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Why do I have the sneaking suspicion that you're going to invent some loophole with Marcus's ability and have it so that he just ends up absorbing the blast?

Goddamn it... I fear for what I might have just unknowingly done... or will I? :ph34r:

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Oh Jesus...

Well, just incase you actually mean what's struck through in that, and aren't being sarcastic, (I think you don't mean it, but...) let me say this to everyone:

I just made the beast stronger... sorry Guys...:/

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Kenny, You know, it's common courtesy to ask before just randomly jumping into another person's scene without having your character already be in some close proximity to the event. first you port away, then you come back, make up your mind: you fighting the damn keepers or not?

I'm trying to not be a dick right now, I really am, but I'm getting annoyed now since this is the second time...

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nah, that'd be cheating, he kinda just got vaporized

and totally didn't absorb life force as if he had killed you

Finally, a worthy opponent! (Monty doesn't count because regenerating is cheating)

Edited by Eagleby18
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Finally, a worthy opponent! (Monty doesn't count because regenerating is cheating)

It's actually not regeneration if your attacks don't even inflict any physical harm on him. He simply breaks himself down and repositions himself in another spot when ever you try to hit with a physical blow. He's said it multiple times, Brute Force will not work on him. I don't know how much clearer I can make his gloating.

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It's actually not regeneration if your attacks don't even inflict any physical harm on him. He simply breaks himself down and repositions himself in another spot when ever you try to hit with a physical blow. He's said it multiple times, Brute Force will not work on him. I don't know how much clearer I can make his gloating.

Wait, so if that whole crystal thing's voluntary, that means we could take him down if we A) take him by suprise, or B)hit him so fast he can't do the whole crystally thing.

Anyway, i just realized: whatever happens to my character, Marcus must NOT kill him. If he does, wer'e all doomed.

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At this point, I think it's safe to say that Marcus will, without a doubt, end up killing everyone, absorbing their life force, become more powerful than Goku and Superman and Vader and Palpatine, and Erza Scarlet and Superman all merged together, And making it to the bottom completely by his lonesome and wishing to be invisible at will so that he can exit the hill and begin his rampage of death and destruction upon the people of the world, going around and assassinating high profile individuals such as Presidents and Prime ministers and a bunch of little people too.

That's my theory for this is gonna end.

#MurdocAndNotusConspiracy2014 :Kappa:

As for Monty, I will say it again: "Hitting" him will not work. even if you catch him by surprise with a whack to the back of the noggin, he won't feel it, nor will he care.

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There's another way... and i know what it is.

we had a similar issue in PSS with this, didn't we? about you thinking that you know ways to circumvent how some system that someone else has set up?

(Take the hint, don't be dense right now)

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Speaking of powers...

I have no idea what the Invocation Effect and Cost for the Hermit Arcana is gonna be... or for either of the other two keepers who have yet to be named. Pretty much the only one I have plotted for is Longicus, and that's because his was kinda obvious and appeared back in the first circle (high speed travel at the cost of feeling as if you just full on sprinted every single meter that you used the power to travel, for those who don't recall).

actually, no, thats right... all of them have to be different from the previous effect. that means I have to come up with another one for him too... (The Keeper's actual power's/ special ability will not be the same as that bestowed by their Tarot card)

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Sorry to double post, but:

"Well, It Seems That You Won't go Down So Easily."

Kenny then opened up a New Portal right behind Longicus and in front of himself, so that the Black Flames that were originally aimed at Kenny were now headed straight towards Longicus.

"Let Me Tell You The Ugly Truth, Longicus. The Keepers Are Nothing More Than Temporary Guardians Of The Arcana. It Seems As Though You've Forgotten This."

Hey kenny, mind not Meta Gaming? you honestly have no way of knowing that detail seeing as how Ethic never mentioned it to anyone. (Or the truth of his troubles, for that matter)

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