. we must do it now so that we know who to eliminate or ally ourselves to first when the time for anarchy comes.

And so it is that this attempt to survive future hostility will only lead to further initiate the very hostility we seek to survive; For the natural state of man is war...

but still, you have a point. Typhlo, everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. and now...

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"Perfect" in and of itself is what is called an ideal. Ideals can never be achieved, and are merely concepts. Compare this to the word normal.....what is normal? If you look at it, normal isn't actually "normal" as the word normal is an ideal, most people are not considered "normal", we all have our quirks and things that make us different. Being Odd, weird, strange or just plain different is what gives people spice of life and makes us all unique and different from each other. It goes like this for characters as well. If a charcter tries to be the ideal character, they are boring. Flaws add something to them, mold them and help to understand who they are. Their Strengths also do too. What fun is it to have a character who is good at everything? How can it even be explained that they are good at everything? Flaws add to character almost if not more than strengths. Something a character is good at can simply explained by saying they are good at it.

There is something I like to do with almost every character of mine that I make for RPing. I like to give them 1 irrational fear, 1 thing they very much dislike, and 1 thing they love. Say Byron, he had a fear of public speaking, now what that ever really be used? Probably not, but it added to him and made him feel more real to me. He also really disliked Spiders, though he wasn't petrified by them. Even little things can add depth to a character and make them feel more real.

((Also, in pissing contests where people tend to argue over who would be the better PC in a fight rarely matter. What does it matter how strong you are? Power Levels as shown by Dragon Ball Z and a lot of other works in media are extremely pointless. We as people aren't measured by just how powerful we are, We are measured by our everything that makes us, well us. Personalities can make a character who should be powerful weaker than everybody else around them at least in certain moments. Like Death the Kid in Soul Eater, he is the son of the Reaper, but he has such a problem with his obsession of symmetry it hinders him greatly. [and sometimes even helps him as well.]. No character in my eyes is ever stronger than another strictly speaking. If Graterras would be D and D accurate, the players would never be able to beat the Death Knight they are fighting right now unless they got absurdly lucky. However, due to the way this type of RP works, while he is indeed dangerous, they actually have a chance. To defeat a more "powerful" foe one needs only good strategy, planning, and good old fashioned creativity. While no doubt most of the characters in Under the Hill are extremely powerful, it is mostly the fact they can't die that makes them powerful, all of you would be long dead by now if that wasn't the case,[if you haven't noticed, most of your powers costs are indeed mitigated by the fact that you respawn upon death. Therefore no matter what you can go all out, the only problem will be trying to find your friends again.] not to mention that you are all supporting each other as well, that makes your characters infinitely more powerful than if they worked alone.)

TL:DR, Characters aren't only strong because of their actual power, there are many things that make them strong other than that. It best be remembered to, since if you lose sight of that a character simply becomes a laundry list of powers you can use, rather than an actual character.

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And so it was that Hukuna the Great stepped in and reminded the young upstarts about what truly matters when playing a character in the RP: that a character is not the sum of their powers, but rather the sum of what lies in their heart. And the blindness was lifted from their eyes. and it was good.

Hukuna's right, enough of this glorified pissing contest about who's the strongest. what really matters at the end of the day is that a character's abilities are simply an extension of them, and not the other way around.

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