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and speaking of which... I was supposed to give backstories on the Keepers that die, wasn't I? I set it up in the last circle with Scott's statue... Just been trying to find a good time to carry the scene out, which really hasn't come up so far, all things considered...

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Ok, so I don't know how well received this is going to be, but...

It seems to me like ability costs have just kinda gone out the window. Notus can correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that the cost of our abilities was to keep us from overusing our abilities and make us weaker for a short period of time, more mortal and susceptible to harm if you will. I just hope they come back; they add a more challenging element to the RP in my opinion.

Also, we may have another Hell-dweller soon!

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Well, over the time I was reading this whole thing (Thinking it was too late to sign up), I've had two Ideas for characters. Actually, same character, just two different powers. Randomly choosing this one:

Name: Edward Collier

Appearance: About 4 foot 11 inches (or at least, that's what it was last time he measured himself, which was a couple weeks ago). Caucasian (he can't believe he spelled that right on his first try) male with short, dark brown hair that he keeps forgetting to brush in the morning, so it's a bit untidy. Green eyes, and is REALLY skinny. He isn't anorexic or anything- as a matter of fact he's pretty into candy- but he can't seem to gain weight for the life of him. Really helps him with rock climbing, but we'll get to that in "Backstory". Clothes? Weeeeeeeeeell, he really just wears whatever he happens to pull out of the drawer in the morning, unless he's going to school or a Scout meeting of course in which case he takes a uniform out of his closet. Oh wait you're talking about what he's wearing right now, huh? Well, he's (kinda sorta not really) representing Scouting here, so he's in his Scout Clothes- Class B of course. I dunno what the class A is made of but it's STUFFY AS HELL. His class B is just a simple red shirt with his Troop number on it (160), and a pair of greenish Khaki pants/shorts (you can actually take off and reattach the bottom half, to change their length). He's also got a backpack with a bunch of Scouty Survival Stuff in it, although if he knew he would get FREAKIN SUPERPOWERS in here, he would've packed more in that thing.

Age: 13, almost 14

Personality and Backstory at the same time: First of all, keep in mind he's got Asperger's syndrome. It's part of the Autism spectrum and it means he's kinda... awkward around other people. As a matter of fact, he often comes off as rude and insensitive without meaning to, especially when he's trying to make things better ("This chick's crying about the loss of her friend? I'll tell her a joke about how the guy died to cheer her up!). His brain works differently than most people's, although that's not necessarily a bad thing or a disadvantage. In fact, he has a pretty high IQ of 121. People who have Asperger's always have high or average IQs, never low ones. He notices things other's don't and can process information faster than others. Except for in math. It's not that he's bad at it, it's not that he dislikes it, he's just... slower at it for some reason and I'm getting off track math has no point in this adventure. That's another thing, his thought processes tend to go off on weird, barley related tangents.

Oh, and that's another thing. Unlike others down here, he's really in it more for the adventure than for the reward at the end. In fact, one could say he doesn't take this whole situation very seriously. Then again, I wouldn't either in his position. He's a devout Christian, and therefore knows that Hell has no power over him. Even if he dies down here, he goes to a better place (Assuming he dies permanently. This all becomes more of a joke to him when he discovers the respawning thing.) If he does get to the end, then sure he'll accept the reward. Hasn't exactly nailed down what his wish would be. Maybe make his favorite Pokemon a reality. Maybe he'll just wish to keep his powers when he leaves this place. Heck, he might just give the wish to someone else who wants it more than he does.

But despite the way he seems, he knows how to get things done when the situation gets serious (although, the limit at which things get "serious" seems a bit farther to him than to most people, especially now that he has superpowers). If he didn't, he would never have gotten as far as he did in Scouting. He's a Life Scout, almost an Eagle Scout. Above all else, a survivor in situations where most kids his age and adults would have given up. His persistence and determination is what made him well known ("popular" isn't exactly the word) in his Troop, even when he seems like he's not that kind of guy.

Oh, and he's a huge nerd/geek. Pokemon, Anime, Doctor Who, My Little Pony (Gen 4, of course. Screw the others), Super Smash Brothers, he's into it all.

Ability: Apparently the hill gives powers to people depending on their personalities. His own inner power (some stuffy old Chinese stereotypical people would call it Ki or something but screw them he's just gonna call it energy) is amplified, and he has the ability to manipulate it to propel himself, be it through the air or at extremely superfast speeds, or to amplify his own physical strength temporarily, or even to affect other things. For example, he could either send a small amount of energy at an object to push it away, or he could send a huge amount to blow it up with a lazer. Kinda think a DBZ character, except way, WAY, WAY, WAY less powerful.

Cost: Like a DBZ character, his powers are directly proportionate to his own energy and stamina. It was increased to superhuman levels when he entered, but that was only to keep him from killing himself with a single lazer beam. Flight is the easiest for him, as a matter of fact its effect for just floating there is negligible. It's when he puts speed into it that things get complicated... Which brings us to using his energy in superhuman bursts of speed and strength. As I said, it's proportionate. So for example, crossing a distance at 3x normal speed wears him out as if he had run 3x that distance at normal speed. Same thing applies to super strength. Lifting an object 20 times heavier than him is like lifting his own weight 20 times. Now you can see why the hill amplified his energy reserve. And the Lazers? They eat up his energy like Stealth Rocks on a Volcarona.

Hope this isn't too Mary-Sueish, because it's actually largley based off of myself in real life. Minus age and the superpowers, unfortunately...

Edited by Eagleby18
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Ok guys, I am going to bed now but tomorrow I'll take a close look at both the new character and the cost thingy, which has to be revised a little. But, in advance, welcome aboard Eagle!

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It seems that Kenny isn't the only surviving Aura Weaver...

Welcome to Hell, Eagle.

Oh yay, Aura, yet ANOTHER stuffy old Chinese Stereotype name for the stuff... Sure there isn't a difference between Aura and whatever I've got? Because I'm pretty sure I can't make portals. Or heal people. I think I could maybe do that thing where I make a wall of pure energy, but it just might take all of the stuff I have. But I know I CAN outspeed and overpower you, not to mention outmaneuver. In a straight up fight, I think I'm better off with "energy".

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Ok, first and more important, @Eagle: your character is accepted! He seems to be pretty powerfull, so I trust you take care not to play him in a Sueish way. I'll send a PM later so we can discuss how to throw him into the scene.

Now, second thingy: as Rose noted, I haven't seen much use of the costs lately. Part of this, in my point of view, is due to many characters not actually using their powers much, but it would be nice to remember that the cost exists from time to time.

Characters using the cost right include (not only them, this is only an example) Rose and Enya. From time to time they simply get out of commission when using too much power. Phantom is another good example, as his cost is different: he simply can't use his power for too long, else he dies.

Now on the other hand, let's take Kenny. You are aware if your cost, and that's good, but you could word it better imo. You don't actually need to tell every little headache your character gets, specially if he instantly recovers from that. It's useless to write it except if it really affects how your character fights and/or acts. In short, it's not like every single action you take with your powers triggers the cost, but when it does, it must have a bigger impact on him.

Oh and to avoid misunderstandings, I'm not meaning this as a reprimand of any kind, just a heads up for everyone to pay attention in this aspect of the RP.

Last of all, updates are coming! Sorry for being so late always to do it, but I'm having a lot of work to do irl. (and I thought after finishing study it would be easier XP... welp, at least it's better than getting my face in math books all day long.)

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@ Zeph: Uhmn, up to now it didn't look like her power could be used like this, but you know better. I know it's only opening a door, but be creative! XD

@ Annie: Yeah, I understand that. Just be sure to keep in mind the injurys she's already inflicted upon herself, as those would need to be taken care off. (On a second thought, Enya's doctor on last circle might have gave Annie a check-up on those.)

EDIT: Nevermind, just read your last post and that's exactly what I meant XD.

Edited by Notus
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So... I'm kinda at a loss as to what to do right now.

I don't know what needs to happen and I haven't seen anything, so I'm just gonna ask it plain:

Notus, are you waiting for Kenny to edit his post? Because that's kinda what I got from the last update, ergo I've refrained from responding as to not add to the issue.

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@ Zeph: Uhmn, up to now it didn't look like her power could be used like this, but you know better. I know it's only opening a door, but be creative! XD

... You guys ought to know that I'm refraining from saying that she summons crazy things like circus elephants wielding wood hammers, a yodelling bald man with a bazooka, potato grenades and whatnot XD

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@ Ethic: yeah, I am waiting for Kenny at your scene... I'll have to go out for a few hours now, and if he doesn't post till there I'll keep going. (and you guys will have to deal with a fire-wielding, almost invulnerable giant. XD

@ Murdoc: You can skip straight to Ethic's battlefield if you want to, I'm assuming Marcus followed Quincy there.

Just wait a bit for me to come back too.

@ Zeph: as Rose said. XD

@ Eagle: You can post whenever you want mate!

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OK, going out for the night. @ Flux, you guys could try climbing and sneaking through the key hole or something like that, or wait a bit. Door-opening help is likely to arrive sholtly. XD

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OK, going out for the night. @ Flux, you guys could try climbing and sneaking through the key hole or something like that, or wait a bit. Door-opening help is likely to arrive sholtly. XD

Well, you said the doors were big, but I didn't know they were that big. Though if they are large enough that he could fit through the keyhole, I'd assume that the keyhole must also be a proportional size up from the ground... so really high. And seeing how neither Phantom or Mr. Taylor have any abilities to assist with that... they'll just have to wait for that door-opening help. ;)

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... you guys would be cool with me bringing in illogically awesome stuff like that? O.o like... like... a Nazi Whale with an army or hermit crabs? Like... KOTH-esque stuff?

EDIT: Eagle. I absolutely love your character and his trains of thought lol.

Edited by ZephyrEnyalios
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Time for more suicide tactics... since he's obviously gonna end up dead from the wounds Marcus is gonna inflict when he tackles him. If he's going out, he's taking the assailant down with him. What a nasty little surprise....I can see it now:

A wild Sarcus Appeared!

Go! Ethic!

The Wild Sarcus used Stealth!

Ethic is unaware due to the situation at hand!

The Wild Sarcus used... going for the Jugular!

It's Supereffective! But wait... why is Ethic glowing like that? Oooooh....

Ethic used Explosion! Wonder what happened to Marcus...he was on the guy's back and all...

Eh... whatevs, Battles over.

Ethic died! Stratos lost 10000 P$ and whited out!

But this is gonna mean all out war, when he revives, without a doubt. Time to add the Marcusian front to the battle map...

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