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... So I can just... Pull up a gigantic frying pan and whack the door with it, yeah? Something... really crazy and stupid? o_o

Also lol we're all screwed if, again, Marcus kills Enya because potentially world-warping power/ability to make almost anything appear/demonic possession of some sort

(wait, so he doesn't absorb parts of his victims' personalities anymore?)

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I'm under the impression that While he does absorb some of the personality, at the same time he absorbs some of their life force, enhancing his physical abilities...

Though, It's murdoc's character, so I really can't give you an exact answer, only he can.

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Wait, you didn't finish off Eth-

Oh...that's right... my fuck up earlier with the explosion...

Eh... well I guess that depends, you interested in the old, Optimis Prime-level boy scout version of Ethic, or the current, "Cut you down on the spot if you fuck with him, ready to exchange blows" crazier version of Ethic?

For the former... well, Marcus would feel the need to have some provocation before...going around slashing peeps throats and what not. the old Ethic didn't resort to violence for the most part unless he or someone he cared about was attacked or threatened first. Heheheheh...

For the newer version though... just keep on what you doing now. though maybe get excited about the prospect of potentially fighting people.

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Eagle, Where the heck did Edward just disappear to?

and good that at least one of you is finally starting to see that brute force tactics with no real coordination can't do anything against Keepers. Yes, that's right, in order to kill them, you might actually have to be clever and think outside the box.

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*sneaks up on Ethic* Oh we have a tough guy here huh....... *unsheathes my twin katanas* Well, let's see how tough you really are! *jumps into the air* TAAAAKE THIIIIIIIIIIIIS *spins around and slashes your face open* Not so tough now, huh????? *grabs you and throws you up* It's time to finish this little charade *holds my katanas above my head* YOU ARE FINIIIIISHEEEEEEEED!!!!!!!!!!! *jumps upwards so that you get impaled on my swords* Heh.... easy.....

So um... yeah. I was wondering how long it would take someone to completely dive-bomb an RP here, and it seems we have our first one... :ph34r:

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*sneaks up on Ethic* Oh we have a tough guy here huh....... *unsheathes my twin katanas* Well, let's see how tough you really are! *jumps into the air* TAAAAKE THIIIIIIIIIIIIS *spins around and slashes your face open* Not so tough now, huh????? *grabs you and throws you up* It's time to finish this little charade *holds my katanas above my head* YOU ARE FINIIIIISHEEEEEEEED!!!!!!!!!!! *jumps upwards so that you get impaled on my swords* Heh.... easy.....




1. this post makes no sense what so ever given the context and situation My main character is currently in.

2. Traditionally, one does not use the first person or "*" in an RP.

3. Oh...there are sooooo many other things...

Seeing as how Hukuna is currently out for a little while, I'll try to do the talking:

Where should I start with the rest of the things wrong? just so...many...even for (what I presume to be) a first timer. guess I'll get started at the biggest one...

Hello there, Doj, and welcome to the Reborn RP subforums. What we have here are Closed RPs, you see; as in, you must submit a sign up sheet and get approval from the host, that is, the person running the RP, in order to participate. as my fellow RPer Flux has aptly mentioned already, you, my friend, did not do this and have in a sense, Dive Bombed right into the plot line of our RolePlay. I will await your response to this before going any further with this discusion

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Weeeeell, seems this is getting pretty popular, much new players but... Yeah, signing up first would be good XD

No need to stress over that guys, just ignore those posts and I'll get them deleted sooner or later, while also trying to explain the rules for Doj.

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i think the intended joke went flying SO far over your heads

i find it hilarious tbh

That's kind of what I was getting at by "dive-bomb" in my post... Pretty sure he's trolling, guys.

Edited by Flux
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I'm gonna do that right now, because it is clearly trolling. On the meantime just keep cool guys, it's not worth to waste energy over this. He had his fair warning.

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Weell posts deleted and problem (probably) solved.

Now, it's time to go back for our reencounters, fleeing gunslinger rats, angry giants and suicide-bomber penguins, just as always. XD

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