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Yup, double posting in a short time, but I'd like to have your attention on this guys.

So as you all probably noticed, I've had a lot of stuff to deal with irl, and haven't been able to keep up properly with the RP. After thinking a lot, I decided to call on help, and as such we have a new Co-Host in Under the Hill: Rosesong!

To try and keep a nice flow, I'm giving her the same powers as host that I have. She has full authority to create scenes, control NPCs, and ensure the game rules are being properly followed. Of course I expect players to treat her with the proper respect to that position.

So, that's the news. Thanks a lot to Rose for accepting to help me in that, hopefully you'll find it as fun as I do! ^_^

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you'll do fine, I'm sure of it Rose. this gig really isn't that hard once you get used to it.

Oh, and I finally figured out suitable abilities for Temperance and Justice; Behold!

The Justice Link

Effect: Blade of Truth

- When activated, this Arcane Link causes a long sword burning with gray fire to appear in the middle of the air. The blade then evaluates the validity of Verbal Statements by it's flames shifting to White to signify Truth, or a Black to signify a lie. The sword itself is not tangible and can not be used in combat.

Cost: Ethic forgets the results of the Evaluation immediately afterwards.

The Temperance Link

Effect: Negation field (AKA leveling the Playing field)

- when activated, this Arcane link negates the powers of all other individuals within Ethic's vicinity, rendering them, in terms of power, back to their state prior to entering the hill and gaining abilities. Effect last for twenty minutes. Has no effect on Denizens of Hell. The Effect will still last even if Ethic is killed.

Cost: Ethic's own powers are affected by the field and are rendered unusable right along with everyone else's. in addition, this Arcane Link has an hour long cool down time before the it becomes available to use again.

So...what do you all think? I especially like the Temperance effect...Because it'll actually give people a fighting chance against a certain serial killer.

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I like them both, but at the same time I'm going to caution you in that I'm not sure how well people will take to having their powers screwed with, even if you can't use yours while the effect is in place... (Slightly mind boggling though, because to keep it in effect shouldn't Ethic's powers be at work?) All in all, I'm uncertain about Temperance, but Justice looks fine.

Can't wait to see what Notus says :)

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I was thinking that Temperance wouldn't actually be reliant on the Link itself in order to function, but rather, simply would set up a stationary field of energy that accomplishes it's stated effect, which is how it would be able to affect Ethic as well and stay in effect even if he dies before it's time of effect is up.

though If Notus vetoes it or anyone has objections, I have no problem going off and finding something else for it.

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I find it a bit ustrange that a tarot card would have that effect, given that it seems very specific to the situation our characters are all in, but I don't really mind personally if you go with it.

Also, good luck Rose, and nice to have you hosting us!

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I should also mention that one could simply move out of the area of effect and thus regain full use of their abilities that way(It would only cover a circular area of say... a 15 foot radius maybe?) though entering within it's boundary would resume the effect and again nullify the ability while the person remains in, same thing would go for ability-generated projectiles that are fired into the area from outside the boundary. (they would just wither to nothing long before hitting their target within the area).

just think it would make things a bit more interesting by facilitating a "fair" fight from time to time. (Not to say that the fights we have using our abilities aren't fair, after all, at the end of the day, you either live or die depending on how intelligent and sound your strategy and snap judgements are. But this might spice things up a little by removing power from the equation entirely and essentially putting everyone on a relatively "Leveled Playing-field" for a short while.)

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Ooooh.... Eagle...why you...

Fine... can't use temperance yet because not everyone has given their consent to it's possibility... but I guess it's time for some stealth tactics that would make Big Boss himself smile in pride...just like the ones he used to kill Longicus...

or maybe Ethic will just fall out dead from the physical strain of the attempt and again deny Marcus the chance...

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I'm fine with it... so what if a summon or magical weapon was created outside its boundaries and enters the field? would it disappear or something?

same thing would go for ability-generated projectiles that are fired into the area from outside the boundary. (they would just wither to nothing long before hitting their target within the area).

answered it for ethic yw :]

im fine with it, as Flux said, strangely specific to the current situation but hey. why not.

Edited by Annie Leonhardt
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Kenny, you're meta gaming again.

Not even Ethic himself knew before hand that he was bugged. Or did he?

so yeah... no real logical way for someone to already know of Max's eaves dropping...

and the truth behind why I created the Temperance Effect as the "Negation Field"

And it seems specific to the situation because it is. I'm not gonna lie to you guys, this is intended mostly for the reason I have already stated... but it's also also partially because it is my form of nuclear deterrence, in a way, given a recent... possible screw up on my part. (*Cough* the explosion! *Cough*). deter certain people by removing powers entirely from the equation for everyone... plus, as already stated, it gives some people whose abilities aren't exactly all that strong in combat at least somewhat of an equal chance whenever it's activated.

call me what you want, yes, I had ulterior motives. but I'm only human.

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Ok, I think I already rested enough for one day XD. So, before we keep going, I want to clear up something: Ethic & Kenny, the plan that you said was screwed up by Maxwell is the wire thingy against the Turtle giant, or something else? Is the wire still in position?

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Ok, I think I already rested enough for one day XD. So, before we keep going, I want to clear up something: Ethic & Kenny, the plan that you said was screwed up by Maxwell is the wire thingy against the Turtle giant, or something else? Is the wire still in position?

I was referring to when Kenny proposed attempting to trick Max into thinking of him as an ally.

such attempted treachery was doomed to fail for rather...obvious reasons anyway, so it really doesn't matter that he heard it in the end.

and yes, to my knowledge, the trip wire Kenny and Eagle put up is still there.

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