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I didn't really know what was the situation with Phantom, so I just assumed either he had left already or he's hiding nearby like Edward is (Or that he had just gone into his alternate dimension or something like that)

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Heheh... you know soldiers, It's a little funny how quickly things have just completely fallen apart with this little Traveling Coalition after the fallout with the Cerberus fight. reminds me quite well of when the Prison fell in TWD and everyone who survived just walked off on their lonesomes.

Screw it , Cadets, Ethic might as well just stop kidding himself and take enya and head out.

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Ixidor is being mauled to death as he fails to deliver his promise to the gluttonous people, just like Scar in the lion king. I believe Ixidor is still in Killer's room. but yes, just assume he went through the 4th circle.

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I think Rose posted something about the Killer group all having went into the Cerberus room, but yeah we can assume he is gone with the others.

Also, will Marcus and Taylor want to finish their scene before I proceed with the 4th circle?

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so... should I just edit or...? because honestly, out of the group fighting Killer or whatever his name was, Rose and Annie have both already left, and I don't know what Typhlosion has Ix doing during this whole thing.

EDIT: nevermind... editing my last post at this point would only further complicate things, Soldiers.

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Um...wow. Soldiers, I am a bit shocked by this most recent turn of events... and that's saying a whole lot coming from me.

Would taylor really do us like that? even after everything he said to Rose and Ethic? or maybe... maybe the guy has just been playing the game all along...

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Ya weren't tipped off by the flattery? Come on, even Edward was, and he's just 13! Then again, he also is well aquainted with a certain book called the Bible that specifically says "watch out for people who use flattery, they're big trouble."

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Ya weren't tipped off by the flattery? Come on, even Edward was, and he's just 13! Then again, he also is well aquainted with a certain book called the Bible that specifically says "watch out for people who use flattery, they're big trouble."

Soldier, recall that Ethic has legitimately trusted that old bastard since Circle 1, that's why he didn't think anything of it... but either way, this little transpiring here is going to make things a bit more interesting in the future...

And Ethic knows his bible verses, Cadet, along with a few other religious texts from other faiths, including various mythologies.

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Well I'd be lying if I said that I haven't been enjoying these reactions, :). it's always nice to see your twist turn out well, even though Eagleby saw it coming.

However, you guys do have to remember who Mr. Taylor is. I gave you guys a glimpse into his past last chapter with Michael and it's very likely that you'll see more glimpses into his past in the oncoming chapters. You're all definitely right in saying he's a liar, but who exactly is he lying too? Well, that has yet to be seen.

And yes Rose, Mr. Taylor's 'history' with Rose will become clear in this oncoming chapter, given the chance. With that all being said, I'm certainly looking forward to the next chapter.

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Alright, so as Notus and I plan for the Fourth Circle, I'm going to ask you guys to do me a favor. If you could, write up a quick update on your character. This should include who they're traveling with, as well as all items that they have on their person. To start, here's Rose and Ellaria's.


  • Status: Physically worn out, slowly regaining strength, headed to Fourth Circle
  • Traveling with: No one
  • Inventory: 2 decks of cards, 10 knives, 2 boxes of pencils, paper, her jacket (which holds a handkerchief rope and a bouquet of fake flowers), and her sarong, all stored inside of a bag


  • Status: Dead, headed to Fourth Circle
  • Traveling with: Quincy, against her will
  • Inventory: Nothing, unless Notus says otherwise
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Ethic (If that's even the guy's real name...)


-Alive and well with full stamina


-Enya (Currently he's carrying the child and she's unconscious.)


Within his Bag:

(Note: The majority of these items were acquired during his traveling across the country after leaving home or belonged to him even before that and were taken with him when he left home... he was somewhat of a leather tramp before coming to the hill. He's been so focused on surviving down there that he's probably forgotten about many of the items in his possession over time, however. But he will recall them the first time he takes a look into the bag at any point in the future.)

Items in salmon are of a highly metaphysical/ Arcane nature (IE related directly to the keeper conflict)

  • 1 pair of Aviators
  • 1 Package of Migraine Medication- 30 pill count
  • 2 plastic water bottles (1 full, 1 empty because he gave it to kenny to drink back in the 1st circle)
  • 1 Zippo Lighter
  • 3 rolls of 100mph tape (That's Duct Tape to you, Civilians)
  • 3 6inch pocket knives
  • 1 Pair of scissors
  • 1 compass
  • 1 pack of batteries (AA)
  • 1 whistle
  • 1 clip full of hollow point bullets (It's a very long story behind this...)
  • 1 fully stocked first aid kid
  • 200 dollars rolled up and stashed in the lining
  • 1 Leather Bound journal
  • 3 Pens, black ink
  • 1 small umbrella
  • 1 poncho
  • 1 paracord bracelet
  • 1 set of Binoculars
  • 1 Whetstone
  • 2 loose rags
  • 1 can of WD40
  • 1 Can of Olive oil spray (For lubricating the pocket knives, and, until recently, Man Without Honor)
  • 1 very old manual for the Rider-Waite tarot deck
  • 1 Book about D.B. Cooper (component of backstory)
  • 1 Book explaining the theory of Templars reaching America before Colombus (Another Component of Backstory, more significant than the D.B. Cooper book) and bringing something with them...
  • 2 Books bound in string that he lifted from the Library of the first circle
  • 1 roll of string

On his actual person:

  • Wallet (Back pocket, currently no money held inside)
  • Rider-Waite Tarot Deck inherited from his Mother (Inner Jacket Pocket)
  • Flashlight (Outer pocket)
  • Scott's Sword (Battle Trophy obtained first in the Gardens, was later given legitimate ownership to it by Scott's indifference upon seeing the weapon again in the dark area. Sheathed at his side Currently.)
  • 1 Enya & Ace (Carrying her in his arms)
  • 1 Mystery thing that resembles a small pocket knife but has a key or something that was mentioned very long ago... (I don't know what the hell I'm ever going to think of for it's use...) (Pants pocket)
  • 1 Story Orb (Scott's) (Jacket pocket)


  • 2 Ulterior motives...

Hmmm... I do believe that's it.

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Edward Collier

Status: in the middle of a snack break that he takes in between circles, hiding in a dark corner near the ceiling of Cerberus' room. Waiting to be the last guy to exit the third circle.

Traveling with: well, see status.

Inventory: a backpack (that is seemingly indestructible or something), that contains a bunch of plot conveniences Scout-related survival gear, as well as gear related to spelunking. Other notable things in it include several containers filled with Blancmange, which he mistakes for Flan, three handguns taken from Quincy, magazines of ammo for said handguns, a [Error: ItemName Redacted], an Iphone of some number that he forgot, a book taken from the first circle, and a rose taken from the second circle.

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Things to note here before I go sleep:

1) Ellaria has food from the 3rd Circle with her in a sack.

2) Checked the first OOC post for Quincy and realized he's only got two guns and a cane sword. I'm not going to edit things at this point, but I'm going to assume one gun is with Ed, one with Mr.Taylor, and that he's got the sword.

3) The next Circle may take some time to start, so be at rest guys.

4) WHAT A PLOT TWIST THAT WAS GREAT! Nice idea Super, I'm veery curious to see how this develops.

Quickshot Quincy

Status: Alive, full throttle and pissed off.

Traveling with: Ellaria Stonewall (hostage)

Inventory: Food suplies (meat from the 3rd circle's pantry), ammo (no guns though) and a cane sword.

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Ixidor Mctracy

status: alive,one handed, no sketchpad as it was disintegrated into flames.

travelling with: no one.

inventory: bike, harpoon, some drawing materials in his satchel(scalpel,crayons,pastel, brushes,etc)

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