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Holy hell, this reminds me of KotH and Absol's random explosions. Luckily I have an idea to dimish the damage. Also, I'll consider it a strong explosion, but not a literal nuke, as it would be a bit OP even for a last resort move/cost.

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So, does the field thing stop it or slow it down at all?

The Negation Field lasts for Twenty minutes from the time Ethic puts it up, and keeps going even if he's dies, Soldier.

The only other ways for it to be taken down is for Notus to step in and interfere or for The Usurper (Maxwell) to come along and try to pull something (and the latter of those definitely aren't going to happen here... or likely ever.)

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Oh...sorry bout that, Soldier, I misread the question.

The Negation field completely nullifies everyone's power, regardless of what it is. In other words, they're reverted back to the state they were in before Entering the hill. so Taylor can't use his Time manipulation inside the field, Rose can't use her Words of Power, Ethic can't use any of the Arcane Links, and Marcus's superhuman strength and speed have temporarily been reverted back to normal levels.

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Yes then, Soldier. Technically the Explosion was generated purely by Kenny's power and nothing else, Ergo, everyone still inside of the Arena/ Field would've been safe because the force would've been completely nullified upon contact with the perimeter.

EDIT: also, Captain Notus, I'm confused by the situation right now with the fall out from the blast. So what, has panic taken most of the force? is anyone other than kenny himself dead? how bad is the damage exactly? Would it have even reached Rose and Taylor and Ethic at all?

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Ok status now is: Panik shielded you guys from most damage (except Ed since Eagle already described the impact on him) and is very wounded as a result. Dead characters for now are Kenny and Ellaria, the latter already out of the Third Circle after being kidnapped by Quincy. The players closer to Kenny will probably be hit by a shock wave or something, but nothing really dangerous. Annie's PC can also be considered out of the Circle unless she decides against it. Marcus, if I read it right, has retreated back to the corridor were you fought the Turtle guy.

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I should probably post something... I feel like I'm fading away...

Or we could assume Phantom already went into the next circle. Whatever's better.

Well, considering Ethic just described the scene as everyone being gone except himself, Panik, and Enya, I think that's the best option.

Same could be said for Ixidor.

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