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Well friends, I'm going to start doing my best to update more starting this week, seeing as Notus is preparing to go to school (though you'll have to be patient with me, this is going to be a new venture starting next week).

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I'm starting to find it amazing how certain characters here are starting to really fall into certain roles like persona's from TWD...

I mean, like I've said before, Ethic's starting to kinda adopt a role similiar to Rick's, trying to think up of solutions for the problems at hand and get the group back together and get them out alive, Mr. Taylor was kinda like Hershal before the time reversion IMO, and Marcus is kinda like the Governer/ Gareth of Terminus, especially when you consider how Taylor was "Captured" by him and now the two are in a situation where Marcus is threatening to kill him like the the governor did at the last battle for the prison... a guess Kenny is bit like Carl at the moment because he's picking fights and what not, Reil is like the cowardly priest they found not far from terminus, Rose/Annie both strike me as being like Carol, but just the different aspects of her... Phantom for some reason reminds me of Tyrone... the list could go own.

It's kinda funny actually...

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i edited the post to include more of what I think everyone is like at this point, so you probably didn't see it, But I'd peg Kenny with being like Carl during the Prison arc and immediately leading up to it, given he's gone kinda violent and what not with the transformation and all... and leading up to it for a while too.

EDIT: you know what? Marcus is more like the Governor, and Quincy is like Gareth, that's better.

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Oh... well I was hoping things with Enya would end better than they did with Lizzie... though, for some reason, now I'm kinda thinking of Elaria as being like Mika.

if Rose were to have to eventually put down Enya though...

EDIT: Taylor as he currently is reminds me of Sergeant Abraham Ford... can't think of anyone who would be Doctor Mullet Eugine yet though

Really though, this is all pretty amazing how it's just so happening to match up to those archtypes so well.

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I'm hoping that it won't come to a point that they treat Enya like Lizzie (not that I'd make it easy kek). I'll admit, Enya is unhinged, but that's mostly due to her innocent, innocent (?) little mind being controlled by... Well, Legion. Or Ace. Or whatever you call him/them/xem.

Buuuut, shh. Let's see how things turn out. I've got to think of something special for when we get to Ace's circle (that's the Ninth, iirc) c:

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Rose and Caleb

"It's alright miss! We're just playing around! They just needed some clothes. Their clothes are in bad condition you see?" Caleb smiled in a friendly manner. "We'll be sure to get back to work!" Caleb didn't want the three desperate men to get in trouble, so hopefully his persuasion could make the lady view the situation in a different perspective.

it just struck me as I was reading this post, but Caleb reminds me of Bob... what with being the medic of sorts and a tad bit naive and all.

again, If I didn't know any better, I'd say we were all doing this on purpose or something XD

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Hehehe, Ix is in a tight spot eh? XD Rose, you're doing great and the same goes to everyone. Hope you guys enjoy this story, and good luck to you all! When I started I had no idea it would get this big or this good, and honestly most of it is because you are amazing writers. Thanks a ton!

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Notus, we'll all miss you. God speed, and remember what I said about coming back to host every now and then, k mate? Things won't be the same around this hell without you, but I promise ya I'm going to do what I can to keep this story alive. No need to worry!

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I'll bunny Annie, she hasn't responded to Notus from what I understand. Let's get this thing back in motion tomorrow, I'll edit my last post to include a response from Annie as well

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*Asked earlier about where they'd find a catholic presit in the middle of hell, realizes later that his own PC was raised in the family shop and exposed and taught about a shit ton of notable Metaphysical concept and beliefs in the world.*

Hmmm... to attempt exorcism using Catholic Methodology, or to not attempt exorcism using catholic methodology... that is the question.

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