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you do that, and things are gonna get EXTREMELY interesting if Ethic, Annie and Kenny get thrown into the mix! BTW, What's going on with the Starving Souls running from the Table Room?

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you do that, and things are gonna get EXTREMELY interesting if Ethic, Annie and Kenny get thrown into the mix! BTW, What's going on with the Starving Souls running from the Table Room?

Weeell, let's say they've met a new guy. And maybe you are the next... [whistles innocently]

EDIT: ... but not yet, I have some stuff to do and need to get out. X/

I'll post tomorrow morning, if not later tonight.

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If he gets Ported to Ethic, Annie, and Kenny, he's in for a nasty shock, especially if he tries to kill any of us.

[EDIT]: I got ninja'd...

Edited by K_H
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@ Kenny: Panik and Ix are not in your field of vision, so I think some more explanation as to how you found them would make the post better as it was a little sudden. Maybe you sensed their Auras or something like that?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Um kenny... I kinda was intending for no one to intervene right now... the arrows were actually all aimed for the giant, not Ethic.

And how would kenny even know what was going on in that area right now? Ethic was no where near him and Annie.

So yeah... this is really just between Ethic and Monty and the giant...

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So, just a question. When are Panik, Ix, and my PC's corpse going to see some action? I don't want to resurrect while we're just hanging in the same place; it should feel like some time IC has passed...

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Well, Ethic, I'm justifying it because the Aura and Arcana Fields are at Similar Frequencies! Since the Keeper was at low health, he had to use a lot of Arcana Power to do what he just did. That usage of Arcane Energy would've created a Large Ripple in the Auric Field, and it would've been a Ripple large enough for Kenny to notice it. His aura was able to detect Rose's Death, even though the Auric Ripple it created was orders of magnitude smaller than the Auric Ripple made by the stunt that Monty just pulled.

Edited by K_H
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@ Kenny: Uhmn, ok Kenny but in the future please ask before getting into a scene that has nothing to do with your character, specially a personal one like ethic with his Keepers. Believe me, Ethic and the Titan are already OP against the Hermit. You and Ethic can discuss wheter you keep that post or delete/change into something else.

@ Rose: Yeah, you guys have been a bit too stopped, and since Hukuna is sick I'll play Panik for a while until he gets back. Today was busy and I didn't manage to post, but hopefully I'll move you guys tomorrow.

@Morris & Enya: Likewise, gonna post something tomorrow. Zeph, you can make Enya wake up whenever you feel it's right btw. Not like this giant in particular is going down easily. XD

@ Annie: Annie still had to decide what she wanted to do, and can do it until the next time I post. After that I'll assume she ran past them.

@ Mr. Taylor and Phantom: You can try to think of a way to open the doors, but if you don't figure something out don't worry, the giant will be going back in no time.

@Murdoc: still gotta answer Quincy.

The posts from the Rose group (nice name btw XD) and Ethic's are on hold until Kenny and Stratos figure out how to proceed, all others are okay to go for now.

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