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Welp, posting that again:

I just discovered I´ll have to make an emergency trip to another city for a medical check-up for the Navy, so I´ll be out from tomorrow afternoon until Thursday or Friday, and probably with no net. Rose is assuming as main host in this time (thanks a ton ;)). Have a good game guys, and don´t let Hell freeze while I´m out ok? XD

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Kenny heard Mr. Taylor speak, and immediately made Ice-cold Water start to materialize right above the left Head, and spoke to Cerberus.

"Cool it, Hothead!"

K_H, is there a logical reason for how Kenny materialized water out of nothing? It doesn't really seem to fit with your description of his aura power... I'm not sure if I'm the only one who thought this was a bit strange, but it seemed a bit random to me.

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Yes, there is. i actually said that my PC could Materialize Things in my Signup Post, and i Utilized this in several situations: my First Post on the RP (A Flashlight), during a fight with one of the Second Circle Demons (An Anvil), and yet again against one of the Titans on the Third Circle (Also Water). you never complained any of those times. plus, i said that it Dematerializes after a Minute or so in my Signup Post.

Edited by K_H
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Whoops, you appear to be right... Sorry about that. I think I might have been mixing up your abilities here with those of Kenny in the Awakened, as you called them both aura. My apologies.

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Thanks Zeph, it´s great to be back! :D

And now adding some content to the post: Just a heads up, Eagle, try not using auto-hits against bosses or other PCs. In your last post, the right way to do it would be to say you were trying to take Cerberus ear off and wait for an response before assuming it worked. It was no problem at all this time, because I figured it would work anyway, but in the future take a little bit of care when doing this ok? ^_^

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Soorry for the huge delay guys, last days where a little crazy, and on top of that I had to deal with more PC problems (now it is rebooted and hopefully working ok again. =D). Gonna update the IC soon!

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Round two, Soldier...

The Broken Character Versus the Psychopath. who's gonna come out on top now that powers don't mean anything? Or will Marcus simply ignore Ethic? Doubtful... from his reaction after coming back just now, very doubtful.

Who will join the fray? Who will enter onto this field of battle?

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