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The Story for Under the hill is broken into chapters but instead of chapters we use Circles let me see if i can get the link for it. Ill just stuff it in this post


Thats the current Circle while it would help if you read the ones before hand reading this one will catch you up to date.

Edited by Rielly987
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The Story for Under the hill is broken into chapters but instead of chapters we use Circles let me see if i can get the link for it. Ill just stuff it in this post


Thats the current Circle while it would help if you read the ones before hand reading this one will catch you up to date.

Thank you, but I'm going to be honest. I don't think I'm going to read every page of the past three Circles. I tried reading the first Circle 'Judgement', but at half way reading each post, I just decided to skim through it and when I reached the bottom of the page I saw it was 26 pages long. I hope I don't sound lazy, but if each Circle is that long, I don't want to read every single post on all twenty-six pages. Let alone all three previous Circles. I would greatly appreciate if some one could summarize what happened in the previous Circles or summarize each Circle.

Edited by ApatheticPanda
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There's no need to read everything before going in. You should try to read the current (4th) circle before starting, but you can read the rest in the long run. Basically each chapter (circle) is about a sin following the order from Dante's Inferno. On C.1 the characters were condemned to a circle and sent to a journey to the bottom of Hell in order to break free from there, and the first to get there gains a wish. C.2 was about lust, C.3 Gluttony and now C.4 is Greed.

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...You forget about my PC, and how attached she is to Enya as a sister. You're going to have to tag along for the journey on this one, because IC Rose is already upset enough about losing Ellaria to even consider losing Enya too

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Deathbattle anyone? No? not yet? okay im just gonna sit and bide my time... honestly though if you look at the "teams" its truly ridiculous

Bank has

Alleyway has
Robin Hood?
Bonnie and Clyde
French Guy


Did i miss anyone?
But honestly this is gonna be bloody. No not a bloody hell just bloody :P

Edited by Rielly987
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You forgot the psychopathic rat (Quincy, for those who haven't met him yet) and Ellaria... Though, tbh, they're on a team (Ellaria quite unwillingly) all their own, no affiliations with anyone

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This is a Team Deathmatch + Rescue mission all at once isn't it? XD Though for the time being there don't seem to be much PvP situations.

Oh yeah, you guys'd have to consider... how long do you have until Enya is completely gone and she is only Legion masquerading as a mere teddy bear named Ace, and can you even save her...?

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Kenny is likely to be "On his own side", or in Layman's Terms, leave to search for the Pathway on his own. This is because he doesn't take all that kindly to people pointing guns at him and demanding he work for them, the only reason he's dealing with Gestas at all being the proposition given. However, if things escalate too far, he's likely to leave the Bank completely.

Edited by K_H
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It's when Smaug Flamed Kenny that he Lost It. Any further Bad Incidents with Bank Staff (Other than Gestas), and Kenny will most likely be leaving the Bank. Through a Window. Even if Gestas tries to stop him.

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Deathbattle anyone? No? not yet? okay im just gonna sit and bide my time... honestly though if you look at the "teams" its truly ridiculous

Bank has











Alleyway has

Robin Hood?

Bonnie and Clyde

French Guy






Did i miss anyone?

and then we have Panda's Character whos a boon to whatever team he's on. But honestly this is gonna be bloody. No not a bloody hell just bloody :P

From what I read Alleyway seems a bit 'stealy' to me. Bank is defending, right?

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Deathbattle anyone? No? not yet? okay im just gonna sit and bide my time... honestly though if you look at the "teams" its truly ridiculous

Bank has











Alleyway has

Robin Hood?

Bonnie and Clyde

French Guy






Did i miss anyone?

and then we have Panda's Character whos a boon to whatever team he's on. But honestly this is gonna be bloody. No not a bloody hell just bloody :P

You forgot Phantom, but... while technically with the robbers, I don't know if he's really on anyone's team.

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ever fought on a level playing field where no one has powers...?

Notus, just out of curiosity, doe either Team have Firearms at their disposal (I mean like, the actual forces we're being made to work for, so do the actual people running the Bank have armed guards down there?)

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