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Uhmn, I was waiting for you guys to go downstairs together earlier... Now I'm almost wrapping things up in the fight, so I'm not much sure if it would be good for you to get into the battle. If you want to go anyway no problem, I can make something up. And yes Flux, for now assume Mr.Taylor is following, I think Super wont mind.

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She's busy holding off the fire wall(for now). either way im a bit skeptical were gonna to beat Lilith that way,(that why i ask Lilith's weakness)

then again, the IC thread is about 20 pages now, i think this is coming to an end. lol :P

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Soooooo... I hear you guys are missing a gunslinger.

Heh, good old Dungeons and Dragons convenient plot vibe. "I see your party is missing a wizard!" says the player who just made a new character after his last one died.

Anyway, good luck in your battle. I am watching.

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Thanks for the offer; it s nice to be welcomed. I submitted a 5000 letters backstory to Notus yesterday though, so it s a bit redundant.

I just have to shorten it to a reasonable size before I post it.

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Character name:

Morris Darcy


Morris is a wiry man of average height, with hazel eyes, the right one of which is all clouded and silvery, and shoulder long black hair. This hair is usually braided into a single French braid. He wears a dark hoodie jacket with the French “Revanche” printed on the backside in red, and a pair of loose jeans that don’t restrict his movement so much. On the right side of his belt, he wears a gun pouch with his custom revolver, Jacke.

He has many scars on his body, two of them on his cheeks (made by the same bullet), and his nose looks like it has been broken at least once. As he is missing his ring finger on his left hand, he wears an engagement ring on the other, remaining ring finger.

Age: 27

Personality Overview:

Morris is as prone to emotions as they come. He is easily shaken, offended, and often feels the need to relieve himself, usually by cursing and swearing. On the flip-side, he is easily obsessed, and can easily feel indebted to others for their aid. He is also a bit of adrenaline junkie, he likes trouble because it can help him relieve the contortion of his spirit.

If left on his own, Morris’s mood will quickly worsen, and he will become quite apathetic. In a group, his dynamic nature can help keep his mood high, but ultimately, after what he has been through, he will always feel dead in the very core of his being, making him ill-tempered.


Morris lived what he considered a grey life, occasionally brightened by a brief obsession or passion. He was an optimist at heart, and believed that one day, something would come and make him satisfied.

Morris met Bridget in college, and, for him, it was a love on first sight. She was more interested in her hobbies (martial arts) than in other people, but Morris saw no no obstacle in that. Being as stubborn as he was, he could easily devote all his time to sharing her hobbies. And so he did.

Everything went smoothly for him, he won her heart, and they got married shortly after graduation. Those few years of college life with her by his side will always be the warmest period Morris remembers having in his life. It was not meant to last.

Still on their honeymoon, they newly wed pair nevertheless needed to do some paperwork with their bank accounts, as they minded their business in the bank, a gang of robbers picked the very same bank to stir trouble. They started a firefight with a group of local policemen. During the fight, Bridget was shot, despite Morris's attempts to shield her with his own body, and died in Morris’s arms. Enraged, he hurled himself after the escaping gangsters, but being unarmed, he got shot many times and nearly died to his injuries.

Morris woke up in a hospital, connected to dozens of machines and dripfeed. The doctors spoke of miracles, but Morris didnt care. When they reasured him that Bridget was not miraclously saved as he was, he flipped out and nearly died when he attempted to get out of his bed. He could not even attend her funeral.

After spending a whole year in hospital, Morris decided to avenge her no matter what. The silhouettes of the gangsters were seared into his memory, and so he began. Those few last months of rehabilitation were spent carefully preparing, and training with firearms.

He hunted them for years, but, having killed five out of eleven gangsters present at the fight, he started having doubts about it being possible to fully avenge her just like that. Realising that he could never truly take down everyone responsible, he sunk into depression. A newspaper article he read by a chance, however, made him realise there still was a chance.


Morris can enter a trance state in which his eyes glow with eerie cyan. In this state, his senses are very acute, and he can think and react at insane speed, while his body (mainly his dexterity) is also enhanced to be able to cope with his quickened wits. While the mode is active, Morris cannot speak or comprehend the speech of others because those brain centres are instead used to further his processing speed.

The trance is quite taxing for Morris’s body, which may easily result in him falling asleep or at least having to rest shortly after it ends. This effect is delayed by at least a minute, during which he doesn’t feel tired at all...


Jacke is a custom swing out four-chambered revolver with an unusual, extremely long cylinder, used to fire 0.459 calibre tungsten armour piercing shells. It is longer and weighs more than common revolvers. Because of its significant recoil, its handle is a bit longer, so that it can be more easily held in both hands. The handle is coated in wood, while the rest of the gun is painted black.


I managed to cut the backstory to some 2000 letters.

Edit: I fixed some grammar mistakes. The cut has made a mess of everything... sigh.

Edited by SithBaker
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Say notus, just to clarify, when you said it's up to me whether Quincy's evasion works or not, do you mean that I can have Ethic get an Auto hit on him, or just make it so that the life blade redirects itself to strike Quincy from a direction where he can't possibly dodge it in midair? (EX. Behind him/Below him)

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I think I'll hold off on having Phantom enter for a bit... I'll wait till things wrap up with the Mia incident. I feel like it'd just be awkward to enter right now. :P

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Ok Flux, it shouldn't take long.

Edit: Man, even I'm getting afraid of Ethic after that last post. :ph34r:

Edited by Notus
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You guys can totally drag me to the next circle if you like. I'm just letting the power cost take it's toll, and I don't want to be unconscious in an unknown area

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Edit: Man, even I'm getting afraid of Ethic after that last post. :ph34r:

Oh, Yay! :lol: Looks like my research is starting to pay off (I'm currently researching and taking notes on how to make genuinely interesting Conflict in a character in order to illicit reader's emotions and better hold their attention.)

Do tell me Notus, what about Ethic is beginning to scare you most? Knowing will greatly help my work.

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