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Well. It appears Phantom is now the only one who could interfere, if he chose to. Not that he will, though it might have made for an interesting surprise. Maybe he'll just carry away the body of the loser or something, like he did back on floor one...

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Well. It appears Phantom is now the only one who could interfere, if he chose to. Not that he will, though it might have made for an interesting surprise. Maybe he'll just carry away the body of the loser or something, like he did back on floor one...

If I understand the description of the barriers right, Edward could interfere as well. Though it would mean blowing his superhuman cover, which he doesn't want to do (yet).

Plus, he respects the rules of an honorable duel.

Edited by Eagleby18
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-says he will wait for Morris-

-doesnt wait longer than six hours-

Anyway, the post is up. (strong language) (duh)

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Morris, at that point, took off his social mask of a common folk. He was now a vengeful ball of rage, infuriated by that sly rat.

"Who the hell are ya, sod? Ye a tad too ugly to be bearing all brill. A duel? With a gramps like that? You have got to be bloody kidding me."

Morris exclaimed with little regard for the fact that Mr. Taylor who challenged Quincy. He had a wrathful frown on his face, and it made his scars stand out the more, creating a trully bone chilling grimace. With a few strides, he came around Mr. Taylor, pushing him aside.

"I tell ya what, forget bullying these folks of whatever you were on about before, pull your head out of yer arse and step up so I can blow it right off."

And with that, Morris pulled out his Browning. He relaxed his face with a smirk.

"Just try to shoot me, I give ya the bleeding curtesy of the first shot."

Um... Unless I'm misunderstanding what you're doing, there's no way Morris could push past Mr. Taylor or speak to Quincy at this point. They're both surrounded by giant walls... Though I'll leave it to Notus or Rose's discretion on this.
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Therefore, I will delete my post and wont interfere with the game further for the next few days. Or weeks.

Edited by SithBaker
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Well, you don't need to take it that far... I just meant to clarify things. We've all messed up before, myself included, multiple times. When it happens, it happens, and you just edit and continue. Nobody's upset. ;)

Edited by Flux
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Woah, woah, woah. Calmales, amigos. Sith, apologies. You can use that post to help move forward and find the boss of the circle of you like (please keep in mind you're near a closed door) or you can yell at Quincy through the walls. No need to get so upset please

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Woah, woah, woah. Calmales, amigos. Sith, apologies. You can use that post to help move forward and find the boss of the circle of you like (please keep in mind you're near a closed door) or you can yell at Quincy through the walls. No need to get so upset please

*yell down at Quincy from on top of the walls, if I'm understanding the description of the walls right.

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No, the way I've interpreted Zeph's post is that she opened tears in the floor and brought up walls to separate the groups. Besides, if you all were on top, you could still interfere/Quincy could shoot at you.

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@ Sith Baker: Ok, I think we have a misunderstanding here. First of all, I said I was waiting for you, not that I would wait. There is a difference there. Second, if you make your math right, since the first post were Morris was mentioned as being Quincy's target, it was almost 2 and a half days, not 6 hours. The post I made already calling attention to the fact I was needing to wait for you was made at 11 PM of yesterday, whereas the next post with Quincy reacting to another character's action, which is not by any chance a way of ignoring your's by the way, was made at 9 AM today. Again, not 6 hours.

Sith, there's no need to be upset about that, and less yet the need to publicly reprimand the host for an issue that didn't happen. I considered what Quincy would do in the situation proposed, and acted in-character. If you want to, you can use that post as Rose suggested and actually make some advance in the story. However, if you do have an issue, please address it in a proper way, or I'll be forced to interpret that as breaking the "Respect the Host" rule and take the appropriate measures.


@ Eagleby & Rose: ... Actually at first I thought the same as Eagle. :blink: I guess the best option here is to call on Zeph and ask.

So uh... Hey Zeph? What are those walls like again?

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Oh. Uh. Sorry. O__o basically I was thinking battlement-type walls... The kind that soldiers in medieval times stand on so they can fire from afar, but they can't really get down to help easily; the main point is to keep them from interfering directly. Or... At least, to make Quincy THINK they can't interfere (e.g. long-range attackers can still do something in case Quincy gains the upper hand. So Sith, you could still fire at Quincy should you like to, for example). So basically the group's on top of the wall... I suppose you could get down, if you had a rope or anything that'd keep you from breaking your legs upon jumping :0

(hopefully the duel doesn't last too long; the walls will have to recede before Enya passes out, or they'll suddenly disappear and everyone'll go splat)

hang on... I don't have a way to draw it, so I'll do this:


o = person

_ = floor

| = wall

o |

| |

| |

| |

Er. Uhm. Something like that. It'd be difficult to vault over the wall, but if you had a rock, you could throw it if you wanted.. sorry for the vague post, I was really sleepy when I posted ;; I didn't mean to cause a misunderstanding

Edited by ZephyrEnyalios
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;; Sith come back please tho, if you really want, you can try to shoot at him... Enya's just got the walls up so that nobody can directly interfere, but as Rose suggested, if you want to move on and do something else, well, here's the layout:


o = people on wall

MT = Mister Taylor

Q = Quincy

| |

| |

| o | MT Q

| |

| |

so in addition, the walls attach to the sides of the room; you can't walk around the walls, but you could, should you choose to, have Enya make a way down the side where M.T. and Q aren't duelling. Really, the purpose of the wall is to honour the duel (and so you can fire at Quincy if something goes wrong and we all wanna go like, "screw honouring the duel").

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Ill just wait the duel out. No point in doing anything since it s already been established that I didnt react to the majority of the scene since your posting consistency is abysmal. When I am around for the first half of the week, it s always one post per day. Hell, Mr. Taylor didng post for two weeks before he hurled himself into that duel.

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Ill just wait the duel out. No point in doing anything since it s already been established that I didnt react to the majority of the scene since your posting consistency is abysmal. When I am around for the first half of the week, it s always one post per day. Hell, Mr. Taylor didng post for two weeks before he hurled himself into that duel.

last time i checked there was no limit on how often you had to post before you can come back, so long as you didnt go completely gone/had a reason

also I didnt realise we cant have real lives, we just have to sit here and roleplay non stop perfectly attending to each other's wants posting in a set order

yeah no. If you have issues, please present them in a formal manner without taking cheap shots at others. Present them to the hosts, have a formal discussion, do something other than insult others.

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Ill just wait the duel out. No point in doing anything since it s already been established that I didnt react to the majority of the scene since your posting consistency is abysmal. When I am around for the first half of the week, it s always one post per day. Hell, Mr. Taylor didng post for two weeks before he hurled himself into that duel.

last time i checked there was no limit on how often you had to post before you can come back, so long as you didnt go completely gone/had a reason

also I didnt realise we cant have real lives, we just have to sit here and roleplay non stop perfectly attending to each other's wants posting in a set order

yeah no. If you have issues, please present them in a formal manner without taking cheap shots at others. Present them to the hosts, have a formal discussion, do something other than insult others.

I think Annie said it all. Again, this sort of thing does happen in any RP. Measures about this have been taken already, this week by the way, as I called on Rose to help in Co-Hosting. I´m taking time from my real life, which is quite busy, to have something fun up for all of you, and I try to be on cue as much as I can, but please understand I can´t be on all time. Also, it´s a virtue to any roleplayer to adapt to the situations thrown at him. and it´s not like the one and only thing Morris can do is duel Quincy. If you´re unsatisfied about the RP´s pace, then I apologize and assure you that we´ll try our best to make it better.

But, the issue is not that. I realize you didn´t change your tone, so this is a last warning. It would be a real shame to lose a great character like Morris, so I suggest you change your approach when making a complaint. Also, this is not just about me: I´ve seen some acid comments against other players earlier on, so I don´t think I´m over reacting at all.

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I am not trying to file a sodding complaint here, I am just mad about the way this has been going. It s not "taking shots", I am really actually angry with some people here. If you want to kick me from the RP, do as you wish. So far it has done little else but aggravate me, not with the content, but with the execution.

Edited by SithBaker
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Very well then. I´m sorry to hear that but I think being angry over small stuff does not give you the right to be disrespectful with people around you, not here, and not anywhere in real life.

Therefore, player SithBaker is out of the RP. I´ll take care of killing off the character Morris soon.

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To answer Notus' question, the Bungee cord isn't "standard" equipment, but Edward brought it because he expected to do some repelling at some point (and not expecting superpowers). Bungee cords, due to their insane strength, are used in rock climbing as well as bungee jumping.

Edited by Eagleby18
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Ok Eagle, thanks for the explanation! ^_^

And just to explain the reasoning I'm following in the duel: Quincy is pretty much superior to Mr. Taylor physically, and he is a expert marksman too, so in a fair duel it would be a easy win. However, I'm considering Mr. Taylor's time control, and that's why I left some room for reaction.

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