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K_H, I need to know what room you're in before I continue the storyline. Also, Zephy, if you could put the walls down so that everyone can mingle again, that'd be awesome

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That's the room that the duel just took place in. Alright, hold onto your hats ladies and gents, we're about to get on a rollercoaster from which there is no getting off

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Hmmm... death by getting caught by the psychopath after he's done with that Titan... or death by trying to fight Cerberus in such a poor physical state?





Or a third choice: be smart for once just sitting there on the ceiling quietly instead of getting involved...

Eh...this decision could take me a while...

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I'd chose the Third option if i were you, Strat. we wouldn't want THREE Arcana Lords running around, now would we? not only that, but being dead kinda is an impediment to getting revenge.

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I'm not so sure about that Kenny, since Murdoc never gave us an actual answer when Rose and I asked how exactly that would work out, I'm just assuming that he can't absorb the actual powers of those he slays, case and point the fact that he can't rewind time like Mr.Taylor, his first victim, nor can he use Ix's magic drawing, nor what I like to refer to as "Rose's words of power", or Ethic's life blades either.

Or maybe...? Maybe I'm wrong and Murdoc's just really doing a really good job of hiding all that stolen power and is gonna eventually pull a Sylar with Marcus... :ph34r:

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I can forsee two ways this new idea of Edward's can turn out, and honestly I don't know which one is funner. They're both extreme opposites, one being brutal and the other comical. Ultimately it's not my decision to make though, but Notus/Rose's.

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Err, just so we're clear... Cerberus has a mane of snakes, not just one snake head... Also, instead of a regular canine tail, he has a serpentine tail. Plus, be weary of the claws... They're quite lion-like

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If you're referring to me Rose, then yeah I know. It's just that the thing's trying to hit Edward with the snake tail, which is an extremity of the body, about as far away from the mane as you can get. Plus, I'm pretty sure I wrote "snake-tail" to describe it in my last comment...

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Great job Zeph XD.

I just don't get Kenny's post... What weak spot? You're in the room with Cerberus, I think you got confused with the other one were Annie is fighting Killer.

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