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Just so long as she doesn't puke on Ethic or anything, soldier...

Another new fatigue jacket in the same color Camo would be rather hard to find at this point without having to make another trade with a certain Lawyer... one whom he's far more likely to try to strangle when he sees him again rather than stand around and chit chat with.

And you do all want me to edit Ethic's ability or anything at this point for a reference's sake, seeing as how they've changed a bit since everyone first entered hell?

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No problem Rose, take your time and if you think it will be hard for you to do it I can bunny your char for a while. Anyway, welcome back. XD

Surge, it would be good if you made that update, it will help keeping us informed. ^_^

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Hell, instead of just updating his powers alone, I figured I'd just go and update his whole character Profile whilst I'm at it. The following is his Character Profile that will be current as of his entry into Greed's Circle.

Name: "Ethic Ytilarom"/ Ghalen ???




5"7, african american descent. Black hair, has a design etched in his hair above his right ear of the family crest, Currently outfitted in a Black Camo Army Fatigue Jacket, which he wears a plain Black shirt underneath of, and Black Cargo Pants tucked into his combat boots. (I'd comment on any growth of facial hair or such from lack of shaving right here, but there's no real reference to how time moves down in hell in relation to the surface world) Wearing a black, single strap over-the-shoulder pack. Wears the Sheath for the Black Sword on his belt.


Grandson of a successful operator and owner of a store specializing in the occult and matters of metaphysical belief, left home however when the Family business ran into heavy debt in order to find a way to repay what is owed. Had a falling out of sorts with, and disowned, his father, whom he wasn't that close with to begin with anyway, immediately before departing. Traveled around the country through rather unorthodox and sometimes technically illegal methods as a leather tramp before stopping in a cafe in a small town in northern Texas one morning and finding out about the hill and deciding to head to it. He hopes to further his search for what he's pursuing by reaching the bottom of the hill and securing knowledge of his query's location via this supposed "Wish". The only real reminder of "Home" he carries with him is the old Tarot deck he inherited from his mother years ago.

The War Thus Far:

Since entering the hill, he has been named as an Envoker, one who is authorized to draw upon the true powers of the Arcana, but soon was deemed to be incompetent of the power he wielded due to a completely circumstantial occurrence late in the events transpiring in the First Circle, and promptly sentenced to Elimination by the High Council of the "Keepers", Individuals who have died and are afterwards chosen by the Arcana to watch over them. He is the only known Envoker to resist his sentencing succesfully, as well as the first to actually manage to slay a keeper. In the Second Circle of hell he was ambushed by a tag team consisting of Rodric, Keeper of the Death Arcana, and Scott, Apprentice Keeper of the Devil Arcana, and was initially killed easily by Scott, but managed to turn the tables on Rodric by exploiting the Keeper's ability while he was preparing to erase him from existence via Memory Purging. Claimed dimionion over Death's Arcana following slitting Rodric's throat after rendering him helpless, Accepted the Mantle of Lord of Arcana, and revived Strong, using his newly seized power to defeat and finally kill Scott as if he were nothing but fodder.

Since experiencing the aggression and sheer hatred brought to bear against him by Scott, and to a lesser extent Rodric, in the Second Circle, his dominion over Death's Arcana has resulted in his personality gradually warping over a short period of time, becoming more and more moved to respond to any violence perpetrated against him with his own, actually far exceeding the boundaries of the High Council's methods in result and causing some Keepers to actually begin to fear him for his eagerness to engage them in combat and destroy them with his own brand of tactics.

His explicitly violent and aggressively over the top behavior acquired from dominion over the Death Link carried through with him throughout most of the third circle, until he managed to slaughter the entire hunting party of high ranking Keepers sent after him through the use of guerrilla tactics and the assistance of two other individuals, during which he claimed two more Arcane Links, Temperance and Justice, which counteracted Death's adverse psychological effects with their own and allowed Ethic to regain a degree of his true self, albeit a bit more pensive about things, only to have the Chariot and the Hermit stolen from him by Maxwell, a former Keeper Turned second Lord of Arcana following the initiation of an elaborate plan he'd been working on for years. Currently traveling from the Third to the Fourth circle of hell.


His personality currently revolves in cycles depending on which Arcana he has most recently gained dominion over, and currently is set for the Temperance Arcana, rendering him pensive and making him more inclined to stop and actually think more before acting, in stark contrast with the fits of rage and blood lust he experienced from Death's Link. He is also somewhat calmer about certain situations now, preferring to simply think of a way to solve the issue rather than bitch about it. Is supposedly focused on the defense and well being of those he regards as "friends", but is honestly beginning to contemplate going completely rogue and pursuing his own personal mission rather than travel about with the group...


Lord of Arcana:

Can claim Dominion over an Arcana after defeating it's acting Keeper, and draw upon it's "Link" which is accessible to him merely by focusing in on the one he wishes to use. Works similarly to the Powers of an Evoker, but each Link has it's own independent effect and Drawback and only one at a time can be used, unlike an Evoker's drawing on the cards. Can also sense anything Relating to the Arcana, be it Keepers, Servants of the High Council, or the energy signatures of the actual Arcana themselves.

The Following are the Links Ethic has Claimed: (In order of the defeat of their Keepers.)


"My life for Power"

Ethic becomes able to turn his very life energy into a tangible, destructive force, and fire in explosive bursts as well as a small bullet (Think like the "Spirit Gun" technique from the Anime Yu-yu hakusho)

He is also able to turn it into a weapon, much like the "Spirit Sword" in functioning, and a bit more like a Lightsaber in terms of appearance. The more of his life force Ethic puts into it, the more durable and sharp it'll become, with lesser amounts of energy put into, it'll break easily.

Draw Back: it draws upon the invokers life force... with every burst or Life Bullet they make and fire/ detonate with it, more and more is drained away. if they use more life force than they currently have, then Cardiac arrhythmia occurs followed by death. this effect will always result in some varying degree of fatigue, which will increase in direct correlation to the life force expended (Unless they go over their personal reserves, which results in death as said before).

As for the Sword technique, should the sword break during usage, Ethic will lose the total amount of power he put into it. additionally, should the construct leave his hand in any way, (with the exception of him withdrawing the life force he made it with back into himself, which would be in effect the equivalent of sheathing it) for example, say he throws it at something, then he still loses the amount he expended in making and maintaining it.

Life force regenerates slowly over time, but will not begin regenerating until after the Invoker has broken the link to the Death Arcana (IE wont begin to regenerate until they stop invoking it)


Effect: Blade of Truth

- When activated, this Arcane Link causes a long sword burning with gray fire to appear in the middle of the air. The blade then evaluates the validity of Verbal Statements by it's flames shifting to White to signify Truth, or a Black to signify a lie. The sword itself is not tangible and can not be used in combat.

Cost: Ethic forgets the results of the Evaluation immediately afterwards.


Effect: Negation field (AKA leveling the Playing field)

- when activated, this Arcane link generates a Field of energy that negates the powers of all other individuals within Ethic's vicinity, rendering them, in terms of power, back to their state prior to entering the hill and gaining abilities. Effect last for twenty minutes. The Field has a Circumference of 30 feet, and Has no effect on Denizens of Hell. The Effect will still last even if Ethic is killed. Any Ability Generated Projectiles or forces will always fail if they enter into the Field's boundaries while it is active, including objects thrown with any type of abnormal strength.

Cost: Ethic's own powers are affected by the field and are rendered unusable right along with everyone else's. in addition, this Arcane Link has an hour long cool down time before the it becomes available to use again.

Current Inventory:

Within his Bag:

(Note: The majority of these items were acquired during his traveling across the country after leaving home or belonged to him even before that and were taken with him when he left home... he was somewhat of a leather tramp before coming to the hill. He's been so focused on surviving down there that he's probably forgotten about many of the items in his possession over time, however. But he will recall them the first time he takes a look into the bag at any point in the future.)

Items in salmon are of a highly metaphysical/ Arcane nature (IE related directly to the keeper conflict)

  • 1 pair of Aviators
  • 1 Package of Migraine Medication- 30 pill count
  • 2 plastic water bottles (1 full, 1 empty because he gave it to kenny to drink back in the 1st circle)
  • 1 Zippo Lighter
  • 3 rolls of 100mph tape (That's Duct Tape to you, Civilians)
  • 3 6inch pocket knives
  • 1 Pair of scissors
  • 1 compass
  • 1 pack of batteries (AA)
  • 1 whistle
  • 1 clip full of hollow point bullets (It's a very long story behind this...)
  • 1 fully stocked first aid kid
  • 200 dollars rolled up and stashed in the lining
  • 1 Leather Bound journal
  • 3 Pens, black ink
  • 1 small umbrella
  • 1 poncho
  • 1 paracord bracelet
  • 1 set of Binoculars
  • 1 Whetstone
  • 2 loose rags
  • 1 can of WD40
  • 1 Can of Olive oil spray (For lubricating the pocket knives, and, until recently, Man Without Honor)
  • 1 very old manual for the Rider-Waite tarot deck
  • 1 Book about D.B. Cooper (component of backstory)
  • 1 Book explaining the theory of Templars reaching America before Colombus (Another Component of Backstory, more significant than the D.B. Cooper book) and bringing something with them...
  • 2 Books bound in string that he lifted from the Library of the first circle
  • 1 roll of string

On his actual person:

  • Wallet (Back pocket, currently no money held inside)
  • Rider-Waite Tarot Deck inherited from his Mother (Inner Jacket Pocket)
  • Flashlight (Outer pocket)
  • Scott's Sword (Battle Trophy obtained first in the Gardens, was later given legitimate ownership to it by Scott's indifference upon seeing the weapon again in the dark area. Sheathed at his side Currently.)
  • 1 Enya & Ace (Carrying her in his arms)
  • 1 Mystery thing that resembles a small pocket knife but has a key or something that was mentioned very long ago... (I don't know what the hell I'm ever going to think of for it's use...) (Pants pocket)
  • 1 Story Orb (Scott's) (Jacket pocket)


  • 2 Ulterior motives...

((A quick note on keepers: at this point trying to keep some type of theme going for each individual one depending on thier Arcana is more work to me than I honestly think it's even worth, so from this point forward I'm just going to start having the Remaining Keepers be like seeemingly ordinary individuals who have personalities to match their Arcana.))

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Typh already posted too, so that means next in line are Phantom, Marcus and Mr.Taylor... Those two bumping straight at Rose and Ethic btw. XD

Also, my PC battery is almost gone so I'll have to update tomorrow.

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Quincy and Ellaria



Ethic and Enya



Marcus and Mr. Taylor



Still waiting on Marcus, meanwhile in the blue team it's my turn! I'm actually going to wait until Notus' update tomorrow, though. Edward waited a while even after the last person left anyway.

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Welp, the first of multiple NPCs has now been introduced. Bonus points if you know who he is (; Anyway, I'm headed out for the night; Marcus and Edward are the next to post (Murdoc: Rose, Ethic, and Enya are all visible in the bank)

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I guess you can say...Ixidor came in to the wrong neighborhood. B) Also Ixidor wants to play a game, if that wannabe robin hood doesn't answer nicely and shows resistance, that glass cage would violently implode on him under the painter's command. It killed 3 people back in 1st circle, cant imagine all that shrapnel of glass would do to a single person. :Kappa:

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Yup, interesting indeed... You chose an ability not much combat oriented, but it as it's advantages as well. It also relates nicely with his personality/backstory, as someone who just wishes to experience whatever he can, whenever he want.

Welcome to Under te Hill mate, I'll shoot you a PM so we can adjust how your character will get in the story. ^_^

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Ok, update incoming (I'm out of home and having a hell of a time to find decent net, so please be patient guys XP). Also thanks again for keeping track of things for me Eagle, that was very helpful!

(Aand don't be afraid to start a fight, green team, I'm only waiting for everyone to get there to start things!)

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He's been online today... But there's an profile update he made on te end of October:

"I have been removed form the Computer "Indefinitely", so i'm unable to Post on the Weekends At The Moment."

Not sure if that's still valid, soI'll give him up to tomorrow night to post, otherwise I'll start the storyline anyway and think of a way for him to catch up later. Shouldn't be hard to do anyway. ^_^

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Oh the green-blue team thing isn't really a... thing XD Our PCs names were just color-coded as to which area of the Fourth Circle they entered into. The green names stand for those who entered into a certain building, the blue for those who emerged from dingy alleways.

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