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Since I expect this to start running tommorow in the evening, I think I have to make a slight modification first. A friend of mine pointed out that carrying around a weapon such as Jacke is absolutely pointless unless you are also carrying something conventional too. That will be one Browning HP handgun for me, if Notus does not veta it.

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So guys, finnaly I'm back, and itching to get this started again! I still have to tie some things up first, but you can expect the IC for chapter 3 to come out tomorrow at most. ^_^

@Sith: All ok with the gun, I'll PM you the details of the circle once it's all ready.

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Well well, we're back in business. So, are you gonna wait for everyone to get through the portal, or are you just gonna drop us into the next circle and we can explain a bit for our characters at that point?

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If you want to, you can explain how you got there on the third chapter itself. just keep in mind that this time there's an order in the arrivals. You'll all start at the same place.

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You can't die on us now, You're The Top Roleplaying Sensei! you need to educate the next group of Enterprising Roleplayers on how to Host Roleplaying Threads, or something along those lines!

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Shhh, no I totally am going to pull a Yoda, and let you guys figure out the rest on your own, because I like to play cruel jokes.

You had best do so before they figure out that the gamemaster is the least necessary pard of roleplaying :D


Welcome back Notus!

Edited by SithBaker
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Sithbaker-dono, the Referee is one of the more important People in a RP Thread, because otherwise it turns into something akin to the KOTH Thread. that is why RP Senseis are needed: not only do they Initiate the Threads, but they also are the Referees of the Threads.


also, welcome back, Notus!

Edited by K_H
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Yea, not sure how the Gamemaster is the least necessary part considering since they are kinda creating the story the players are RPing in.... But remember this, no one however is more important or less important. Players and the Hosts are equal, without one another, neither can exist, there for there is no such thing as a least important role in RPing. The Host is just as important to the RP as his players are. The Host creates the World and keeps all running smoothly for his players to enjoy themselves and have some entertainment. The Players are our life's blood, make our worlds worth creating and making for them. For Players this is the same of the host. He gives them a place to actualize their characters, a playground to explore from a different point of view. To say Hosts are less important than the Players, or that the Players are less important then the host cheapens what RPing really means and stands for. RPing is about the community and the Comradery, not about who is more important to a story or an RP. We all have our roles, and they work together in harmony to create beautiful stories and Epics we couldn't dream on doing ourselves. To say any of us are unimportant cheapens us all. One does not say a Worker Bee is less important to the hive than a Queen, they both thrive together and without the other, neither would have any reason to exist.

And even if that was a joke, I take this very seriously. It is not a joke to me. That calls out the very essence of RPing when it was never about that, and it is a disservice to us all. I strive to have anyone in this community believe and understand that we are all important and all equals no matter what, and saying such undermines my work.

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Such beautiful words... you're givin me the feels...

I'd say my respect for you just skyrocketed even more, but honestly I don't think it can go any higher than it already is.

Anyways, in Sith's defense, I do beleive he was talking about a "Free For All/ Open" RP thread, which as Kenny already deftly said, would be pretty much like a KOTH thread because anyone can join in with a character at any point without any prior signing up, and can pretty much effect the plot however they so please. the host is pretty much only present some of the time and only acts if things get to crazy. a whole bunch of taboos we have here often take place in those types of RPs, Godmodding, Bunnying, etc.

anyways, in such an RP, it is easy to see why someone might think that the host is not as equally as important as the players, but even then it still isn't true, without the host, the exposition of the RP's plot would never have been created, the thing wouldn't even exist. since many Open RPs are very heavily player action based, meaning players are the primary means of plot advancement, they are needed just as much as the host is, because without them, the story can't take off.

What we all have in these Subforums are "Closed RPs" meaning that interaction n the story requires signing in with one or sometimes more character(s) and receiving approval from the Game Master, which most of the time is the creator of the RP plot. pretty much the complete opposite of an "Open RP", in a Closed RP, The Host performs more actions than setting up the Expo and monitoring to ensure things don't get too crazy, they actively get involved in the plot with characters of their own most of the time, either with NPCs who are most of the time, quite expendable in the story, or even with fully unique characters who are crucial to some aspect somewhere in the Plot, I like to call these types of characters: HGC, meaning "Host Generated Characters". along with getting directly involved, Hosts also actively monitor the story's direction, deciding how it ultimately will unfold, where areas in an Open RP, like I said at the beginning, it's pretty much a free for all. and as always, one must remember that the Host and the Players are of Equal importance to the RP. no host, no story, no place for people to gather and enjoy themselves. No players, no character's to help further the story and allow the host's vision to unfold.

If a host is ever foolish enough to think that they can solo-run their RP without any players along with them, then they are not an RP hosts... they're really just starving novelist.

Edited by Stratos
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I have had very positive experience with free for all roleplays (however unstable and unnreliable they be) thence my belief that gamemaster is the least important part of a roleplay.

Of course, in a functioning open roleplay, everyone sort of performs the role of a host. Somebody has to shoulder the majority of the story-creating burden, otherwise the RP will become very sluggish, but that said, in the end the GM is just another player with more characters.

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